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Said on Is Staff of …...


Temple Bell is a bad card. There are reasons to play bad cards and playing a bad card (with a good reason) doesn't make you a bad player, especially in EDH. Most of the cards in my Jodah, the Unifier deck are bad, but they are cheap legendary creatures. So they just turn into insanely large beaters, which is what the deck wants to do. Shrieking Drake is an objectively bad card. It is a Flying Men with downside. But that doesn't stop it from being played in a cEDH deck.

July 25, 2024 5:49 p.m.

I'm sorry, it is unclear what you are saying. Are you trying to contradict wallisface and myself or are you providing further support to what we said?

July 23, 2024 10:28 p.m.

Pinkie Pie doesn't say she grants any creature types, so she doesn't grant any creature types. What she does is make each creature you control count toward abilities like Ardent Electromancer adding mana and makes you have a full party at all times for abilities like Nimble Trapfinder's second ability.

July 21, 2024 5:50 p.m.

If you have another land enter (in the same main phase since Moraug doesn't create a main phase) you will get another combat. The answer to "how many" is hard to give an exact number for because the upper bound is pretty ridiculous. So just "as many as you can get Moraug triggers".

(It is over 210. I just counted up all of the cards that allow you to play additional lands, plus a small number of land searches that showed up with the search "additional land" and there were 35. With each land drop being a fetch that is 70 lands ETB. With Ancient Greenwarden that is 140 triggers. Then Scapeshift-ing away the 35 lands gets you 70 more triggers.)

July 17, 2024 10:28 p.m.

Said on When does an …...


When the effect is applied (usually upon resolution).

608.2h If an effect requires information from the game (such as the number of creatures on the battlefield), the answer is determined only once, when the effect is applied. If the effect requires information from a specific object, including the source of the ability itself, the effect uses the current information of that object if it’s in the public zone it was expected to be in; if it’s no longer in that zone, or if the effect has moved it from a public zone to a hidden zone, the effect uses the object’s last known information. See rule 113.7a. If an ability states that an object does something, it’s the object as it exists—or as it most recently existed—that does it, not the ability.

July 12, 2024 11:20 p.m.

Abilities that trigger when something resolves trigger after the spell/ability is done resolving. So Tom Bombadil will not trigger off of The Phasing of Zhalfir, but will trigger off of an Elspeth Conquers Death that returns Tom as its third chapter ability.

608.2n Once all possible steps described in 608.2c–m are completed, any abilities that trigger when that spell or ability resolves trigger.

July 12, 2024 5:45 p.m.

wallisface It isn't so much this specific product as it is the pattern of them introducing a product and then discontinuing it just to release a new different product. In the last 5 years we have gone from a single booster product to this being the seventh booster product with three of them being discontinued already. They are just churning through different ways to sell people the least value of cards for the highest price while dismissing any criticism with the exact phrase you used "If it’s not a product for you just ignore it".

Apparently no product is for me, so maybe I should just ignore the game. When building decks I of course buy singles. When I first got into magic 11 years ago there were far fewer releases each year, and somehow despite me having much more limited finances there were more products that were "for me" and I would spend a little bit on engaging with stuff like Conspiracy or the C13 decks. Now it feels like it is just a race to get as much product out the door in as many different ways as possible and to force non-rotating formats to "rotate" so that someone has to buy the product. Even if it isn't you or me buying sealed product, someone has to or else the secondary market prices on cards are going to be such that it becomes more economical to crack packs for the singles than buying on the secondary.

And a product aimed specifically at big box stores to get people to impulse buy has a whole host of other problems.

July 12, 2024 12:13 a.m.

Really WotC? Really? I'm a very heavily entrenched player, but you are making me want to stop playing.

July 11, 2024 7:20 p.m.
July 10, 2024 9:26 p.m.

The wording "state-based effect" was changed to "state-based action" in 2009 with the M10 rules change at the same time that mana burn and damage on the stack were removed. It looks like Rhadamanthus has answered the question but I would like to provide rules references and some clarification on the intricacies of why this interaction works like it does.

CR 704.6d is optional to move the commander to the command zone. The SBA will only applied once each time a commander changes zones though since it says "that object was put into that zone since the last time state-based actions were checked". Since the commander goes to exile or the graveyard first if the effect that killed/exiled it tracks the card through a zone change (like Oblivion Ring or Champion does) it will see it in the graveyard/exile. If it then changes zones into the command zone the effect will lose track of it and not be able to act upon it. If you leave it in the graveyard/exile the effect will still be able to act upon it.

704.6. Some variant games include additional state-based actions that aren’t normally applicable:

704.6d In a Commander game, if a commander is in a graveyard or in exile and that object was put into that zone since the last time state-based actions were checked, its owner may put it into the command zone. See rule 903, “Commander.”

July 9, 2024 8:08 p.m.

I just thought about this right after I posted it, and my rationale is wrong despite all of the answer parts being correct. With the current implementation of sending a commander to the command zone as a SBA after it was exiled, you are fully paying the "cost" associated with the trigger and the last clause of 118.12 doesn't need to apply.

July 7, 2024 8:10 p.m.

Wren's Run Packmaster will not have to be sacrificed. This type of triggered ability only checks to see if you chose to take the action, not the actual results of the action. If you do decide to put Rhys into the command zone he will not return to the battlefield when Wren's Run Packmaster leaves the battlefield.

118.12. Some spells, activated abilities, and triggered abilities read, “[Do something]. If [a player] [does, doesn’t, or can’t], [effect].” Or “[A player] may [do something]. If [that player] [does, doesn’t, or can’t], [effect].” The action [do something] is a cost, paid when the spell or ability resolves. The “If [a player] [does, doesn’t, or can’t]” clause checks whether the player chose to pay an optional cost or started to pay a mandatory cost, regardless of what events actually occurred.

July 7, 2024 8:09 p.m.

MTG Decks

Crusaders of the Lost Tokens

Casual Gidgetimer


48 Card Belcher

Legacy Gidgetimer


Twisted Image Combo

Casual Gidgetimer


Oloro's Alternate Wincons

Commander / EDH Gidgetimer


The "A" Team (Tayam Rube Goldberg Combo)

Commander / EDH Gidgetimer


Arcum's Even More Budget Asylum

Commander / EDH* Gidgetimer

SCORE: 5 | 200 VIEWS

Private Poland (Budget RW Hero)

Standard Gidgetimer



cube chart

Conspiracy Plus Cube *P*

Gidgetimer — 9 years ago


Finished Decks 47
Prototype Decks 22
Drafts 0
Playing since Dragon's Maze
Avg. deck rating 6.62
T/O Rank 15
Helper Rank 36
Cards suggested / good suggestions 170 / 129
Joined 11 years