Worn Powerstone

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Worn Powerstone


Worn Powerstone enters the battlefield tapped.

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DreadKhan on The Masochism Tango

4 days ago

Just some 'bad' ideas to consider (I have some irregular views on ramp, to be polite), Subterranean Hangar is ramp that uses a land drop, very handy with a 7 mana Commander, either to get them out or recast them, Fountain of Cho is the White option. I threw cards like this in a deck on a lark, I was pretty impressed how they can play out in a deck that uses fairly splashy effects... this brings me to Grave Betrayal, this card is politely described as 'good with your Commander'. Another option to consider is bigger ramp, maybe Thran Dynamo, which takes you from 4 mana to enough to cast your Commander next turn, seems decent? Maybe Gilded Lotus, which takes you from 5 to 8, but also gives you coloured mana? Worn Powerstone is also interesting, it's not a great card but it's also not unplayable, wildly worse Sol Ring is also a good enough card, it just looks bad because Sol Ring exists. Another choice worth looking at that is relevant because of it's ceiling is Skyclave Relic, the kicker is a bunch, but that much mana next turn is advantageous. I get that your deck is trying to be fairly nimble, with lots of lower to the ground ramp, but I feel like with a 7 mana Commander that does this much you really want her out as quickly and consistently as possible.

If you like Indestructible sources, I think Gift of Doom is the best ever printed, Morph is incredibly hard to interact with once it's in play, and I'd like to think you'll have some sac fodder. It's also a combat trick fwiw, you've got Vigilance, and if they've got a big attacker this can deal with them and prevent certain types of removal, and it can blank stuff at the fastest speed possible.

Since your Commander has Protection from Creatures, I'd love to see if Inquisitor's Flail would work in here? By itself it turns your Commander into a 3 turn clock vs any opponent, and she blocks better since she'll deal double damage. It's less resources than Fireshrieker, but it completely stacks with it fwiw, if you get two doubles you're a 2 turn clock. Come to think of it I think I'd run Duelist's Heritage over Fireshrieker if you have access to White. Another 'out there' idea, but Grafted Exoskeleton plays well with your Commander, it turns her into a 2 turn clock by itself, and your Commander becomes a pretty nasty blocker too, and it obviously would play well with doublers. If you've got Protection from Creatures, you could try Pariah on your Commander to drag out games. It's worse if people play Red Burn effects in your area, but at least life loss effects don't interact with it, just damage. If you have Indestructible on something then Pariah looks even better.

I hope some of these ideas are useful, Big Teysa is a nifty Commander to see in action!

Profet93 on Empress Stealina

2 months ago


  1. Grafted Exoskeleton - What is the purpose of this?
  2. Puppet Strings - Do you have enough mana to reliably abuse this?
  3. Vedalken Shackles - One of my favorite artifacts for mono blue. But given you only run 15 islands, is this impactful?
  4. Terrain Generator - Same question as above
  5. Ramp - I have/had a mono blue theft deck. The issue is the high cmc of theft cards. Do you feel you might be better served by swapping some of the above cards with additional ramp pieces to more quickly use your commander as well as other theft spells?

On that above note....

Sky Diamond/Arcane Signet/Thought Vessel (?)/Mind Stone/Worn Powerstone

king-saproling on Life gain, life loss +

4 months ago

I agree with austintayshus and recommend these mana rocks since they allow you to get Oloro out on turn 4: Coalition Relic, Component Pouch, Worn Powerstone, Palladium Myr

Icaruskid on Doomsday Clock | Budget No Combo Urza [PRIMER]

6 months ago

capwner Great ideas! Worn Powerstone is where I'm starting with testing them out because that just fits with the untap support. Thanks!

capwner on Doomsday Clock | Budget No Combo Urza [PRIMER]

6 months ago

AArrgh this deck wants Urza's Saga so bad it hurts! Respect the budget though. Love seeing cards like Riddlesmith and Sai, Master Thopterist, these bring me back. I've not played much artifacts in a while but I remember Memory Jar is pretty freakin sweet, also a big fan of God-Pharaoh's Gift although both of these are probably better in red decks that can do more Welder-y things. Sculpting Steel, Phyrexian Metamorph, Worn Powerstone, Ashnod's Altar are all affordable classics that seem like they'd fit nicely. Skyship Weatherlight and Ring of Three Wishes are budget friendly tutors (also artifacts!) that find your wincons!

king-saproling on Democracy is Fun!

6 months ago

Cool deck! Personally I would make these swaps:

Messenger Jays -> Academy Manufactor
Lieutenants of the Guard -> Coalition Flag (fun to put on Tivit since he has Ward 3)
Venser's Journal -> Auton Soldier (can copy Tivit!)
Winged Words -> Battle Mastery (double strike on Tivit to double his effect)
Propaganda -> Thorough Investigation
Warden of Evos Isle -> Worn Powerstone
Emergency Powers -> Anointed Procession
Fact or Fiction -> Spark Double
Dig Through Time -> Irenicus's Vile Duplication
Eligeth, Crossroads Augur -> Inspiring Statuary (can tap itself to reduce costs, also allows you to tap clues & treasures to reduce costs)
Sphinx Sovereign -> Brago's Representative
Treasure Cruise -> Sakashima of a Thousand Faces
Opt -> Sakashima the Impostor
Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign -> Time Sieve
Vexing Sphinx -> Mirkwood Bats
Aetherize -> Mondrak, Glory Dominus
Sphinx of Foresight -> Rise and Shine
Glyph Keeper -> Cyberdrive Awakener

Azoth2099 on So basically dimir Talrand

6 months ago

Yeah, I suppose that was a rude way to say that, I apologize.

Once this deck is streamlined, you'll have more than enough token generation to slot Diabolic Intent, especially considering that one of your main combos is Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter. Sacrificing a token so that you can make infinite tokens is worth it.

Also, the utility offered by Black Market Connections here is insane. If you don't want to throw a bunch of life into it once it's served it's purpose you can just pay 1 for a treasure, which is fantastic. The tokens it generates are Changelings as well, which matters a lot if we're talking about quickly getting to the 9. Never be afraid to use your life as a resource, especially in color combos including . You're kicking yourself by doing so! The more powerful and dialed in your decklist is, the more powerful your life will be as a resource, I cannot overstate this.

If you don't want to police the table for fun's sake...that's awesome lol, you're probably super fun to play with! In that case, I'd add more cantrip effects for yourself like Ponder, Brainstorm, Serum Visions, Opt...There's a ton. Windfall, Tolarian Winds, Sign in Blood & Night's Whisper would do great in this new hypothetical card draw pack, too.

As far as what I'd cut to make room for more core strength, here it goes:

Teferi's Veil, Levitation, Cover of Darkness, Glamdring, Maskwood Nexus, Uncovered Clues, Pieces of the Puzzle, Worn Powerstone, Metallurgic Summonings, Quantum Misalignment, Decoy Gambit & Soul Shatter.

None of these are bad cards per se, I definitely understand why you slotted most of them, but if you replace them with some of the cards I mentioned your deck engine will run a lot smoother a lot more often.

Coward_Token on So basically dimir Talrand

6 months ago

"Let me know if you need help with cuts, I'm seeing a lot of them." Ooof, but have at it. I'm guessing you're eyeing Coalition Relic & Worn Powerstone? I like them, instead of the trending 2 mana-rocks, for the niche of MV 5 commander in particular since it means you can afford to miss an extra land drop.

Not really a fan of creature saccing stuff like Diabolic Intent here? Wanna keep building towards that critical nine.

A bit nervous when it comes to life paying stuff like Black Market Connections, no life drain to compensate. But sure, we're in a 40-life format, so that might just be cowardly.

As mentioned in the description, don't really feel like making a table police deck so less counterspells than you'd probably expect in favor of stuff that's versatile and/or hits everyone (e.g. Gruesome Realization).

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