Kaya's Guile

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kaya's Guile


Choose two —

  • Each opponent sacrifices a creature.
  • Exile all cards from each opponent's graveyard.
  • Create a 1/1 white and black Spirit creature token with flying.
  • You gain 4 life.

Entwine (Choose all if you pay the entwine cost.)

wallisface on Orzhov Soul Sisters - MODERN

3 weeks ago

To get your deck to 60 cards, I would recommend Sorin of House Markov  Flip. It provides a lot of flexibility in as well as a dangerous threat.

Some other thoughts looking at your current list:

  • I know you say you already have a sideboard, but is there a reason it’s not listed here? Sideboards are as-important as the mainboard, so I would’ve thought you’d want feedback on both?

  • As has been already mentioned, your landbase is suboptimal. I would suggest not running more than 2-of each kind of basic. A playset of Concealed Courtyard would do wonders here.

  • both Kaya's Guile and March of Otherworldly Light feel more like niche sideboard options than valid mainboard tech. Their applications are both niche and matchup dependant, and they are both fairly mana-hungry compared to a lot of other interaction. I’d suggest running stuff like Fatal Push, Thoughtseize, or (if you can assemble the manabase to support them) Prismatic Ending and Leyline Binding.

  • I’m really not convinced by Walking Ballista here. Yes it is super-strong with Heliod, but you’re only running 2 of each and Ballista is practically a dead card whenever it’s not comboing off. Furthermore, the play-pattern for the Heliod/Ballista combo is often quite mana intensive (because you need to avoid Ballista sitting on the field long enough to get killed), and your land count is super-low.

kamarupa on

5 months ago

Like wallisface said, this looks very susceptible to removal spells. 3x Loran's Escape is probably not sufficient. Invisible Stalker is a great creature for a deck such as this. If you can find creatures that have built in durability/protection, those tend to be favored in aura decks like this. To that end, if not creatures, there are def auras that can help give your creatures more staying power - Hyena Umbra being high on that list.

I don't think All That Glitters is worth it. It's half an Ethereal Armor at double the MV.

1xHall of Heliod's Generosity seems pretty valuable here. I also think 4 more dual lands would help, especially given how many spells you have that require either or WW or BB to cast. (something many people try to avoid in non-monocolored decks) And personally, when I play with black, I usually include 1xBojuka Bog and often 1xCastle Locthwain.

I also suggest limiting instants like Fracture to the sideboard as much as possible. You want/need as many enchantments down as possible. Use spells like On Thin Ice as much as you can. Classics like Journey to Nowhere and Oblivion Ring aren't the lowest MV or as fast as instants, but the bump to the enchantments that care is worth it.

The thing I really like about Kor Spiritdancer is the draw card. Almost every deck needs a way to draw extra cards, and repeatable effects are among the most powerful. That also makes your 'dancer even more of a target. It may well be easier to use different creatures and add a draw card spell than it is to protect and draw cards from your 'dancer. It's a tantalizing, but difficult creature to successfully build around.

When it comes to the sideboard, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me to include spells duplicate mainboard spells. IE, Fatal Push isn't doing anything Path to Exile doesn't already do well. Kaya's Guile, on the other hand, using the sacrifice mechanic, does do something Path doesn't - it get's around hexproof AND indestructible. You might find Extirpate useful. Fracture should be in the sideboard. That eliminates the need for Mortify.

wallisface on Modern Vampire/lifelink

6 months ago

Specifically building around Sorin, I would suggest something like the following:

Lankhmar on For Honor and Glory!!!

2 years ago

Oh (bleep) you're right! LMAO. Like I said, I've been playing since Revised and have a LOT of decks. Always had a penchant for tribal knights (even though there have been/are better tribes for sure through the years). My Modern version does, in fact, run Giver of Runes. The Kor designation doesn't allow me to Cavern of Souls her in but I do run plenty of white sources. I'm sorry bud. 100% my bad. Sorry about that. I need to NOT drink my scotch and give advice. I just get soooooo excited when I see a solid knight tribal build I lose control.

I WILL post my ACTUAL MODERN legal version in the next few days. Giver of Runes is my only non-human or non knight creature in that deck. I run everything else human and/or knight in that deck-most are both. I announce my first Cavern of Souls as "knight" which prevents counter magic on all but the Giver of Runes and Noble Hierarch. Those both being (ideally) early drops-counter magic doesn't normally come into play.

My current, most regularly played, Modern deck is not knights (although I do play it still for a change of pace once in awhile but it's not my number one deck-hence my leading you astray). My current regular MODERN deck is as follows:

Deck: Greif Blade

Main: 4 Ephemerate 1 Poet's Quill 1 Batterskull 4 Giver of Runes 1 Sword of Fire and Ice 2 Plains 3 Godless Shrine 3 Concealed Courtyard 3 Skyclave Apparition 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 3 Tidehollow Sculler 2 Malakir Rebirth  Flip 2 Charming Prince 1 Kaldra Compleat 1 Silent Clearing 1 Shriekmaw 4 Grief 3 Feign Death 4 Marsh Flats 1 Lion Sash 1 Flooded Strand 3 Touch the Spirit Realm 1 Swamp 1 Castle Locthwain 2 Agadeem's Awakening  Flip 2 Solitude 4 Stoneforge Mystic 1 Verdant Catacombs

Sideboard: 2 Leyline of Sanctity 1 Shadowspear 2 Damn 1 Sword of Sinew and Steel 2 Damping Sphere 2 Sanctum Prelate 2 Kaya's Guile 2 Dauthi Voidwalker 1 Reduce to Memory

This is the list I run most frequently so it's the one I know best and have readily available to share. This is NOT a net-deck AFAIK. If there is an identical or similar list floating around in Cyberspace it's purely coincidental. This list was home brewed and is one of my favorites I've ever made through the years.

Symph0nyS0ldier on Esper Control

2 years ago

I can normally get UU turn 2 but it's not 100% and delay is just in a spot where it's the next best 2cmc counter I think. A suggestion for something else that isn't dependant on my opponent's yard like Drown in the Loch or Anticognition is something I'd for sure look into.

UR Murktide was about 1/3 of the decks last week. It's legit insane. I don't run Rest in Peace purely because of my snap package and instead rely on my other cards to handle it in conjunction with my snaps being able to support it by flashing back a Kaya's Guile if I need to.

Your point here on Murktide Regent vs Shark Typhoon makes sense. I'll for sure keep that in mind as it hasn't been long since I added both of them to the list but I for sure see why I'd run Sharknado instead. I'll see how it plays both ways since I do already have murktides but only one Sharknado so I'd have to borrow other copies to test.

Burn isn't a part of my meta that was just an example of why it's there as there are situations where thaT concept is applicable. It's really a card that I probably should get rid of and I agree but I'm not quite sure what to replace it with.

I'm working on making a top list and I have looked at both UW and WUB control lists while making and editing this list. I know it'll take some tuning and a couple revisions more than I've done to get it solidly where I want it though. How would you feel about some changes that look like this?
-2 Murktide Regent
-3 Delay
-2 Sunset Revelry
+1 Counterspell
+4 Rune Snag
+1 Shark Typhoon
+1 Dovin's Veto/Archmage's Charm

Symph0nyS0ldier on Esper Control

2 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure if you have it set to follow this thread or not but idk how to tag you as I can't read your name.

Delay + Teferi, Time Raveler = an easier to cast Counterspell. It's here because running 3 colour UU can be unreliable on turn 2 and 3 so it being easier to cast is the main reason for it's inclusion. Drown in the Loch isn't run because I play in a graveyard matters meta and maindeck 5 cards that attack the graveyard.

Prismatic Ending is a really good card I can't dispute that but being sorcery speed and only able to hit up to 3cmc makes it hit or miss. If my opponent lands their own Murktide Regent then the only card I run that could kill it if I take out would be Path to Exile or Kaya's Guile assuming no other creatures on board. 3cmc is a low bar to be the max when things like Omnath, Locus of Creation and Murktide Regent are common at my store. If I took out my Anguished Unmaking I'd probably put in Vindicate over Prismatic Ending.

Shark Typhoon has it's main advantage being instant speed and dodging counters. Murktide Regent can however come in as a 2 mana 8/8 making it much more mana efficient and it has a mana cost so March of Otherworldly Light and Prismatic Ending both miss against murktide.

Sunset Revelry is pretty weak but it's well costed and if you get all three it's really good. Tbh I want something else that's incidental life gain in it's place but wasn't sure what to use. Life gain in control is really nice because while for the most part my life's doesn't matter until it's 0, if I'm at 3 against a red deck I need to hold up mana for a counter until the game is over. This might get turned into something like Absorb instead.

This deck is still new and I'm working on figuring out what is best and what's not but as it is in it's current iteration those are the reasons for my card choices.

Symph0nyS0ldier on Esper Control

2 years ago

DeVerbalen I didn't know they were making shard triomes already I'll for sure slot one or two in.

I don't run Drown in the Loch because my playgroup is pretty graveyard matters and I main 3 Kaya's Guile and 2 Kaya, Orzhov Usurper and they make drown bad. It was in the deck for a while along with Anticognition though.

Delay becomes a hard counter with Teferi, Time Raveler without him I agree is okay at best in most situations.

I did mess with my removal suite a bit after some goldfishing and a couple games online. Murderous Rider was good but double black isn't easy to get quickly as I need to prioritize triple blue and black is the colour I have the least of by a large margin.

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