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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Creature — Zombie Fungus
Undergrowth — This spell costs less to cast for each creature card in your graveyard.
When Molderhulk enters the battlefield, return target land card from your graveyard to the battlefield.
jacobpmesser on Self Mill Goyf
1 year ago
4 Stitcher's Supplier 4 Hedron Crab 3 Satyr Wayfinder 4 Urborg Lhurgoyf 4 Cruel Somnophage 4 Souls of the Lost 2 Nighthowler 3 Grist, the Hunger Tide 2 Wonder 4 Unearth 3 Brazen Borrower 1 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant 1 Glasspool Mimic Flip 1 Kazandu Mammoth Flip
That's a good base. Take what works and replace what you don't like.
Exp. I've been playing iterations of this for years now and eight one drops are important. You need to start filling your gy ASAP. These are the two best. If you don't want to go into blue, there are cards like Gnawing Vermin but for me, m2 isn't enough. The -1/-1 is helpful so there is some leeway based on META. If I dabble in other colors, Shriekhorn is my go-to.
Satyr's spot can be removed but I play a low land count due to the two modal lands (Glasspool/Mammoth). Mire Triton is another favorite because Deathtouch and gainlfie. It's also a META call. I don't like others like Skull Prophet. If I were playing The Mycotyrant I'd consider it because it 'mills over time' (MOT) but once your opp sees what youre on theyd kill it before you get a chance to use it.
So, in this list I'm 12 goyfs. Eight can self-mill (SM) and the other is useful (Souls) in getting Wonder out of your hand. You can also sac Stitcher to it if you're a T1 Stitcher T2 Souls. Every card in this deck is a permanent besides Unearth so if you fetched at all, you could have a T2 6/6-8/8 Souls of the Lost and that aint to shabby.
I have always played at least 1-2 Nighthowler. It makes those Stitchers, Crabs, and Satyrs a threat and more often than not, takes two spells to kill it (when it's bestowed).
I view this deck as a sort of aggro deck and keeping with 99% creature theme, Grist and Brazen Borrower are my interaction. You can bring in whatever you want (obviously) but it's also provides fliers for Nighthowler, Grist has a built in win-con and protects itself. I always play a Boseiju, Who Endures and if I play more, -1 Unearth for Life from the Loam and if I'm really frisky, I'll add a few more legends, play more of the Channel Lands and another Life/Loam. I've got a oops all Channel lands were all the other lands are Modal and I play Amulet of Vigor with Shriekhorn and use Emry, Lurker of the Loch as a self-mill recur piece. It's fun.
Sidisi is a MOT that can help you go wide. Every time you mill, you get a zombie. I use this in near every build when I'm in color. I've tested Blossoming Tortoise but save that for a Mosswort Bridge version I play and if I can't get that going I want to be able to cast the top end. Shigeki, Jukai Visionary, Molderhulk, Aether Vial + Dryad Arbor help get me there. But just playing the new Squirming Emergence is so much easier than playing all those other cards.
You can find a way to bring in draw, life, other interaction, etc.. it's on you. There are times were I play Jace, the Perfected Mind or Visions of Beyond for draw. Spellstutter Sprite and a few spots for other faeries like Likeness Looter (flying faerie goyfs!).
But that's the base. Do what you want.. because you can literally do anything. I've got a junk list focused on recur with Unearth, Renegade Rallier, Necropanther, Athreos, God of Passage... a jund/grixis list that uses Ob Nixilis, the Adversary and Orcish Bowmasters (sac goyf to etb Ob Nix, Token Ob forces opp to draw 7 for -7 life. Bowmasters deals another 6 plus you get a 6/6 orc token (+2 more for paper Ob +1 if they can't discard). That's a 15 point swing, not including attacks. Another Grixis list that plays Kroxa, Flamewake Phoenix, Seasoned Pyromancer and Ox.
My favorite - game 1, I'm a mill deck that sideboard converts into self-mill game 2. It still deals with the gy but game 1 youre spell heavy and game 2 youre creature heavy.
Anyway, have fun.
Dragaan on get goyf'd
2 years ago
Grisly Salvage? Also, utilizing artifact/enchantment creatures that also mill could enable you do use Grim Flayer, which is still a pretty strong card. Molderhulk also fits. In fact, most of the undergrowth cards from guilds of ravnica fit, including Underrealm Lich, Necrotic Wound, Mausoleum Secrets, Izoni, Thousand-Eyed, etc. - for reference
Only thing is....oh, man do you need to try and dodge any and all graveyard hate, lol. Have those Tear Asunder ready, or maybe just cheaper cards focused exclusively on artifacts/enchant hate like Natural State, etc.
BlueSnakeMagic on 'Bark' over Bite
2 years ago
Been a bit busy to check this but now that I have, a few things-
The striving goal of this deck is to have two Lotus Field's (maybe via Thespian Stage ASAP, providing a safe, near untouchable six mana earlier than it should be available. Considering by the time I get Emrakul on hand I commonly have delirium, she's a 9 drop (3 Lotus Fields))
Molderhulk is ramp in the sense that he averages at 5 or 4 mana, and returns lands Lotus Field has killed to the field, un-tapped at that.
Cavalier of Thorns is a heavy body, has a nice death trigger, AND grabs me a land (also untapped).
Hidden Strings is mostly a stand-in for more Vizier of Tumbling Sands (and one mana is all I need sometimes, plus with two Lotus, it's great). Vizier of Tumbling Sands is NEVER intended to be played, much rather, used to untap your (hopeful) turn two Lotus Field, maybe a turn three one.
I was also considering Solemn Simulacrum because it's not super pricey for this deck, counts for two things on Emrakul, snags a land, and has a helpful death trigger whilst at least being a 2/2. Thoughts?
wallisface on 'Bark' over Bite
2 years ago
Looking at the updates made to this list, I have the following thoughts:
your mana curve is very, very high, and your land count is comparably very low. I don’t see how you ever realistically reach enough mana to Emrakul.
Molderhulk is anything but ramp. At 9cmc, its almost impossible to realistically cast without filling your graveyard with creatures. And you currently have almost no ways to do that.
similarly, both Cavalier of Thorns and The Gitrog Monster are quite high cmc, and i don’t see you having the ramp or landbase to support either of them. The Gitrog Monster in particular will prevent you from being able to cast any other large creatures once it comes into play.
Your options for abusing Lotus Field feel pretty questionable. Because of Hidden Strings cost, it only gives you one extra mana (which is pretty poor considering its costing you a card). Vizier of Tumbling Sands only becomes useful on turn 4 (quite late), once your opponent realises that you need this card to have any-chance of casting your big stuff, it just gets killspelled before it can do anything.
king-saproling on Where Hopes Wither, Dragons Bloom (cEDH)
3 years ago
I mean you could just not use it if an opp has a strip mine or similar out haha. And since you can use both abilities in the same turn thanks to Beledros, there's very little risk of losing your creatures permanently. They'd need a stifle and a strip mine for that.
It has infinite combo potential too. Endless Sands + Deserted Temple/Stone-Seeder Hierophant + Titania, Protector of Argoth/Quarry Beetle/Molderhulk + Beledros alongside enough lands is infinite mana. Infinite creatures too if Titania is there. Or draw your deck with Gitrog.
TheVectornaut on Blue-Black Deck
3 years ago
I'd start by identifying what you want the main goal of your deck to be. I see two main ideas here that could be built around.
The first is dealing unblocked damage by disincentivizing blocks with deathtouch. Darkblade Agent , Eternal of Harsh Truths , Graveblade Marauder , and maybe Blightsteel Colossus (with enough reanimation) fit this archetype. Because of the two "blade" cards, there is some overlap with the second archetype which I'll cover next (and if you keep them, cards like Notion Rain , Mission Briefing , Thought Erasure , and Discovery / Dispersal are likely to get more mileage than Divination or Secrets of the Golden City ), but there may be even better ways to profit from unblocked creatures. Curiosity enchantments like Curious Obsession , Sixth Sense , and Keen Sense are frequent accompaniments to the Invisible Stalker s and other bogles of the world, and Bident of Thassa is a strong option for those going wide. I like Quietus Spike as a sort of midway point between Basilisk Collar and Master of Cruelties in decks like these too. Other beaters to get in with could be Tomebound Lich , Oona's Blackguard , Dimir Cutpurse , Looter il-Kor , Shadowmage Infiltrator , Surrakar Spellblade , Wharf Infiltrator , or Virtus the Veiled if he's legal in whatever format this is for. More generic deathtouch synergy could include Hooded Blightfang , Viridian Longbow , Thornbite Staff , Psionic Gift enchantments, and any source of first strike. Finally, I like Cipher as a way to gain advantage from repeated attacks, so maybe a Hidden Strings or Paranoid Delusions could come in handy.
The second main idea is to stack the graveyard(s) with as many creatures as possible to extract value from Undergrowth and similar mechanics. Avatar of Woe , Lotleth Giant , Trepanation Blade , Teferi's Tutelage , and some of your Disentomb effects fit here. Major threats in these kinds of decks include Wight of Precinct Six , Jace's Phantasm , Consuming Aberration , Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker , Fleet Swallower , Nemesis of Reason , Bonehoard , Mortivore , and Nighthowler . If you want to focus on your own graveyard, green is a great color to dip into as I alluded to earlier. Ghoultree , Boneyard Wurm , Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord , Splinterfright , Nyx Weaver , Nemesis of Mortals , Spider Spawning , and Kessig Cagebreakers are just some of the tools you get access to. Golgari is also the king of Undergrowth, so Hatchery Spider , Izoni, Thousand-Eyed , Molderhulk , Rhizome Lurcher / Undergrowth Scavenger , Kraul Harpooner , and Necrotic Wound are on the table. If milling your opponents is more your thing, some staples to consider are Thought Scour , Sphinx's Tutelage , Drown in the Loch , Traumatize , Fraying Sanity , and the crab duo. Jace's Erasure , Psychic Corrosion , and the Tutelage pair benefit the most from other draw synergy, and Visions of Beyond is an obvious inclusion if that's the route you take. Either way, I'd cut down to only the most efficient of your reanimate to hand cards and the like since you don't want to be stuck with a fist full of them and no creatures in the graveyard to target. Speaking of cuts, for maximum power, it's usually correct to play as close to the 60 card minimum as possible. Picking a single strategy to hone in on should make it easier to whittle down to the most important 60 in the deck.
If you have questions, let me know. Good luck with your build!
zamiero on Vial and Ghost!
4 years ago
3> Ahhh I've been wanting to play with Obosh, the Preypiercer and Angrath's Marauders - glad you found a spot for them. While you're at it, you could also consider other "damage doublers" such as Wound Reflection and Fiendish Duo. I've thought about a Vial-Smasher deck with a White partner just to add Gisela, Blade of Goldnight.
3> I see you enjoy big monsters and X-spells here. Oh to be young again... but seriously, this seems like a good deck to play them in as you would be rewarded. Instants are your friend, as you can Smash Vials on everyone's turn! No Comet Storm?
3> I would be worried about Vial-Smasher getting nuked from orbit as soon as your turn passes and it's no longer indestructible. You'll find Heroic Intervention and Slippery Bogbonder will help with targeted Exile removal. You already have Destroy and Sacrifice covered I see.
3> I see some cost-reduced and commander-free spells in there, but you have a limited suite. While doing research for my thoughts on Vial-Smasher, I found the following might be helpful - list is just copy/paste, so it will include some White and/or Blue cards:
- 3- Offalsnout (evoke B)
- 3- Rushwood Legate (opponent control island)
- 4- Skyshroud Cutter (control forest, opponents gain life)
- 4- Frogmite (artifacts battlefield)
- 4- Bone Picker (creature dies)
- 4- Briarhorn (evoke 1G)
- 4- Deepwood Legate (opponent control forest)
- 5- Stormwing Entity (cast instant/sorcery)
- 5- Ingot Chewer (evoke R)
- 5- Shriekmaw (evoke 1B)
- 5- Glarewielder (evoke 1R)
- 5- Mulldrifter (evoke 2U)
- 6- Igneous Elemental (land graveyard)
- 6- Nemesis of Mortals (greatures graveyard)
- 6- AEthersnipe (evoke 1UU)
- 6- Spitebellows (evoke 1RR)
- 6- Cloudthresher (evoke 2GG)
- 6- Hooting Mandrills (cards graveyard)
- 6- Ethereal Forager (cards graveyard)
- 6- Soulflayer (cards graveyard)
- 6- Sultai Scavenger (cards graveyard)
- 6- Tasigur, the Golden Fang (cards graveyard)
- 6- Salvage Titan (sacrifice three artifacts)
- 6- Sawtusk Demolisher (creature battlefield)
- 6- Shatterskull Minotaur (party)
- 6- Somber Hoverguard (artifacts battlefield)
- 6- Veteran Adventurer (party)
- 7- Gurmag Angler (cards graveyard)
- 7- Ore-Scale Guardian (lands graveyard)
- 7- Myr Enforcer (artifacts battlefield)
- 7- Cryptic Serpent (instant/sorcery graveyard)
- 7- Gearseeker Serpent (artifacts battlefield)
- 7- Quicksilver Behemoth (artifacts battlefield)
- 7- Dargo, the Shipwrecker (sacrifice artifacts/creatures)
- 7- Mournwhelk (evoke 3B)
- 7- Faultgrinder (evoke 4R)
- 8- Ghoultree (creatures graveyard)
- 8- Avatar of Woe (creatures graveyard)
- 8- Walker of the Grove (evoke 4G)
- 8- Shambling Attendants (cards graveyard)
- 8- Bedlam Reveler (instant/sorcery graveyard)
- 8- Qumulox (artifacts battlefield)
- 9- Molderhulk (creature graveyard)
- 9- Sibsig Muckdraggers (cards graveyard)
- 9- Necropolis Fiend (cards graveyard)
- 10+ Stratadon (basic land types)
- 10+ Primeval Protector (creatures battlefield)
- 10+ Ghalta, Primal Hunger (power of creatures battlefield)
- 10+ Draco (basic land types)
- 10+ The Great Henge (power of creatures battlefield)
- 10+ The Cauldron of Eternity (creatures graveyard)
3> I see some cost-reduced and commander-free spells in there, but you have a limited suite. While doing research for my thoughts on Vial-Smasher, I found the following might be helpful - list is just copy/paste, so it will include some White and/or Blue cards:
- 3- Light Up the Stage (opponent damage)
- 4- Reverent Silence (control forest, opponents gain life)
- 4- Snuff Out (control swamp, pay life)
- 4- Ensnare (return two islands)
- 4- Flameshot (discard mountain)
- 4- Outbreak (discard swamp)
- 4- Snag (discard forest)
- 4- Unmask (black card hand)
- 4- Ravenous Trap (opponent 3 cards enter graveyard)
- 4- Lethargy Trap (three creatures attacking)
- 4- Bolt Bend (4-power creature battlefield)
- 4- Massacre (opponent control plains)
- 4- Refreshing Rain (opponent control swamp)
- 4- Ricochet Trap (opponent cast blue)
- 4- Tentative Connection (menace creature battlefield)
- 4- Drag to the Underworld (devotion to black)
- 4- Snag (discard forest)
- 4- Hagra Mauling Flip (opponent has no basic lands)
- 4- Price of Fame (targets legend)
- 5- Bounty of the Hunt (green card hand)
- 5- Contagion (black card hand)
- 5- Force of Will (blue card hand)
- 5- Cave-In (red card hand)
- 5- Submerge (opponent control forest)
- 5- Gush (return two islands)
- 5- Misdirection (blue card hand)
- 5- Dark Triumph (sacrifice creature)
- 5- Thoughtcast (artifacts battlefield)
- 5- Murderous Cut (cards graveyard)
- 5- Rite of Undoing (cards graveyard)
- 5- Coveted Prize (party)
- 5- Deadly Alliance (party)
- 5- Baral's Expertise (cast CMC 4 or less)
- 6- Pyrokinesis (red card hand)
- 6- Fireblast (sacrifice two mountains)
- 6- Pulverize (sacrifice two mountains)
- 6- Into Thin Air (artifacts battlefield)
- 6- Tasigur's Cruelty (cards graveyard)
- 6- Spinning Darkness (black cards graveyard)
- 6- Become Immense (cards graveyard)
- 6- Set Adrift (cards graveyard)
- 6- Will of the Naga (cards graveyard)
- 6- Runeflare Trap (opponent drew 3 cards)
- 6- Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp (artifact battlefield)
- 6- Magmatic Sinkhole (cards graveyard)
- 6- Thwart the Grave (party)
- 6- Curtains' Call (per opponent)
- 6- Cobra Trap (noncreature destroyed by opponent)
- 6- Rishkar's Expertise (cast CMC 5 or less)
- 7- Divergent Transformations (per opponent)
- 7- Into the Story (opponent 7+ cards graveyard)
- 7- Assert Authority (artifacts battlefield)
- 7- Seeds of Renewal (per opponent)
- 7- Needlebite Trap (opponent gain life)
- 8- Treasure Cruise (cards graveyard)
- 9- Blasphemous Act (creatures battlefield)
- 10+ Dead Drop (cards graveyard)
- 10+ Volcanic Salvo (power of creatures battlefield) X
- 3- Chord of Calling (untapped creatures battlefield)
LordCube on Muldrotha - Mill your Heart Out
4 years ago
I agree with bushido_man96 that Molderhulk is too expensive for what you get, though a 6/6 for 2 isn't terrible late game. If you just need more land then I would suggest Farhaven Elf and Viridian Emissary. If you need the creature then Ghoultree is simply a stronger alternative. As for mill cards I can't recommend Grindclock and Stitcher's Supplier enough. The value you get for such low mana is too good to pass up. I would say the same for Kaya's Ghostform. If you are willing to spend a bit more money then take a look at Greater Good, Doom Whisperer, and Fraying Sanity.