Mishra's Bauble

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mishra's Bauble


, Sacrifice Mishra's Bauble: Look at the top card of target player's library. Draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.

TheOfficialCreator on Fblthp's Cheerios

2 weeks ago

Surge of Brilliance would be HUGE in this deck. You also appear to be missing Memnite. Hurkyl's Recall, Retract, and Rebuild are incredibly helpful in artifact-heavy storm decks. Also Gitaxian Probe, Mishra's Bauble, and Urza's Bauble.

nuperokaso on Boomer Jund '24

1 month ago

zapyourtumor on Inferno Blitz Brigade

2 months ago

If budget is not an issue: Slickshot Show-Off is currently the best 2-drop prowess creature in the format

Dragon's Rage Channeler + Mishra's Bauble also good in prowess decks

Birgi and Chandra are probably way too slow for a prowess deck

Dana_in_Love845 on Ozzy on a budget

3 months ago

Pretty cool! Always been more of a Boros Artifacts girl, but mono-White's cool as well. Maybe Mishra's Bauble could be good, either for card advantage or for more one-mana tutors, as well as Ornithopter. Though it isn't fully an equipment deck, I think Puresteel Paladin could also be amazing, or any other equip-cheapening cards, because Colossus Hammer is a little hard to use without a few of them. They're maybe not the most budget suggestions, but I can see them working really well.

wallisface on Jund Saga

3 months ago

As far as decent 1-mana artifacts that you can add as 1-ofs for Saga, the normal go-tos are Haywire Mite and Shadowspear (both which you're already running), and then Springleaf Drum, Nihil Spellbomb, Pithing Needle, Pyrite Spellbomb. I'm not sure how many of those you'd actually want to run mainboard, as many are more useful as sideboard options - I think the combination of Haywire Mite, Shadowspear, and Mishra's Bauble is already a good mix :)

draftdump69 on Traxos Combo

4 months ago

rona, herald of invasion works with retraction helix + mox amber. more emries + rona might make playing more mox ambers make more sense. If you're playing 4 emries, having 4 Mishra's Bauble would be a no-brainer.

Urza, Lord High Artificer might also be a solid addition, allows you to generate infinite mana regardless of whether or not you have mox amber.

Generally, thassa's oracle is better than labman. other wincon considerations are Bitter Ordeal, Cut / Ribbons, Grinding Station or Grapeshot.

that being said, playing 1x emrakul is probably the best wincon. it would allow you to loot infinitely until you get an infinite mana enabler.

another direction to go is Sleep-Cursed Faerie. It might not go infinite but it can probably bounce your opponents board with retraction helix if you have an urza in play.

wallisface on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

5 months ago


  • I feel like you are misunderstanding how Assemble the Players. You still need to pay for the mana cost of the creatures you cast with it. Also, you can only cast creatures with it from the top of your deck. With less than 23% of your deck being creatures, it's only going to be relevant at-all roughly 1-in-4 turns. The first time it's relevant, you're only breaking-even on the card (except that it has cost you additional time and mana). To be card positive will require having two creatures on your topdeck, which on average could take between 5-8 turns. The card is bad.

  • I don't get your obsession with "tying up mana" with Oppressive Rays when you could just remove the creature entirely! You're just giving your opponent the ability to keep using their creature if they want... but also, they're not forced to - you haven't gained anything by keeping it alive instead of just removing it. This is an entirely pointless endeavor when removal spells exist.

  • I never argued against Mishra's Bauble, it's a great card - I was only stating the rules text of it because your previous post seemed to indicate you didn't know how the card worked. I would also say, that while the card is awesome, it's often used competitively only because it either adds a cast trigger, and/or effectively gives you a 56 card deck. Your deck doesn't need cast-triggers as you're doing nothing with them, and your deck is already far too bloated with cards (being at 70), so it's not giving you the benefit of being able to "virtually play with a 56 card deck".

  • On Defiant Strike, as I stated at the beginning of this thread, your current creature selection is not remotely aggro at all - they're all far too passive and non-impactful... nothing applies pressure. The +1 damage from Defiant Strike doesn't change anything about that. You're always better off fixing your deck for a better draw, than drawing something entirely random for a poultry 1 extra-damage-dealt.

  • For your question of a "card for granting haste in Azorius colors" - for what purpose? Your creatures pose no threat, and haste isn't going to change that. You need to refine your decks scope to something feasible, not keep adding more cogs to an already difunctional machine.

  • I do "have the entirety of your deck in mind", and understand what is going on. It currently doesn't work and I'm trying to show you that, so it can be taken in a direction that does actually work. I have tried giving you suggestions but you still haven't told me what your budget is so you're making it really impossible to do that!!

9-lives on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

5 months ago

What I'm saying about Assemble the Players is that since it is automatically casting on my turn a creature spell of, say 2 mana, it is not a loss at all even if I only spend 1 turn with it on the field. Thus, it is no loss at all, and if it stays on the field for 2 turns, then it gives an advantage.

Ahh. I agree that Spell Pierce is better! Thank you for recommending it, because I'll be running it!

Oppressive Rays is good considering that I want to tie up as much mana as possible. 3 mana per creature is really nice, considering that oppressive rays is 1 mana cost. I have played this card whenever I was running my Azorius Defender-Damage deck, and it worked really well. Can you recommend any mana-tying up cards that are like Oppressive Rays but better?! I'm thinking Lawmage's Binding is nice, but I really want a mana-intensive card that ties up mana.

Ahh, you're right about Urza's Saga. I was thinking that it would allow me to search for 1 white mana cards, but yeah. So, I'll just use it to tutor out Mishra's Bauble, I guess.

Mishra's Bauble is amazing. I really don't know why you're arguing against it, considering that it is a staple in a lot of competitive decks. And, yes, they may shuffle, but I'm counting on that they don't, and looking at the top card is great for predicting what will happen. Do you think this hand-knowledge is good? I think it will give me the heads-up for using counterspells on the opponent's turn.

Defiant Strike is just a suboptimal draw card, and adds +1 power. Nothing too bad or too good about it. I don't mind running it, considering that I need to increase the power of my creatures as a support for my aggro-control archetype.

I have a question for you! What is a good card for granting haste in Azorius colors?? I don't even know if they have this type of card available.

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