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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Thought Erasure
Target opponent reveals their hand. You choose a nonland card from it. That player discards that card.
Surveil 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put it into your graveyard.)

Bob_Spaghet on
1 year ago
I play a similar deck in explorer on arena. My first main thought is that playing four copies of the legendary creatures isn't necessary, and they all get very bad in multiple. Typically, you won't need or want more than one copy of each per game, so I would probably stick to one or two copies of each max. I agree with the last comment about Memory Deluge, that card is the truth in this type of deck and should probably replace Search; I also agree that Strategic Planning and Collective Brutality are clunky. I strongly recommend some split of Censor, Tainted Indulgence, or Thought Erasure replacing all eight Plannings and Brutalities. I also think any black deck needs at least three copies of Fatal Push; that card is incredibly well placed right now. Finally, I think that some number of hard counter spells are necessary in case you match up against other controlling strategies. Sinister Sabotage, Saw it Coming, or just good old Negate would probably be better than the third and fourth copies of Dreadbore or Heartless Act
Skysurfer on
3 years ago
The idea is litty and i love it but this list has 3 major issues:
Your sheer lack of turn 1 proactive plays makes you so hilariously screwed if you are on the draw and being on the play not nearly as threatening as you could be, along with you likely having a difficult decision of playing hero or thought erasure turn 2.
The massive amount of 2 ofs will likely make it really hard to have any idea of what you might draw or even see in a game and be able to critique and figure out how to mesh and meld your deck as you play more with it.
Your sorcery speed plays and instant/flash speed plays are all of very similar mana costs and i imagine make the deck a struggle to figure out what to play each turn; the deck cant decide if it wants to play midrange value or tempo.
I would probably with your current setup delve more into the tempo option. The first issue can be easily solved by just molding at least 2 of the Thought Erasure into either Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek so you almost always have it in your opening hand (the last erasure can mold into either another of them or a 4th Spell Queller) Drown in the Loch seems like a really good tempo option so i would take out the 2 Discovery / Dispersal for 2 more Drown in the Loch. I dont think Tomebound Lich fits very well into what you are trying to do so I would search for something more in the 1-2 drop area to be better capitalized on by ojutais command/ahtreos (Delver of Secrets Flip or Esper Stormblade??) I would also cut 1-2 lands as 24 is only really played for decks that scry a lot like control. Dimir Charm or a creature buff for the tokens like Collective Effort might also be a spicy option to put in exchange for some of the spot removal like path or push. I hope this all helps. Good luck in your matches.
zapyourtumor on
Bogbrew witch black blue control
3 years ago
Default sorting by color is so cursed
I'd cut down on the number of Newts or Cauldrons to maybe 2 each. Since you have 4x Witch to tutor them, you really don't need that many, and this will lower the chances of drawing dead cards and let you fill the slots with something better.
Another witch that is fun in UB control lists and fits with the witch theme is Sedgemoor Witch. Floods the board with tokens that gain you some life. Also a lot of fun with Flusterstorm.
Instead of Thought Erasure I'd use Dread Fugue if you can't afford Thoughtseize. Having that 1 cmc is just super important since you can get rid of a card on t1 and leave t2 open for a counterspell.
wallisface on
My control
3 years ago
In place of the Thought Erasure, i’d recommend the following:
- 2x Spell Snare (helps a lot when you’re on the draw)
- 1x Into the Story (great late game hamd-refil)
- another Victim of Night (you’re light on killspells)
wallisface on
My control
3 years ago
Very nice deck, I like! My only suggestion would be to swap out Thought Erasure for more control magic, or more killspells. Control decks either want to be proactive (with hand disruption), or reactive (with counter magic), but seldom both, because it’s hard to be proactive and still have mana left up for reactions. I can imagine Thought Erasure getting stuck in your hand a lot of the time, or worse, if consuming your mana and allowing your opponent to do what they want.
wallisface on
3 years ago
Some thoughts:
Thoughtseize > Thought Erasure. Sure, you get to surveil, but at the cost of being a super slow & clumsy spell. It’s not worth it.
Fatal Push > Heartless Act. 2cmc is just too slow/unwieldy for a killspell most of the time. Bone Shards could also be good here to start filling your graveyard.
I don’t think Jace, Wielder of Mysteries is worth it at all. His abilities are “meh” for this deck, you’re never likely to mill yourself out, and his mana cost is pretty high.
Similarly, Torrent Elemental is a bad card here for its mana cost alone. At 22 lands, you’re unlikely to have the mana to cast it until you’ve drawn a total of 14 cards. The game will/should be over by then. Plan to play more aggressively and ditch this, imo.
Your creature count (and early game mill potential) feels a little low to reliably cast the Skaab Ruinator on turn 3. That should be your primary goal here, imo
PhocusEnergy on
Counter Intelligence
3 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions!
- For Disinformation Campaign , this is one I keep going back and fourth on in place of Notion Rain , and so far I've just found NR to be a little bit more effective for us, drawing us one more card, triggering our surveil-matters creatures one more time, and being able to be flashed-back with Mission Briefing , but I'll keep testing and see if DC isn't the correct play instead.
- Drown in the Loch is one on my radar, but without much in the way of dedicated mill, I'm just afraid it will be a dead card too often. If I find that's not the case and I'm usually filling my opponents graveyard quicker than expected with cards like Thought Erasure , then I'll start working a few copies in.
- Fatal Push is a fantastic card and would easily swap with Tyrant's Scorn , but doesn't fit with our budget unless we wanted to cut more Doom Whisperer s or start playing taplands.
- Eliminate 's slightly easier casting cost and ability to hit planeswalkers is an attractive alternative to Tyrant's Scorn , but I really like TS's flexibility to bounce larger creatures later in the game, which is a far more common occurrence than sub-4 mana planeswalkers at this price point. It might be worth making room for in the sideboard, and definitely to keep in mind in case I start seeing an increase in walkers in my local meta.
9-lives on
3 years ago
The entire point of having damage and mill win conditions is so that I have a few ways of winning. I have 3 win conditions so far: one with damage, and 3 with milling: milling myself Traumatize and Fraying Sanity targeting myself with Jace, milling the opponent with those two cards, and using Phenax, God of Deception if I have a lot of creatures on the field . I want to keep my deck varied, as when I can't win with damage, I can win with mill. Also, legendary doesn't matter; I have multiple copies of the same legendary card because it gives me the draw advantage and if they die i'll be able to replace them. Legendary doesn't mean you can't have more than one of each legendary creature; just not more than one of the same legendary creature. This deck works perfectly as a damage deck already. The milling is just another addendum which also functions off of high toughness as an advantage. If I had Bant colors, I wouldn't be able to use Diabolic Tutor , Phenax, God of Deception , and Thought Erasure . Phenax is what i'm using to mill as a win condition. I would like to use more mana so that I can balance my mana usage, but it's fine for now.