Discovery / Dispersal

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Discovery / Dispersal



Surveil 2, then draw a card. (To surveil 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of thm into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)



Each opponent returns a nonland permanent they control with the highest converted mana cost/mana value among permanents they control to its owner's hand, then discards a card.

azja on yuriko edh 500

11 months ago

Hey thanks again for your comments on my primer :)

A few suggestions I have:

  1. Replace 2 mana enablers with weak/no abilities (such as Dimir Infiltrator and Gurmag Swiftwing) with 1 mana enablers (like Gudul Lurker) or stronger 2 mana enablers (i.e., Baleful Strix, Augury Owl).

  2. Replace 3 mana ramp (like Basalt Monolith, Dimir Locket) with 2 mana ramp (i.e., Dimir Signet or Talisman of Dominance).

  3. Soft permission spells such as Spell Pierce and Mana Leak are usually weak in budget/lower-powered pods because the games go longer. Some potential replacements could be Misdirection, Drown in the Loch.

  4. Cancel, Murder, Hero's Downfall, Perplex, Connive / Concoct and Rite of Undoing seem quite weak to me. Some budget-friendly cards I like that you might want to play are Curtains' Call, Portent, Far / Away, Discovery / Dispersal, Submerge, and Murderous Cut.

Good luck in your tournament!

psionictemplar on Hulk Pact

2 years ago

I think you are probably right on cutting some removal. So how do these changes look.

Add: 4 Unmarked Grave 1 The Underworld Cookbook 3 Discovery / Dispersal

Remove: 3 Dismember 3 Esper Sentinel 1 Reveillark 1 Smallpox

Most all the additions are to help with getting hulk in the yard, with cookbook giving me a small amount of flexibility.

The removal decisions were based off mana considerations and the potential non-bo with an early smallpox/sentinel. Reveillark was probably the hardest pull since I do want backup combo pieces, but Body Double gives me the option to use another players graveyard as well.

I am not completely sure of these changes yet, but one thing I have been mulling over is the need for Prismatic Ending. I can't think of anything right now so dangerous outside of a Relic of Progenitus or Tormod's Crypt that I might need to remove. Not to mention that it doesn't progress my gameplan at all.

Skysurfer on

2 years ago

The idea is litty and i love it but this list has 3 major issues:

  1. Your sheer lack of turn 1 proactive plays makes you so hilariously screwed if you are on the draw and being on the play not nearly as threatening as you could be, along with you likely having a difficult decision of playing hero or thought erasure turn 2.

  2. The massive amount of 2 ofs will likely make it really hard to have any idea of what you might draw or even see in a game and be able to critique and figure out how to mesh and meld your deck as you play more with it.

  3. Your sorcery speed plays and instant/flash speed plays are all of very similar mana costs and i imagine make the deck a struggle to figure out what to play each turn; the deck cant decide if it wants to play midrange value or tempo.

I would probably with your current setup delve more into the tempo option. The first issue can be easily solved by just molding at least 2 of the Thought Erasure into either Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek so you almost always have it in your opening hand (the last erasure can mold into either another of them or a 4th Spell Queller) Drown in the Loch seems like a really good tempo option so i would take out the 2 Discovery / Dispersal for 2 more Drown in the Loch. I dont think Tomebound Lich fits very well into what you are trying to do so I would search for something more in the 1-2 drop area to be better capitalized on by ojutais command/ahtreos (Delver of Secrets  Flip or Esper Stormblade??) I would also cut 1-2 lands as 24 is only really played for decks that scry a lot like control. Dimir Charm or a creature buff for the tokens like Collective Effort might also be a spicy option to put in exchange for some of the spot removal like path or push. I hope this all helps. Good luck in your matches.

DrkNinja on Dead Silence

2 years ago

Ok so I didn't check to see if any of these were in the deck already but... here's my list of suggestions!

It's a lot of cards so...

Again some of these may be cut worthy but off the cuff this is what I came up with. Also I didn't include any ninjas... I figure they are easy enough to find

multimedia on Processing Throat Pain with Yuriko

2 years ago

Hey, well done so far on a budget for your first Commander deck.

Command Tower, Sol Ring, Arcane Signet are some budget staples to consider adding. Some budget Rogues to consider adding:

Budget cards that have high CMC, but can be cast for much less mana then their CMC are good with Yuriko. They can do lots of damage by revealing them with Yuriko and then cast them later on for less mana.

Dig and Cruise have Delve which lets you exile cards from your graveyard to reduce the colorless mana of the casting cost. Discovery/ Dispersal is a Split card and the CMC of it is the combined cost of both sides. It has a CMC of 7 and you can choose to cast either side, but only one side. The other two cards have Aftermath and just like Split cards the CMC is the combined cost of both sides. Commit / Memory has a CMC of 10. You first cast Commit, then if you want to can cast Memory from your graveyard, but then exile the card.

More budget cards that can let you manipulate the top card of your library give more control over what card you can reveal with Yuriko.

Brainstorm is powerful for one mana instant because if you have a high CMC card in your hand you can draw three cards and then put that card on top of your library before you attack.

Walk the Aeons and Notorious Throng are budget extra turn spells to have another turn to attack again. Throng works with Rogues when any Rogue does damage to a player you can cast Throng for it's Prowl cost to create Faerie Rogues and take an extra turn.

If interested in any of these suggestions I offer more advice including cuts to consider. Good luck with your deck.

legendofa on Mardu Reanimator (griselbrands back baby)

3 years ago

Since you have access to , what are your thoughts on Thrilling Discovery over Cathartic Reunion ? And I don't see any way to cast the Dispersal half of Discovery / Dispersal .

klaudiohmm on Akatsuki, the Horizon's Shadow

3 years ago

Hey! I have a Yuriko list on my tappedout, hope it helps too: . About your list, I have some tips that may help you.

First, I think that Draco, despite having a mana value of 16, is pretty bad in this deck. You won't be able to cast it in most situations and, if you cast it, it is very weak. I think that cards that doesn't have that mana value, but you can cast and they may actually be useful, works better than it. Maybe a card with this function is Commit / Memory or, if your budget allows for it, Emrakul, the Promised End .

I don't think that you will take benefit from K'rrik as you want to. This deck deals damage to all opponents and can struggle with life because it attracts a lot of hate from your opponents, so using K'rrik to cast spells paying life won't be good (don't know / think that its lifelink helps that much). Also, K'rrik doesn't have an ETB or evasion to help your ninjutsu.

If Shapesharer doesn't work that well, maybe a card like Unnatural Selection may be stronger.

Maybe cast Wound Reflection is hard and attract a lot of hate to you, so maybe is better to swap it for some cheap creature with evasion, a Ninja with Ninjutsu or something like it.

Other inclusions are (depending on your budget): Zendikar Rising mythic-DFC, split-cards (e.g. Discovery / Dispersal ) and free spells (e.g. Snuff Out , Deadly Rollick ), board wipes (e.g. Devastation Tide ), cards with Delve (e.g. Treasure Cruise ), etc. Cards that have a high mana value but can be cheaper (or even free) works very well in this deck.

BrassLord on Akatsuki, the Horizon's Shadow

3 years ago

If you're looking for another big CMC damage trigger, Discovery / Dispersal , is a good one, as the discovery portion can set up the top of your deck with surveil!

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