Admonition Angel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Admonition Angel

Creature — Angel


Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may exile target nonland permanent other than this creature.

When this leaves the battlefield, return all cards exiled with this to the battlefield under their owners' control. (This is a linked ability, linked to the ability in the second paragraph on the card named "Admonition Angel". Permanent cards exiled by Admonition Angel only return to the battlefield if those exiled cards were exiled by the ability in the second paragraph.)

NV_1980 on Angels We Have Heard On High [PRIMER]

2 months ago

Great tribal deck, orcopollo! I've got one myself and I love it. In terms of affordable Angels, I've been able to make some great use of cards like:

  • Adarkar Valkyrie: excellent recursion utility; especially since she can attack (because of vigilance) AND use her recursion in the same turn.
  • Admonition Angel/Angel of Serenity: great mid-game exile tools and powerful combatants as well.
  • Angelic Arbiter: give your opponents a choice; spells or combat (but not both!).
  • Platinum Angel: as long as it lives, games will end up in your favor (eventually).

Hope this helps; happy building (and playing)!

Vessiliana on Giada, Font of Awesomeness

1 year ago

CrazyDanPsycho, thank you for your interest in my Giada deck. I thought I would take a look at yours and see if I had any suggestions.

Now, I totally understand the attachment to Avacyn. (I actually still have an Avacyn deck, too.) But the shift in commanders calls for a shift in the creature base. Avacyn does not really care about what type of creatures you are running. Giada does. She wants you to run angels. I don't know your budget is, so take whatever suggestions you think will fit with it.

Breathkeeper Seraph is good for recurring Giada (or any other special angel). Angelic Sleuth makes good use of your creatures with counters dying. Norn's Choirmaster proliferates your counters. Thraben Watcher gives a bonus and vigilance. Admonition Angel outdoes your Leonin Relic-Warder and is an angel. Angel of condemnation is another removal angel. And finally, a non-angel that helps you, even in a Giada deck, Bishop of Wings, which gives lifegain and tokens. For more token fun, and generally producing tokens at a better rate than Parhelion or Moonsilver Spear, we have Entreat the Angels, Finale of Glory, and Starnheim Unleashed. You are also missing the best life-gain Ajani. Ajani, Strength of the Pride.

If you want suggestions on what to cut, just let me know!

Basshunter on Elesh Norn, Mommy of Soulsisters

1 year ago

Hi ChillDwarf

I really appreciate your comment. It helps me a lot!

To be honest, I never played this deck yet because I dont have an Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines yet.

I will try the next days to fix it a bit. Maybe I cut the Smothering Tithe and Smuggler's Share for 2 rocks. Some high cmc have to be cut aswell, I think i take out Sun Titan and Admonition Angel.

I get the durdly-point. Do you have any ideas how to fix that? WinCons in mono white is mostly tokens with anthems. I dont want any infinite combos..

multimedia on Giada, font of hope budget …

1 year ago

Hey, build your deck here at TappedOut and link to it? Linking to your deck at Moxfield while asking for help here is disrespectful.

Sanctuary Warden is a good budget Angel, for it's low price there aren't many other six drop Angels that are better. Bruna is not worth adding, you can get better reanimation with Karmic Guide or Emeria Shepherd.

Well of Lost Dreams is reliable draw when your Commander can gain life, but it loses a lot of effectiveness when it can't. When your Commander has flying, playing lot of other fliers and you want to be attacking than Mask of Memory can be nice budget repeatable draw.

Palace Jailer and/or Court of Grace can be powerful effects when you can defend to keep the monarch. The monarch is helpful for repeatable draw in mono white. Angels are good defenders, Giada gives them high toughness and there's many budget vigilance sources: Thraben Watcher, Loyal Unicorn. These could replace Seraph of Dawn, Stalwart Valkyrie, Light of the Legion

Consider finding room/budget for Sephara, Sky's Blade and Serra's Emissary? Either one of these Angels can enable attacking Angels to win. If matching price is a concern for cuts then they're better than Youthful Valkyrie or Righteous Valkyrie.

Angel tribe as a lot of budget Angels who are also removal sources. Get more value out of Angels other than attacking effects? These could replace Angel of the Dawn, Baneslayer Angel, Patron of the Valiant.

multimedia on Liesa final

1 year ago

Hey, nice version on a low budget. You have good deck building skills on a budget.

Consider Talisman of Hierarchy as 99th card or an upgrade for a Diamond? Orzhov Signet is another mana rock upgrade for a Diamond. Commander's Sphere is upgrade for Cluestone. Angelic Accord is an Angel token source upgrade for Moonsilver.

Sigarda's Vanguard gives Liesa double strike when she ETB and when she attacks. Karmic Guide can reanimate any creature in your graveyard even a black creature. Emeria Shepherd is powerful repeatable nonland permanent reanimation when playing so many Plains. Pair Shepherd with Wayfarer's Bauble.

Liesa, Forgotten Archangel has lifelink, can shut down some opponent strategies and can be repeatable creature recursion. She's good enough to add some creatures who can sac themselves for value especially removal and protection such as Cathar Commando and Selfless Spirit.

Angel of Despair is powerful ETB removal. Angel of Sanctions exiles something when it ETB. Admonition Angel can be repeatable exile. Palace Jailer is more monarch as well as opponent creature exile. Vindicate and Dire Tactics are some budget removal upgrades to consider.

Caves of Koilos, Shineshadow Snarl, Shambling Vent, Temple of Silence, Vault of the Archangel are some budget land upgrades to consider.

Good luck with your deck.

metalflame on Dungeons & Dragonborn Paladins - Nadaar Dungeons

1 year ago

Myriad Landscape, Empowered Autogenerator, should be included for ramp in just about every deck. Here are a few cards I consider staples in monowhite, and in general you should consider Endless Atlas, Court of Grace, Darksteel Mutation, Generous Gift, Council's Judgment, Steel Hellkite, Admonition Angel

One thing I do for brewing is try to get a least 7-10 cards that count for the three main card types most decks want which are Removal, Draw, and Ramp

TheOfficialCreator on Heliods army

1 year ago


Aegis Angel is a good card, don't get me wrong, but currently given the low number of Angels in the deck as a whole and with no Angel tribal, it might be worth looking into Avacyn, Angel of Hope or, some more budget options, Indestructibility, Gift of Immortality, Kindred Boon, Shielded by Faith, Spirit Bonds, or Timely Ward. All of these grant a single creature indestructible for a lower cost, albeit they are not attached to a big flier.

Nothing for Ajani's Pridemate. It's just a good card. If you're interested in other similar cards, Light of Promise, Archangel of Thune, Gideon's Company, Cleric Class, Heliod, Sun-Crowned, Cradle of Vitality, Celestial Unicorn, and Nykthos Paragon are some good ones.

Archetype of Courage seems a bit weak to me personally. Enchantment creature cards with the same mana value that are white and better for your deck (at least from my POV) include Eidolon of Countless Battles and Heliod, Sun-Crowned.

Banisher Priest is good.

Blinding Souleater could easily be replaced by Law-Rune Enforcer, or, if you'd prefer an artifact creature, Burnished Hart is just better in general.

Captain of the Watch and Cataclysmic Gearhulk are both good cards, though the latter doesn't seem to work too awfully well with your deck. I would consider putting in another destroy boardwipe such as Wrath of God or Fumigate.

Chardalyn Dragon is pretty bad, even for an artifact flier. Other fliers with the same mana value include Adarkar Valkyrie, Admonition Angel, Ancestor Dragon, Angelic Skirmisher, Archon of Coronation, Aven Brigadier, Empyrial Storm, et cetera... white is ton of amazing fliers! Put 'em to good use! XD If you specifically want an artifact creature to replace it, Wurmcoil Engine is a good one.

Consul's Shieldguard... see the Aegis Angel comments.

Court Street Denizen... see the Blinding Souleater comments, though this one is better so it's definitely worth keeping around if you want.

Drillworks Mole is a cool card. Basri Ket, Felidar Retreat, and Cathars' Crusade are good too.

Eldrazi Devastator is actually a card I used to run in my decks as a finisher. I would recommend something like Finale of Glory as an alternative that you can really sink your mana into.

Felidar Cub is nice, but War Priest of Thune is strictly better.

Glint-Sleeve Artisan is interesting, and I see how it plays into a bit of your artifact synergies, but if you want that, just use an artifact creature like Adaptive Automaton, Cloudsteel Kirin, or Etched Champion.

Heliod's Pilgrim has a good effect and it's flavorful, just keep in mind you only have two Auras in the deck.

Inspiring Overseer and Knight of the White Orchid are good.

Kozilek's Channeler is a decent card, but given you like small creatures I'm not sure that paying extra for a big body is a great benefit. Worn Powerstone, Thran Dynamo, Arcane Signet, and if you want to splurge Pearl Medallion are all good ramp in white.

Lagonna-Band Elder can be replaced by one of the cards I told you about in my previous comment.

From there, all your cards are great until Soulmender, which again can be replaced by one of the cards in my previous comment, or even Fountain of Renewal. Same with Stone Haven Medic and Sungrace Pegasus.

Toolcraft Exemplar is a really cool card that I have NEVER seen before. If it's working well for you, you should try out Serra Ascendant as well. It runs in a similar vein.

Welcoming Vampire is good too.

Celestial Flare could be replaced by Silence.

Dauntless Onslaught could be replaced by Charge, Bastion Protector, Benalish Marshal, Ethereal Guidance, Glorious Anthem, Guardians' Pledge, or Path of Bravery.

Divine Verdict could just be replaced by plain removal, like Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Journey to Nowhere, Cast Out, Conclave Tribunal, or Oblivion Ring.

Feat of Resistance is nice.

Gideon's Reproach - see Divine Verdict's feedback.

Gods Willing is good.

Kill Shot - see Divine Verdict's feedback. Actually, for the rest of these cards see that and Dauntless Onslaught's feedback.

Aligned Hedron Network is good.

Cloak of the Bat and Hero's Blade - see Dauntless Onslaught's feedback, but also Commander's Plate.

Spidersilk Net doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you want another 0-mana artifact, look no further than Mishra's Bauble.

Font of Vigor - see previous comment

Siegecraft - Eldrazi Conscription is one of the best auras in the game, but Battle Mastery is nice too

Not Forgotten - Rest in Peace, Ashnod's Altar

Sunlance - any other removal that I've mentioned

Also consider Sphere of Safety.

I hope all this helps! ^^" it took a bit to write up but I think it'll help introduce you to some staples and ways about thinking about deckbuilding and power level. I sent you a friend request so that we can keep in touch and so that I can see and help you with your future decks!

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