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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Artifact Creature — Thopter

Flying (This creature can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.)

Durahan-Brewer on Dimir Ninja Fae (Modern)

1 week ago


Hey cool, that brew reminds me of AspiringSpikes "Ninja Scam" deck. I think it's strong but personally am less interested in powerful gimmicks that work if only drawn or sequenced correctly. It struggles to deal with established boards, only really being able to draw cards; not outs (only negates+discard). I also dislike that you cannot pitch Ornithopter to your evokes, it makes a bad card even worse. Only good in ideal situations w/ Satoru, the Infiltrator.

I value flexible card choices, that apply to a plethora of situations/meta matchups. I competed in 2 F2F Qualifiers posting a Top 4 + Top 8 finish w/ prizing, Spike I believe has only went 3W/2L on MTGO with Ninja Scam brew. Though I am open to updates.

Thanks !

austintayshus on Card creation challenge

3 weeks ago

Ramshackle Barricade

Artifact Creature - Wall



Probably a bit too good for 0 mana lol

slight variation on Ornithopter

Challenge: make an enchantment with an alternate win condition.

MrSilk on Bridge to Sanctuary - Land Prison/Punishment

1 month ago

nuperokaso These are outstanding suggestions.

The Ornithopter is really just a free flying dork so its removable.

Board the Weatherlight is mostly there to snag Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth or Ensnaring Bridge depending on if I need to tutor for Karma (for the urborg + karma combo).. Or if my opponent is beating me down with creatures

Knight of the White Orchid or Loyal Warhound are great suggestions. I was also thinking about Weathered Wayfarer to do something similar

I also really like Roiling Vortex and its interaction with Personal Sanctuary.. I've never actually seen that card.

I would love to have more prison/lockdown pieces in here somewhere too.

In my notes "possible upcoming changes" that I made last time I looked into updating the list, I kind of noticed a few things in testing which back up what you're suggesting, but I never actually made the changes to the list.

Id love it if you made your own version of this decklist and shared it with me. I think it could be a really fun list to play! Thanks for the suggestions!

nuperokaso on Bridge to Sanctuary - Land Prison/Punishment

1 month ago

Taida on Affinity and what to cut

1 month ago

Maybe you can try Experimental Synthesizer. Gives you some draw until end of turn, and you can sac it with whatever, and the effect triggers again. I also like Etched Champion quite a lot, as it is quite difficult to remove and is both amazing blocking and attacking. A substitute to Cranial Plating could be Nettlecyst, or you can even run both. Something like Skilled Animator, Kenku Artificer or Ensoul Artifact can also be very fun, especially if used on an Ornithopter or any indestructible land such as Silverbluff Bridge or Darksteel Citadel. Another affinity card I have a sweetspot for is Broodstar, but it needs colored mana, so it is not as easy to cast as a Myr Enforcer.

zapyourtumor on RW Hammer feat. Kellan

2 months ago

No way Voldaren Thrillseeker is playable in hammer, 3 mana creature with an activitated ability that costs mana

Not running some combination of Ornithopter + Puresteel Paladin also feels like a big mistake here, since puresteel is just generically good and ornithopter allows for t2 combo kills (t1 ornithopter sigarda, t2 double hammer)

Stoneforge Mystic better than Open the Armory, id cut 2 open and 2 Kellan for 4 stoneforge if you can afford it.

Forge Anew is a decent 2 of as well. All in all I'd run less of the fling effects and fling creatures, since those are only good once you have a hammer attached. I'd focus on making the hammer equipping more consistent instead of playing those win more effects

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 months ago

Myzocom, Renewal of Decay

Legendary Creature - Fungus Shaman

You may cast creature spells and enchantment spells from your graveyard by paying life equal to their mana value in addition to their other casting costs.

Whenever you cast a spell from your graveyard, create a 1/1 green Saproling creature token. If the spell you cast is legendary, create three of these tokens instead.


Want to know why this guy is insanely broken and would never be printed as is? Ornithopter exists, as does Phyrexian Altar or any other sac outlets. Enjoy infinite mana with infinite tokens, which can cause infinite triggers from all of your creature and enchantment based ETB effects.

To make him "playable", it would have to limit to 1 cast per turn. That way you break super easy infinite loops. Of course you literally have the same loop anyway with Gravecrawler and a zombie online, so it doesn't really matter. The difference is, this is your Commander - meaning you always have access to him which makes it significantly harder to actually stop your unending gameplay.

Although, give it some time and I'm sure WOTC will print something like him just because of the nature of power creep.

Speaking of which, that's your next challenge. Let's see an Aura called "Power Creep".

10,000 bonus points if the card feels like it would belong in a new D&D set.

Dana_in_Love845 on Ozzy on a budget

3 months ago

Pretty cool! Always been more of a Boros Artifacts girl, but mono-White's cool as well. Maybe Mishra's Bauble could be good, either for card advantage or for more one-mana tutors, as well as Ornithopter. Though it isn't fully an equipment deck, I think Puresteel Paladin could also be amazing, or any other equip-cheapening cards, because Colossus Hammer is a little hard to use without a few of them. They're maybe not the most budget suggestions, but I can see them working really well.

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