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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Beast

(B/G), Remove a -1/-1 counter from a creature you control: Quillspike gets +3/+3 until end of turn.

Last_Laugh on Chroma Has One Advantage Over …

10 months ago

It was a fun mono green deck that also ran Devoted Druid and Quillspike for an infinitely big vanilla creature with no evasion. Cream of the Crop was my card selection. I honestly can't remember what all was in the deck but it was a lot of fun.

notjinzo on Sickness Deck

1 year ago

If you put a Devoted Druid in you have an infinite combo with Quillspike.

ColFrogfoot on Combo Gak

1 year ago

Trapdoorspyder Well if I really need black mana there are already cards like Birds of Paradise Elves of Deep Shadow or Skull Prophet that I can use with Ooze's ability. But yeah Channeler Initiate may be good to have another combo piece besides Quillspike

ColFrogfoot on Combo Gak

1 year ago

Trapdoorspyder Goes infinite because Quillspike's ability also gives it +3/+3 until end of turn. So naturally they net 0 mana but grow the Ooze by +3/+3 until end of turn. So when your Ooze is Infinite/Infinite size you can tap and untap it as many times as you want using only Devoted Druid's ability. It will get -1/-1 counters, but since its so big it won't die until the end of the turn. and naturally you will win before the end of the turn. This also makes it that if you have a draw equal to power ability you can choose how big you want to make the Ooze before using a card that will draw equal to power to draw the remainder of your deck.

But yea infinite mana because of the growth ability of Quillspike.

Trapdoorspyder on Combo Gak

1 year ago

Really cool deck! I like all of the differed lines of play that are available. I did have some questions though. How do Devoted Druid and Quillspike provide infinite mana when on Necrotic Ooze? I don't see where the extra mana each cycle comes from. I believe Channeler Initiate is one that actually provides infinite mana, although it doesn't allow weaving in Hermit Druid. Instead, I believe Syr Konrad could be used as he doesn't require tapping. He also allows for converting the mana combos into the self mill needed for winning the game. Of course, if it does work with quillspike then it would be redundant, but I don't see how it does.

wallisface on Don't Be Soo Negative

2 years ago

The only infinite combo i’m seeing here is infinite power with Quillspike and Devoted Druid… every other interaction looks like it’ll only be repeatable until you run out of mana.

I think if i were to suggest anything, it would be to lower your curve. You have almost nothing to do turn-1, and while you do have a lot of mana-dorks, your cards are super-weighted towards needing 3-mana, which is going to lead to some really slow starts

JacobAGrossman on Glittering Company

2 years ago

Finally made the changes I've wanted to for a long time. A Vizier of Remedies and a Devoted Druid are out. Only need one of each to get the combo going, and again, it's just an incidental one more than an actual focus of the deck. I noticed the cards are pretty terrible on their own, and aren't really worth it. Devoted is a mana dork that costs 2, which makes no sense in modern these days, and the Vizier is just useless without another combo piece.

The Renegade Rallier is out, too. The card advantage slot has been taken over by both Augur of Autumn and Dark Confidant, which, honestly, there's no excuse for not having already had in the deck.

Torens, Fist of the Angels has been an amazing addition. It has the creature pressure of Magus of the Bridge or Voice of Resurgence without the weaknesses. Also, the creatures he creates are green, for Chord of Calling, and can grow big as the game goes on.

Finally, Hexdrinker was the obvious and natural replacement for Quillspike. They basically do the same thing, just the hex is way better haha, for every reason.

Gidgetimer on Custom commander Sewer Slime

2 years ago

To address your general speed problem, you are running 33 lands and 6 ramp with an average CMC of 3.57. This is entirely too mana light in my opinion. In my Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons deck I also run 33 lands, but have 11 ramp and an average CMC of 3.10. The ramp that I run that isn't in here is: Birds of Paradise, Devoted Druid, Llanowar Elves, Golgari Signet, Three Visits, Nature's Lore, and Wild Growth. Farseek always puts the land in tapped, so I run Three Visits and Nature's Lore over it since they grab the same duals. I'm not sure why I don't have STE in my list, though it runs well enough that I am not looking for more ramp. Since your average CMC is higher you may want to go with 13 ramp and just keep the ones you have and add all 5 of the additions.

To help with having sac fodder you are going to want creatures that recur themselves. You already have Reassembling Skeleton, but undying and persist would also let you recycle creatures for multiple activations. Puppeteer Clique, Rendclaw Trow, Woodfall Primus, Young Wolf, Strangleroot Geist, Geralf's Messenger, and Butcher Ghoul are all fine includes in a deck that wants to kill off it's own creatures in some way. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed will also grant all of your non-human creatures undying.

Burst card draw can be achieved with the black cards for life sorceries (Night's Whisper, Sign in Blood, Read the Bones, Ancient Craving). You can sustain card draw with Smothering Abomination, Phyrexian Arena, Skullclamp and Necropotence.

I think you could do with a few more sacrifice outlets as well, so I would add Viscera Seer and Phyrexian Altar. Viscera Seer also provides card filtering.

The following topics will help improve the deck in terms of pure strength, but may not be how you or your playgroup is wanting to play magic. Everyone's idea of fun is different, so I am going to include the suggestions in case they are something that both you and your group find acceptable.

Above some cards were mentioned that have the possibility to combo with cards already in the deck or with each other. Each card however is good in its own right and does not have to be used in the combos. If you are willing to go combo with the deck I will further explain these and also add some other cards specifically for the purpose of combos.

Yawgmoth and two undying creatures create a loop where you sacrifice the undying creatures in order to put -1/-1 counters on each other. It costs a life per iteration, but would give you the death triggers for your commander and for Gutter Grime. Adding in Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat, or other similar effects gains you the life back and turns the loop into a win condition.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and any of the persist creatures allow for infinite sacrifice loops as the creature will come back with alternating +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters. Walking Ballista and Triskelion combo with Mikaeus and allow for infinite damage loops, in the case of Ballista you need a sacrifice outlet though. Things that enter with -1/-1 counters or that allow you to remove their +1/+1 counters for other reasons will also have similar interactions without the infinite damage.

With Devoted Druid you can add in Quillspike for shenanigans with infinite power Quillspike via tapping for green, untapping by putting a -1/-1 counter, adding power by paying green and removing the -1/-1 counter. This can be done with necrotic ooze as a 1-card combo if both pieces are in your graveyard. You can also get infinite death triggers by repeatedly killing Devoted Druid with Mikaeus out by activating the untap ability when she is not tapped.

Instead of card number advantage from drawing you could get card quality advantage from tutoring. In Golgari you have access to the best creature tutors and the best all around tutors available. Eldritch Evolution, Green Sun's Zenith, Worldly Tutor, and Finale of Devastation for creatures. Vampiric Tutor, Demonic Tutor, and Grim Tutor for all around.

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