Ice-Fang Coatl

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ice-Fang Coatl

Snow Creature — Snake



When Ice-Fang Coatl enters the battlefield, draw a card.

Ice-Fang Coatl has deathtouch as long as you control at least three other snow permanents.

enrico81 on Volothamp Geddarm - Volo EDH

1 week ago

Hi Hybrow, very nice deck! I've done a similar one if you want to check it The taxonomy of Volo. Did you consided Sporocyst and Consecrated Sphinx? Maybe I will replace the snake slot of my Lotus Cobra with your choice of Ice-Fang Coatlfoil.

capwner on Snowbrawling ((MODERN // Competitive Sultai Snow))

6 months ago

legendofa The manabase generally feels pretty good, sometimes I am unhappy to see a tap land as it can effectively mean losing a turn, but the main concerns I've found are color fixing and maintaining snow perm count, where falling short could mean losing out on several plays or interactions. I cut a Scrying Sheets because of this, might cut Mouth of Ronom too but I like being able to toolbox with Into the North a bit. It was hard for me to add the Breeding Pool+Watery Grave because of snow count but I think it's necessary to be able to find untapped colors with Lorien. It would be nice to run 4 Lorien but the list was getting tight and I wanted to keep at least 3 ofs for some key sideboard cards. The deck does have a lot of 4 drops but 4 of those are Subtlety which is a flexible card and I think a real necessity in this meta. The deck feels like it curves pretty well, you are likely to have at least a couple 1 and 2 drops and the ability to either Blizzard Brawl or Dead of Winter or Subtlety or flash Ice-Fang Coatl to stall the board until your big 4 drops can hit. Or Force of Negation/Subtlety/Commandeer vs THOSE decks. Turn 2 Into the North feels really good, curves into 5/5 Treefolk or Coatl/Brawl with no land drop. I wish it was snow then I would run more. I think in a lot of matchups it ultimately comes down to who can out attrition the other, and the snow scry mechanic REALLY helps with that. Vs Yawgmoth I can aggro/tempo them out with Treefolk and Subtlety, vs Murktide I'm running them out of removal, clearing with Dead of Winter and when the game is stalled Avalanche Caller or a 7/7 Treefolk ends it. I haven't had a Rhinos match come up yet but the plan is to simply outmatch and outcontrol their board with Treefolk + killing/commandeering the rhinos. I'll likely update the description with some more specific matchup and card selection info over the next couple weeks! Thanks for the feed

wallisface on Blinking Cowards

9 months ago

Some thoughts:

wallisface on Rampaging Hydras & Elves Deck

10 months ago

This us the kindof list i’d end up building (again, Green-Blue, but it’d be super-easy to make this mono-green)

Tic12 on Tale of Doggo and Birb [UPDATE v5]

10 months ago

I Love the story behind the deck and the choices you made for theme reasons. Must be really fun for you to play the deck.

Have you considered Cold-Eyed Selkie. It seems to be a better draw option than Ice-Fang Coatl and since you just play 11 other snow permanents, the deathtouch isn't that sure.

legendofa on My cognitive dissonance around multicolor …

1 year ago

wallisface Green is super-anti-flying, but cards with flying and a green ability keep being printed. Why is red first strike + green deathtouch a bend? As far as deathstrike goes, first strike is tertiary in black and a non-ability in green, and this only appears on Glissa, the Traitor and Glissa Sunslayer.

Daveslab2022 Would you consider cards like Recoil, Lightning Helix, the guild charms like Selesnya Charm, or Putrefy bad design, boring, or unintuitive? I understand that + =/= . I'm wondering why that's the case.

I completely understand that there's an active effort to prevent color pairs from feeling too samey, and in interest of completion, I feel obligated to say that Voracious Cobra exists. But I still have some questions.

Is there an absolute prohibition on red-green deathstrike? If so, what distinguishes red-green deathstrike from black-green flying/vigilance?

Is there simply too much overlap between 's dedicated removal and deathstrike?

With Ambush Viper, Ice-Fang Coatl, Winged Coatl, and Fleetfeather Cockatrice, is instant-speed creature spot removal more acceptable in than in ?

What makes Golgari Death Swarm a better creative choice than Warrant / Warden, and why did that get printed if it's an inferior choice?

Is there any potential for a card like Warp World or The Great Aurora to be made in ? Why or why not?

wallisface on Simic Death-touch/hexproof

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • both Winter Orb and Propaganda are not modern legal, so you’ll need to remove both of these.

  • Ice-Fang Coatl fits your theme well here.

  • i think your mana curve goes too high. All your lower-mana cards look like they want to close out the game quickly, and i don’t think any of the things you’re running in the 4-5 mana slots help with that. Your deck currently lookslike its trying to be both an aggro deck as well as a prison/control deck. I’d suggest picking a lane instead of trying to do both of these things.

multimedia on Muldrotha Snow: The Frozen Forest

1 year ago

Hey, well done with such a low budget, The Undead Forest is a cool deck name. Interesting deck idea for your first Commander deck with Muldrotha, but why snow? Weathered Runestone completely shuts down Muldrotha.

Marit Lage's Slumber, Jorn, God of Winter  Flip, Priest of the Haunted Edge, Blood on the Snow, Ice-Fang Coatl these are some reasons to play snow with Muldrotha. Iceberg Cancrix can repeatable self-mill and that's a good effect with Muldrotha. Pilfering Hawk can be repeatable loot which gets cards into your graveyard. Unfortunately, this isn't many cards.

Draugr Necromancer is a good card with snow, but it doesn't have much interaction with Muldrotha. Dead of Winter is another good card with snow, but Muldrotha is not a snow creature. Narfi, Betrayer King is fine, able to reanimate itself with snow, but he's support for snow not really a reason to play snow.

Some advice to consider is to play nonsnow cards that can put snow-covered permanents (lands) onto the battlefield to meet the snow requirement for snow cards without playing lots of unnecessary snow creatures. The best way to get snow permanents is with snow-covered lands. You really don't need lots of other subpar snow creatures here.

All these creatures could be cut to improve your deck.

Instead of playing lots of lesser snow creatures, play just the better snow creatures here?

Use other deck slots for cards that can search for and get snow-covered lands onto the battlefield?

Consider adding some spells that are not permanents that can search for and put snow-covered lands onto the battlefield?

Cards that can get snow-covered lands into your hand as well as get cards into your graveyard can be helpful with Muldrotha.

Could also add some snow mana rocks and mana dorks?

Land ramp for snow-covered lands and mana from mana rocks is more ramp which also helps to cast 6 mana Muldrotha as well as having more mana to cast permanents from your graveyard when you control Muldrotha.

Example of a budget more refined creature base with snow.

Good luck with your deck.

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