Journey to Nowhere

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Journey to Nowhere


When Journey to Nowhere enters the battlefield, exile target creature.

When Journey to Nowhere leaves the battlefield, return the exiled card to the battlefield under its owner's control.

Dabsolux on Pauper and PDH combos

1 month ago

I would like to create a list of all Pauper and PDH deck combos. Most of them are created by NateDiggity7 (Moxfield) and PenguinPete (MTG Salvation). Here some:

BG - Golgari

BR - Rakdos

C - Colorless

G - Green

RG - Gruul

UBG - Sultai

UB - Dimir

UG - Simic

URG - Temur

U - Blue

WB - Orzhov

WG - Selesnya

WR - Boros

WUB - Esper

WU - Azorius


BR - Rakdos

BG - Golgari

U - Blue

UR - Izzet

G - Green

UG - Simic

W - White

WG - Selesnya

kamarupa on

5 months ago

Like wallisface said, this looks very susceptible to removal spells. 3x Loran's Escape is probably not sufficient. Invisible Stalker is a great creature for a deck such as this. If you can find creatures that have built in durability/protection, those tend to be favored in aura decks like this. To that end, if not creatures, there are def auras that can help give your creatures more staying power - Hyena Umbra being high on that list.

I don't think All That Glitters is worth it. It's half an Ethereal Armor at double the MV.

1xHall of Heliod's Generosity seems pretty valuable here. I also think 4 more dual lands would help, especially given how many spells you have that require either or WW or BB to cast. (something many people try to avoid in non-monocolored decks) And personally, when I play with black, I usually include 1xBojuka Bog and often 1xCastle Locthwain.

I also suggest limiting instants like Fracture to the sideboard as much as possible. You want/need as many enchantments down as possible. Use spells like On Thin Ice as much as you can. Classics like Journey to Nowhere and Oblivion Ring aren't the lowest MV or as fast as instants, but the bump to the enchantments that care is worth it.

The thing I really like about Kor Spiritdancer is the draw card. Almost every deck needs a way to draw extra cards, and repeatable effects are among the most powerful. That also makes your 'dancer even more of a target. It may well be easier to use different creatures and add a draw card spell than it is to protect and draw cards from your 'dancer. It's a tantalizing, but difficult creature to successfully build around.

When it comes to the sideboard, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me to include spells duplicate mainboard spells. IE, Fatal Push isn't doing anything Path to Exile doesn't already do well. Kaya's Guile, on the other hand, using the sacrifice mechanic, does do something Path doesn't - it get's around hexproof AND indestructible. You might find Extirpate useful. Fracture should be in the sideboard. That eliminates the need for Mortify.

K4nkato on Journey to Nowhere and The …

1 year ago

If my opponent flips The Modern Age  Flip and I exile the creature with Journey to Nowhere, then Journey to Nowhere leaves the battlefield, does The Modern Age  Flip come back as an enchantment or an enchantment creature?

fastzero on Angel's Exalted (Pauper Angel Tribal)

1 year ago

Journey to Nowhere and Unmake are some of the best removals

Kor Skyfisher is probably the best white pauper creature. i know its not an angel, but have a great synergy with Inspiring Overseer

Spell_Slam on Four Color Infect Gates

1 year ago

I like the idea! It looks slow; way too slow, even for midrange.

I think the biggest issue is that your mana base is mostly made up of tap lands. I think you could easily get rid of Heap Gate and Citadel Gate for a couple more basics.

Riffing off the idea of Augur and Ephemerate, I think your deck could really take advantage of Coiling Oracle. It will baseline draw you a card, but will also let you play multiple gates a turn to negate the tapland disadvantage. I think you could easily swap out Augurs for those. I guess you could also think about cards like Growth Spiral or Explore.

Since you are playing mostly evasive infect creatures and Apostle's Blessing and removal, I don't think you need Rancor in your deck.

Keep in mind that Utopia Sprawl only enchants forests, which could occasionally be a problem. Maybe a full playset of Oracles would be better, since you have great fixing already with your tap lands.

I find you are going pretty deep into black, which can make things awkward with your gate colour choices. Have you thought about playing White removal instead? Maybe Journey to Nowhere could be good over Cast Down? Maybe Sunlance over disfigure to kill even Festival Crasher?

TheOfficialCreator on Heliods army

1 year ago


Aegis Angel is a good card, don't get me wrong, but currently given the low number of Angels in the deck as a whole and with no Angel tribal, it might be worth looking into Avacyn, Angel of Hope or, some more budget options, Indestructibility, Gift of Immortality, Kindred Boon, Shielded by Faith, Spirit Bonds, or Timely Ward. All of these grant a single creature indestructible for a lower cost, albeit they are not attached to a big flier.

Nothing for Ajani's Pridemate. It's just a good card. If you're interested in other similar cards, Light of Promise, Archangel of Thune, Gideon's Company, Cleric Class, Heliod, Sun-Crowned, Cradle of Vitality, Celestial Unicorn, and Nykthos Paragon are some good ones.

Archetype of Courage seems a bit weak to me personally. Enchantment creature cards with the same mana value that are white and better for your deck (at least from my POV) include Eidolon of Countless Battles and Heliod, Sun-Crowned.

Banisher Priest is good.

Blinding Souleater could easily be replaced by Law-Rune Enforcer, or, if you'd prefer an artifact creature, Burnished Hart is just better in general.

Captain of the Watch and Cataclysmic Gearhulk are both good cards, though the latter doesn't seem to work too awfully well with your deck. I would consider putting in another destroy boardwipe such as Wrath of God or Fumigate.

Chardalyn Dragon is pretty bad, even for an artifact flier. Other fliers with the same mana value include Adarkar Valkyrie, Admonition Angel, Ancestor Dragon, Angelic Skirmisher, Archon of Coronation, Aven Brigadier, Empyrial Storm, et cetera... white is ton of amazing fliers! Put 'em to good use! XD If you specifically want an artifact creature to replace it, Wurmcoil Engine is a good one.

Consul's Shieldguard... see the Aegis Angel comments.

Court Street Denizen... see the Blinding Souleater comments, though this one is better so it's definitely worth keeping around if you want.

Drillworks Mole is a cool card. Basri Ket, Felidar Retreat, and Cathars' Crusade are good too.

Eldrazi Devastator is actually a card I used to run in my decks as a finisher. I would recommend something like Finale of Glory as an alternative that you can really sink your mana into.

Felidar Cub is nice, but War Priest of Thune is strictly better.

Glint-Sleeve Artisan is interesting, and I see how it plays into a bit of your artifact synergies, but if you want that, just use an artifact creature like Adaptive Automaton, Cloudsteel Kirin, or Etched Champion.

Heliod's Pilgrim has a good effect and it's flavorful, just keep in mind you only have two Auras in the deck.

Inspiring Overseer and Knight of the White Orchid are good.

Kozilek's Channeler is a decent card, but given you like small creatures I'm not sure that paying extra for a big body is a great benefit. Worn Powerstone, Thran Dynamo, Arcane Signet, and if you want to splurge Pearl Medallion are all good ramp in white.

Lagonna-Band Elder can be replaced by one of the cards I told you about in my previous comment.

From there, all your cards are great until Soulmender, which again can be replaced by one of the cards in my previous comment, or even Fountain of Renewal. Same with Stone Haven Medic and Sungrace Pegasus.

Toolcraft Exemplar is a really cool card that I have NEVER seen before. If it's working well for you, you should try out Serra Ascendant as well. It runs in a similar vein.

Welcoming Vampire is good too.

Celestial Flare could be replaced by Silence.

Dauntless Onslaught could be replaced by Charge, Bastion Protector, Benalish Marshal, Ethereal Guidance, Glorious Anthem, Guardians' Pledge, or Path of Bravery.

Divine Verdict could just be replaced by plain removal, like Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Journey to Nowhere, Cast Out, Conclave Tribunal, or Oblivion Ring.

Feat of Resistance is nice.

Gideon's Reproach - see Divine Verdict's feedback.

Gods Willing is good.

Kill Shot - see Divine Verdict's feedback. Actually, for the rest of these cards see that and Dauntless Onslaught's feedback.

Aligned Hedron Network is good.

Cloak of the Bat and Hero's Blade - see Dauntless Onslaught's feedback, but also Commander's Plate.

Spidersilk Net doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you want another 0-mana artifact, look no further than Mishra's Bauble.

Font of Vigor - see previous comment

Siegecraft - Eldrazi Conscription is one of the best auras in the game, but Battle Mastery is nice too

Not Forgotten - Rest in Peace, Ashnod's Altar

Sunlance - any other removal that I've mentioned

Also consider Sphere of Safety.

I hope all this helps! ^^" it took a bit to write up but I think it'll help introduce you to some staples and ways about thinking about deckbuilding and power level. I sent you a friend request so that we can keep in touch and so that I can see and help you with your future decks!

Orange+ on Punching in Pillow Fights

2 years ago

Hi, H-E-N-R-Y

Cool deck you've got going here :)

I have made a Sythis deck myself, but to be honest, Im not completely into what people usually play with Sythis. I could however provide some initial thoughts I have based on your decklist.

First of I would recommend that you structure your deck with categories. I know a lot of people on tappedout doesnt use them, but they are very useful when building decks or providing feedback.

You play a lot of lands that enter the battlefield tapped, but as a two color deck containing green, Im not sure if you need to. Some of them might be handy, like Path of Ancestry and Temple of Plenty which gives scry. But I dont think you need the rest, and could swap them out with lands that dont enter tapped (like just basics). The lands are: Arctic Treeline, Blossoming Sands, Graypelt Refuge, Path of Ancestry, Scattered Groves, Selesnya Guildgate, Selesnya Sanctuary, Temple of Plenty, Thriving Grove, Vivid Grove, and Vivid Meadow

I've tried to play Crystal Chimes myself, and didnt like it that much. If I were you, I would probably take out both the chimes and the Cloud Key. They seem slow. Cards like the chimes and Resurgent Belief are very telegraphed, meaning your opponents will know what you can do before you do them, this is often quite a disadvantage.

Otherwise I think your composition is pretty nice with lots of good cards. But it might get better if you cut some of the larger mana cost cards. If you get to draw a lot from your commander, you might as well play a lot of cards. And if that is the case, mana is what is holding you back. I think cards like Celestial Mantle, Eldrazi Conscription, Epic Proportions, Gigantiform, Indrik Umbra, Martyr's Bond, and Prodigious Growth are a bit too mana expensive. (However, if you treat some of these as wincon, you should keep those)

As I mentioned, Im not quite sure what is common to play with Sythis, but as you have many spells with mana cost 3 or less, you could try Sun Titan. Otherwise, enchantment recursion is really nice in these kinds of decks (against bordwipes and such). Cards like Replenish, Retether, and Brilliant Restoration.

Finally, as mentioned by others commenters, I think removal is really important. I think Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are natural fits, but if you want play more enchatments, you could also try Journey to Nowhere, Borrowed Time, or Oblivion Ring. My deck Riders on the Storm has a removal category if you want to take another look.

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