Cataclysmic Gearhulk

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cataclysmic Gearhulk

Artifact Creature — Construct


When this enters the battlefield, each player chooses an artifact, a creature, an enchantment, and a planeswalker from among the nonland permanents they control, then sacrifices the rest.

chickeneyebrows on Path of Precons Blood Rites

6 months ago

11/01/24 - Update after a couple of games vs the other Precons (January, pre- upgrades)

As a value engine, Carmen is shockingly good. When people realized just how good she was she drew a lot of hate. People were sacrificing clues, treasures, fetch lands etc. and playing right into it. When I remembered she actually has a life gain ability i was cruising just above starting life total for a while. I think I'm justified in my choice to give her a little more protection.

Etchings of the Chosen was fantastic protection but ate a removal spell after one turn. I definitely want to keep that one in the deck.

I was able to avoid losing her to red interaction by saccing as much stuff as possible to sac outlets to make her too big to die to the damage but the issue was some of the other precons built up large board states which meant I had to use wipes and Carmen herself became so expensive to re-cast I could do little else on my turns.

I'm hoping once I've replaced the traditional wipes with mass-sacrifice effects like Single Combat and Cataclysmic Gearhulk I can easily deal with big boards while keeping Carmen.

Glass-Cast Heart was very good at both generating blood tokens which pump her as well as looting stuff into the graveyard, and also chucked out some helpful blockers at a pinch. I'm considering a Collector's Vault along the same lines (loots and provides a token to sacrifice).

The ability to bring the same creature back the combat after the main phase where you sacrifice it is very handy. I've been looking at Gravelighter as a perfect example of this, so I would cast the Gravelighter first main, sac it and force each opponent to sac a creature, grow Carmen by 4 power then swing in and return the Gravelighter - drawing a card, because it had died already - and forcing another three sacrifices growing Carmen by 4 again to 10 power. Its like a miniature board wipe. I think Gravelighter is definitely impactful enough to want to put into month 1 so I'm pulling out Cliffhaven Vampire for a later month. This is really only in there as a combo with Exquisite Blood and I have already decided not to bother with Epicure of Blood, my thinking is get the synergistic pieces in place first as the combo is something you're only going to draw into by chance so trying to force it in month 1 is a waste of time.

OG_MOZZZ on Atraxa is a big fat bully [seeking help]

11 months ago

jakeelephant006 Thanks for the tips, Its kinda dumb but for fun, as I'm sure you saw there's a good few ways for combos in this deck. A few of them are infinite turn combos, Venser, the Sojourner and Ichormoon Gauntlet work with Teferi, Master of Time to get that combo off. Ichormoon is a key piece for the combo meals tbh but yeah it is slow.

Another not so combo fun synergy is why I have Empyrial Archangel but it involves having Defense of the Heart trigger bringing out Empyrial and Avacyn, Angel of Hope, if you are able to get it working, everything becomes indestructible and prevents you from taking damage. Its hard to deal with and if it isn't dealt with usually pressures my opponents to scoop. These 2 are in the maybe board but It That Betrays Cataclysmic Gearhulk is another pair you can pull with a big board state to steal all your opponents boards.

Semesters end was mainly just to avoid board wipes because my group likes those more then targeted removal. It is a bit crap with the reset of counters though.

TheOfficialCreator on Heliods army

1 year ago


Aegis Angel is a good card, don't get me wrong, but currently given the low number of Angels in the deck as a whole and with no Angel tribal, it might be worth looking into Avacyn, Angel of Hope or, some more budget options, Indestructibility, Gift of Immortality, Kindred Boon, Shielded by Faith, Spirit Bonds, or Timely Ward. All of these grant a single creature indestructible for a lower cost, albeit they are not attached to a big flier.

Nothing for Ajani's Pridemate. It's just a good card. If you're interested in other similar cards, Light of Promise, Archangel of Thune, Gideon's Company, Cleric Class, Heliod, Sun-Crowned, Cradle of Vitality, Celestial Unicorn, and Nykthos Paragon are some good ones.

Archetype of Courage seems a bit weak to me personally. Enchantment creature cards with the same mana value that are white and better for your deck (at least from my POV) include Eidolon of Countless Battles and Heliod, Sun-Crowned.

Banisher Priest is good.

Blinding Souleater could easily be replaced by Law-Rune Enforcer, or, if you'd prefer an artifact creature, Burnished Hart is just better in general.

Captain of the Watch and Cataclysmic Gearhulk are both good cards, though the latter doesn't seem to work too awfully well with your deck. I would consider putting in another destroy boardwipe such as Wrath of God or Fumigate.

Chardalyn Dragon is pretty bad, even for an artifact flier. Other fliers with the same mana value include Adarkar Valkyrie, Admonition Angel, Ancestor Dragon, Angelic Skirmisher, Archon of Coronation, Aven Brigadier, Empyrial Storm, et cetera... white is ton of amazing fliers! Put 'em to good use! XD If you specifically want an artifact creature to replace it, Wurmcoil Engine is a good one.

Consul's Shieldguard... see the Aegis Angel comments.

Court Street Denizen... see the Blinding Souleater comments, though this one is better so it's definitely worth keeping around if you want.

Drillworks Mole is a cool card. Basri Ket, Felidar Retreat, and Cathars' Crusade are good too.

Eldrazi Devastator is actually a card I used to run in my decks as a finisher. I would recommend something like Finale of Glory as an alternative that you can really sink your mana into.

Felidar Cub is nice, but War Priest of Thune is strictly better.

Glint-Sleeve Artisan is interesting, and I see how it plays into a bit of your artifact synergies, but if you want that, just use an artifact creature like Adaptive Automaton, Cloudsteel Kirin, or Etched Champion.

Heliod's Pilgrim has a good effect and it's flavorful, just keep in mind you only have two Auras in the deck.

Inspiring Overseer and Knight of the White Orchid are good.

Kozilek's Channeler is a decent card, but given you like small creatures I'm not sure that paying extra for a big body is a great benefit. Worn Powerstone, Thran Dynamo, Arcane Signet, and if you want to splurge Pearl Medallion are all good ramp in white.

Lagonna-Band Elder can be replaced by one of the cards I told you about in my previous comment.

From there, all your cards are great until Soulmender, which again can be replaced by one of the cards in my previous comment, or even Fountain of Renewal. Same with Stone Haven Medic and Sungrace Pegasus.

Toolcraft Exemplar is a really cool card that I have NEVER seen before. If it's working well for you, you should try out Serra Ascendant as well. It runs in a similar vein.

Welcoming Vampire is good too.

Celestial Flare could be replaced by Silence.

Dauntless Onslaught could be replaced by Charge, Bastion Protector, Benalish Marshal, Ethereal Guidance, Glorious Anthem, Guardians' Pledge, or Path of Bravery.

Divine Verdict could just be replaced by plain removal, like Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Journey to Nowhere, Cast Out, Conclave Tribunal, or Oblivion Ring.

Feat of Resistance is nice.

Gideon's Reproach - see Divine Verdict's feedback.

Gods Willing is good.

Kill Shot - see Divine Verdict's feedback. Actually, for the rest of these cards see that and Dauntless Onslaught's feedback.

Aligned Hedron Network is good.

Cloak of the Bat and Hero's Blade - see Dauntless Onslaught's feedback, but also Commander's Plate.

Spidersilk Net doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you want another 0-mana artifact, look no further than Mishra's Bauble.

Font of Vigor - see previous comment

Siegecraft - Eldrazi Conscription is one of the best auras in the game, but Battle Mastery is nice too

Not Forgotten - Rest in Peace, Ashnod's Altar

Sunlance - any other removal that I've mentioned

Also consider Sphere of Safety.

I hope all this helps! ^^" it took a bit to write up but I think it'll help introduce you to some staples and ways about thinking about deckbuilding and power level. I sent you a friend request so that we can keep in touch and so that I can see and help you with your future decks!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Of Man & Spirit, Thy Legion Is Sent Forth.

2 years ago

This looks really interesting, but I think there are some general problems. The most important is that your curve is very high, but you have somewhat expensive ramp, too. I have some ideas for you.

First thing first, you can have your companion show up as a card similarly to how your commander ist shown. Just write * CMPN * (without the spaces between the asterisk and the letters) behind your companion in the sideboard.

Green has all these version of Llanowar Elves, and I think adding some of those instead of your MV3 or 4 ramp creatures is important. Sakura-Tribe Elder is a great ramp card. These changes could already solve the mana problem.

More removal seems important, as well. Reclamation Sage and Manglehorn would be fine additions. Massacre Girl is a good boardwipe on legs. Cataclysmic Gearhulk could work for you if you were to add in some enchantment creatures. Vona, Butcher of Magan can solve many problems. Noxious Gearhulk, Nekrataal and especially Ravenous Chupacabra would be useful to deal with creatures.

Archon of Absolution and Windborn Muse are additional pillowforts.

Now to some other cards to maybe add.

Genesis is a powerhouse recursion engine. Eternal Witness and also maybe Timeless Witness would be great, too.

Veteran Explorer is a great ramp card, though it might be hard here to use him multiple times due to your low basic land count. What a shame ;)

With your legendary sub-theme, Thalia's Lancers might be a pretty great addition.

Gidgetimer on Damage dealt to a PW …

2 years ago

You are correct about the Equipped permanent not being able to be attacked directly and not losing loyalty counters due to being dealt damage. Those are the two largest implications from making a planeswalker into not a planeswalker. The other ones are minor like not being able to save another creature and the no-longer-a-planeswalker from Cataclysmic Gearhulk. The other implication of Luxior, Giada's Gift that people were excited about was that it goes infinite with Devoted Druid, but Devoted Druid goes infinite with a ham sandwich, so I don't think that is too big of a deal.

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