Axebane Guardian

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Axebane Guardian

Creature — Human Druid

Defender {T}: Add X mana in any combination of colors to your mana pool, where X is the number of creatures with defender you control.

Joker4242 on Aldaan

3 months ago

Here are a few defender cards I thought of later on, in case you are interested. I would be interested to see you put the deck together. If you put it together on this website you can test it out!

Overgrown Battlement
Axebane Guardian
Vent Sentinel
Blight Pile
Also, just some cards to help you from removal because that will be how your opponent's will try to get past your defenses.
Make a Stand
Blinding Fog
Dovin's Veto
Render Silent
Best removal for Defender cards
Slaughter the Strong

zegmoth on des MURS et des PORTES

4 months ago

Coucou, j'ai pas m'empêcher d'aller voir et a ma grande suprise j'ai pas trouvé d' Overgrown Battlement ou d' Axebane Guardian

J'ai vu que t'as d'autres trucs pour ramper donc si ça se trouve c'est volontaire ;)

Angel_Zero on Not sure yett

7 months ago

have you considered Axebane Guardian / Wall of Roots / Coral Colony ?

keizerbuns on Prepare to get WALLoped

1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestions kamarupa!

I did actually consider Orator of Ojutai over Wall of Omens, but I figured the guaranteed extra card was better than having a flyer. However, given how often I tend to have Arcades, the Strategist in play or at least in my hand, it's worth at least adding him into the sideboard. Speaking of sideboards, Slaughter the Strong is definitely going in there too!

I also considered running Eladamri's Call but decided it was a little too expensive to run and I didn't really want to take out anything to replace it with.

I'm still on the fence about whether I want to add Wall of Denial or not. It is a really good card with amazing stats, but I wanted to keep every creature in the deck 2 CMC and under, except for Arcades and Axebane Guardian because of how vital they are to the deck. But maybe I'll add Wall of Denial in the future after some more real world playtesting.

Thanks again, I really appreciate it!

legendofa on Defending budget commander deck

1 year ago

How do you feel about infinite combos? With a way to untap a creature for only a mana payment, like Sword of the Paruns, Freed from the Real, or Pemmin's Aura, Axebane Guardian and Overgrown Battlement can produce all the mana you will ever need. At minimum, Assault Formation (which could also fit in here) gives all your creatures effectively infinite power and toughness for a turn.

RNR_Gaming on Arcades Advice

2 years ago

Walls that replace themselves like Wall of Blossoms and Wall of Omens. Walls that have a good rate Wall of Denial. Walls/defenders that produce positive mana like Axebane Guardian and Overgrown Battlement - these combo with things like Freed from the Real if you have a filter and you can become a wall ball deck. Lastly, cards like Rolling Stones and Assault Formation because you don't want to just lean on your commander for everything.

Jopling on The Watchers on the Wall (Bant Defenders)

2 years ago


Prismatic Ending certainly seems better than O-Ring, I will get a couple of copies instead!

Lightning Greaves I use for Shroud on Axebane Guardian. Usually when my opponents realise what's happening, they focus fire their removal. The haste is a nice addition to be able to tap for mana too. With this deck in particular, I've got so much use out of it.

As for Arcades, the Strategist, I've been getting by okay with just two, but may put in a third copy, just unsure what to drop to fit another copy in.

DawnsRayofLight on Eldrazi Tribal/Tron (Help is Appreciated)

2 years ago

@lalalalala: The issue with the scion card is that it is too slow. If you want to avoid using Tron lands (which again, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND) at least consider running Overgrown Battlement, Axebane Guardian, Sylvan Caryatid, or other mana walls. I use them in my U/G Tron list to keep it more consistent and I run Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and can get it out relatively easily around turn 6-8. Modern is a rather fast paced format and you have to ramp fast to keep up with the aggro and midrange decks. The power of the smaller Eldrazi is in getting them out early and fast, the big ones: the earlier the better but they generally have enough shenanigans in them to make playing any of them and getting them to stick devastating.

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