Luminous Broodmoth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Luminous Broodmoth

Creature — Insect


Whenever a creature you control without flying dies, return it to the battlefield under its owner's control with a flying counter on it. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens cease to exist when they leave the battlefield.)

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

1 week ago

From Google; "The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool. It is an indicator of a major and inexorable change, of tectonic breadth."

The World Anew


Each player discards his or her hand, then draws that many cards. You add an amount of mana in any combination of colors equal to the number of lands discarded in this way. Then return target creature card from any player's graveyard to the battlefield tapped under your control.

I was quite sad that Mothra, Supersonic Queen was not Legendary.

Please make a Kaiju card for Mothra, and make her Legendary? Feel free to upgrade her out of mono-white. Great possibilities are Azorius, Bant and Naya. You could even go 4c as if you really wanted to. I'd simply stay away from , really.

Last_Laugh on Similar cards to Sigil of …

5 months ago

Scapegoat will get the job done. Bonus points for refilling your hand if a boardwipe you can't otherwise avoid happens.

Together Forever is an excellent option if you have a counter theme (Felidar Retreat, Anduril, Narsil Reforged, Archangel of Thune, Cathars' Crusade, Nykthos Paragon, Luminous Broodmoth, etc.)

Last_Laugh on ‘Tis But A Scratch

6 months ago

Court of Vantress will net you some draw while allowing you to copy some spicy targets like Roaming Throne on your own board and any Rhystic Studies, Sylvan Libraries, or other goodies of your opponents. Hopefully permanent copies but you may be susceptible to flyers taking the monarch.

On that note, Luminous Broodmoth would help with the flyers problem while making your board more resilient. It's not a knight but might be worth a try still.

Elenda and Azor is a knight with a nice mana sink for some card draw and knight token production.

Crow_Umbra on

6 months ago

A bit surprised you don't have Luminous Broodmoth in here, since 13th Doc cares about any counters on your creatures. Also surprised The Ozolith isn't in here.

I brewed up a Sovereign Okinec deck a few months ago, and that was all stuff I had in consideration for that deck.

Last_Laugh on Gonna Need A (Myrkul)

8 months ago

Luminous Broodmoth gives you an extra death before Myrkul exiles and it helps address this decks' apparent weakness to flyers.

Crow_Umbra on Where in the world is Carmen

8 months ago

I saw your forum post, and figured I'd leave my suggestions here:

  • Scapegoat - Can help with board protection for stuff you wouldn't want to die (mostly Carmen).

  • Bartolome del Presidio - Kind of like another Carrion Feeder. Helpful to have another free sac outlet that can also grow into a threat.

  • Plumb the Forbidden - Maybe can replace Village Rites or Corrupted Conviction. Excellent draw, especially when used in response to board wipes. One of my favorite uses was using it in response to a Living Death lol.

  • Fanatical Devotion - Another free sac outlet that can help you protect key creatures.

  • Curse of the Restless Dead - Could be another means of getting creature tokens to sac, even if you enchant yourself with it. I think this or Fanatical Devotion could replace Monologue Tax, which felt very underwhelming each time I played it.

  • Loran of the Third Path - Another helpful ETB removal with some upside for political draw.

  • Chittering Witch - ETB token creator with a bit of removal

  • Bronzebeak Foragers - More ETB removal that can be repeated with Carmen. Kind of like a Grasp of Fate on a stick.

  • Luminous Broodmoth - Helps recur your sacrificed creatures and turns them into more effective attackers/blockers, assuming they didn't already have flying.

  • Vito, Fanatic of Aclazotz - A value engine that cares about you sacrificing permanents.

  • Lich-Knights' Conquest - Could be a means of doing a "surgical" version of Living Death, and get back some of your ETB removal like Fleshbag Marauder and crew.

I think you have a solid start so far in terms of trying to balance out sac fodder creation and sac enablers. Every meta is different, but I think with how prevalent Treasures and similar types of tokens are now, Carmen should get some incidental growth from other players, but will definitely require some testing in your local metas to determine that. I think having a decent amount of Free Sac Outlets to let you control your own sacrificing at instant speed should be helpful too, especially if some of those effects can help you protect Carmen, or at least replenish resources if she is removed.

KibaAlpha on Teysa Karlov’s Double D's

10 months ago


I have considered both cards, numerous times actually. Luminous Broodmoth handcuffs me, forcing me to wait on sacrificing creatures until it’s on the field itself.

As for Oversold Cemetery I don’t have any real specific creature I’m concerned with returning from my graveyard. I’m more interested in mass creature revival, albeit short lived with Rally the Ancestors or Wake the Dead to be a knockout punch provided I have my board set up accordingly.

However, thank you for your interest and suggestions for the deck.

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