Jace, the Perfected Mind

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Jace, the Perfected Mind

Legendary Planeswalker — Jace

Compleated ( can be paid with or 2 life. If life was paid, this planeswalker enters with two fewer loyalty counters.)

+1: Until your next turn, up to one target creature gets -3/-0.

-2: Target player mills three cards. Then if a graveyard has twenty or more cards in it, you draw three cards. Otherwise, you draw a card.

-X: Target player mills three times X cards. (To mill a card, put the top card of your library into your graveyard.)

wallisface on U/G Mill

2 months ago

Some thoughts:

jacobpmesser on Self Mill Goyf

7 months ago

4 Stitcher's Supplier 4 Hedron Crab 3 Satyr Wayfinder 4 Urborg Lhurgoyf 4 Cruel Somnophage 4 Souls of the Lost 2 Nighthowler 3 Grist, the Hunger Tide 2 Wonder 4 Unearth 3 Brazen Borrower 1 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant 1 Glasspool Mimic  Flip 1 Kazandu Mammoth  Flip

1 Svogthos, the Restless Tomb

That's a good base. Take what works and replace what you don't like.

Exp. I've been playing iterations of this for years now and eight one drops are important. You need to start filling your gy ASAP. These are the two best. If you don't want to go into blue, there are cards like Gnawing Vermin but for me, m2 isn't enough. The -1/-1 is helpful so there is some leeway based on META. If I dabble in other colors, Shriekhorn is my go-to.

Satyr's spot can be removed but I play a low land count due to the two modal lands (Glasspool/Mammoth). Mire Triton is another favorite because Deathtouch and gainlfie. It's also a META call. I don't like others like Skull Prophet. If I were playing The Mycotyrant I'd consider it because it 'mills over time' (MOT) but once your opp sees what youre on theyd kill it before you get a chance to use it.

So, in this list I'm 12 goyfs. Eight can self-mill (SM) and the other is useful (Souls) in getting Wonder out of your hand. You can also sac Stitcher to it if you're a T1 Stitcher T2 Souls. Every card in this deck is a permanent besides Unearth so if you fetched at all, you could have a T2 6/6-8/8 Souls of the Lost and that aint to shabby.

I have always played at least 1-2 Nighthowler. It makes those Stitchers, Crabs, and Satyrs a threat and more often than not, takes two spells to kill it (when it's bestowed).

I view this deck as a sort of aggro deck and keeping with 99% creature theme, Grist and Brazen Borrower are my interaction. You can bring in whatever you want (obviously) but it's also provides fliers for Nighthowler, Grist has a built in win-con and protects itself. I always play a Boseiju, Who Endures and if I play more, -1 Unearth for Life from the Loam and if I'm really frisky, I'll add a few more legends, play more of the Channel Lands and another Life/Loam. I've got a oops all Channel lands were all the other lands are Modal and I play Amulet of Vigor with Shriekhorn and use Emry, Lurker of the Loch as a self-mill recur piece. It's fun.

Sidisi is a MOT that can help you go wide. Every time you mill, you get a zombie. I use this in near every build when I'm in color. I've tested Blossoming Tortoise but save that for a Mosswort Bridge version I play and if I can't get that going I want to be able to cast the top end. Shigeki, Jukai Visionary, Molderhulk, Aether Vial + Dryad Arbor help get me there. But just playing the new Squirming Emergence is so much easier than playing all those other cards.

You can find a way to bring in draw, life, other interaction, etc.. it's on you. There are times were I play Jace, the Perfected Mind or Visions of Beyond for draw. Spellstutter Sprite and a few spots for other faeries like Likeness Looter (flying faerie goyfs!).

But that's the base. Do what you want.. because you can literally do anything. I've got a junk list focused on recur with Unearth, Renegade Rallier, Necropanther, Athreos, God of Passage... a jund/grixis list that uses Ob Nixilis, the Adversary and Orcish Bowmasters (sac goyf to etb Ob Nix, Token Ob forces opp to draw 7 for -7 life. Bowmasters deals another 6 plus you get a 6/6 orc token (+2 more for paper Ob +1 if they can't discard). That's a 15 point swing, not including attacks. Another Grixis list that plays Kroxa, Flamewake Phoenix, Seasoned Pyromancer and Ox.

My favorite - game 1, I'm a mill deck that sideboard converts into self-mill game 2. It still deals with the gy but game 1 youre spell heavy and game 2 youre creature heavy.

Anyway, have fun.

wallisface on Modern Mill

9 months ago

Some thoughts that you can take or leave:

  • Fraying Sanity is a card that can only really be justified as a 1-of at-best. Drawing a second copy will almost always lose you the game as you’ll never get time to play it, and mill games can easily be lost by one useless draw.

  • Running 4x Jace, the Perfected Mind seems excessive. 2-3 feels like the most a deck can justify before its high mana cost impedes deck functionality.

  • I get what you’re aiming for with Scheming Symmetry, but it’s far more gimmick-than-useful. The fact this card puts you down 1 card in-hand means its almost always hurting you more than helping you - it might help with one strong turn, but the card disadvantage will ruin your ability to close-out games. Imo just run the full playset of Field of Ruin and aim for more ”individually strong” cards.

  • imo your mainboard feels lacking in quantity of both interaction (Fatal Push, Surgical Extraction) and mill-spells (Tasha's Hideous Laughter). I think Fraying Sanity, Scheming Symmetry, and Trapmaker's Snare are all taking up a lot of space in your deck, and taking away your ability to compete.

jdogz32 on Mill deck

9 months ago

Firstly I'd take out Jace's Phantasm as your deck aims to mill not kill. I'd also add Ruin Crab over Hedron Crab if your only going to add one of the Crabs. Although most mill decks add both and play some form of lands similar to Evolving Wilds Some other good adds you should look at are Archive Trap although this one is not budget Fractured Sanity Jace, the Perfected Mind Tasha's Hideous Laughter Drown in the Loch I'd also recommend taking out a few if not all copies of consuming aberation you'll be lucky to get one down let alone multiple copies. Hope this helps

wallisface on Grinding like a pepper mill

10 months ago

Cool, for a pure mill $50 list I'd be doing something like this (all prices from Card Kingdom):

Comes to $49.95 total.

Ammonzy on Mill.ionaire [Modern UB Mill]

1 year ago


So far I believe it greatly exceeds initial reactions. My first thought of Jace, the Perfected Mind was that he was a mediocre PW that at best could make it to pioneer. After some games, I'm actually pretty happy with it.

The biggest positive of the new Jace is it gives mill a card that gives us consistent value outside of Mesmeric Orb. The +1 effect is fairly good at keeping the opponent's biggest threat at bay as -3 power is actually quite a bit. Allowing Jace to keep climbing loyalty counters behind crabs that now block super well.

The -2 is probably the best overall ability as its Visions of Beyond complimented with milling 3 cards to help reach that 20 GY threshold. And worst case scenario, you can turn him into a 4cmc Fractured Sanity or 3cmc Glimpse the Unthinkable by popping the ultimate.

cyeRunner on Mill.ionaire [Modern UB Mill]

1 year ago

how do you like Jace, the Perfected Mind so far ?

nbarry223 on Shifty Crabs!

1 year ago

Well, if you were going a third color, the obvious choice is . Drown in the Loch is so powerful in a mill deck as a denial card, as it can counter a threat or be removal, and it scales, all for 2 mana. also has a lot of gravehate options, many of which gain life, so they help against both aggro and graveyard oriented decks, which may help to free up some slots in the sideboard, by consolidating your hate a bit.

Jace, the Perfected Mind is also a pretty powerful potential tool if able to be enabled, main enabler is usually Archive Trap (would suggest Field of Ruin if you went that route). Tasha's Hideous Laughter is another option if just going for the mill since most modern decks are very low curves.

I'm also a little surprised you don't have much in the way of gravehate in your sideboard. What do you do against decks where your mill strategy enables them? Bojuka Bog and Grafdigger's Cage just seem suboptimal. If removing threats already in the graveyard, I'd consider something like Surgical Extraction or Ashiok, Dream Render. If doing something preventative, replacement effects are the way to go instead of narrow denial strategies like Grafdigger's Cage since a lot of strategies like Living End get around it. Dauthi Voidwalker or Rest in Peace are the two main cards that come to mind. Honestly though, I think your best option in your current colors is Relic of Progenitus, since it lets you slowly chip away at graveyard strategies or is a cantrip that can be used in response to their graveyard strategy.

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