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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Set Adrift
Delve (Each card you exile from your graveyard while casting this spell pays for .)
Put target nonland permanent on top of its owner's library.
leovolt884_ on Dandan dredge
6 months ago
Bookrook I just meant any dual land of choice, shocks probably work best also to speed up the game since you'll need a lot of attacks with Slitherhead. The new ping lands could also work but they're slow. A new suggestion is if you want the effect of Endurance, run Blessed Respite instead. It's a fog that has the shuffle graveyard into library stapled on. Just because a 3 mana 3/4 could really quickly change the pace of the game. For Thoughtseize I'd suggest cutting at least one Life from the Loam because they probably won't see a lot of use with reshuffling the graveyard into the library and they can be cast effectively from the graveyard anyways. Maybe one Set Adrift also. I think it can clear too many cards out of the graveyard. It also has very little upside in its actual effect since its a sorcery and your opponent is just going to redraw that same card as soon as you pass the turn. The effect would be more interesting gameplay wise on an instant to set up your own draw. Codex Shredder feels a bit too slow especially with so few ways to set up draws that the instant speed mill doesn't have use other than filling the graveyard which other cards in the deck do better. If you want to up the complexity and interaction, add in some card draw, so players aren't sitting with empty hands in what is going to be a very slow game as well as add in card selection with Ponder and Brainstorm (which would be incredibly powerful considering since it lets you basically choose what your opponent will draw and what you will draw next turn at instant speed). If you do this keep the Codex Shredder at 4 copies, cut the Set Adrift altogether or replace it with an instant of the same effect, and maybe consider Clear the Mind instead of adding Blessed Respite. Also I believe traditional Dandan is run at 80 cards so bringing this list up to 80 would be super fine if you add in card draw and card selection. That being said it would really up the blue presence in the deck making lands a bit trickier :>
amarthaler on EDH Xanathar, Guild Kingpin
2 years ago
Out: Elder Brain... Set Adrift
In: Extract Brain... Bribery
wallisface on A Modern Mono Mill of Maddening Magnitude
2 years ago
The only other cards I can think of in your price range that might help you are:
Profane Memento. You probably don’t want to run more than 2 of these, cause drawing multiples will suck. But they can help buy you an extra few turns.
Set Adrift is basically a blue killspell in a mill deck.
wallisface on Modern Mill Deck Help
3 years ago
Caerwyn that does sound like an appealing option, and one I’ll need to try. Currently i’m getting around Leyline largely by just having a high-density of “each opponent” based mill cards, and then having Echoing Truth and Set Adrift in the sideboard - both of which give me ample time to get the job done.
The Trophy option does sound really strong, and something I’ll have to try out at somestage. My local meta is currently going a bit ham over Blood Moon , so at the moment for me personally the bounce cards are probably more viable.
zamiero on Vial and Ghost!
4 years ago
3> Ahhh I've been wanting to play with Obosh, the Preypiercer and Angrath's Marauders - glad you found a spot for them. While you're at it, you could also consider other "damage doublers" such as Wound Reflection and Fiendish Duo. I've thought about a Vial-Smasher deck with a White partner just to add Gisela, Blade of Goldnight.
3> I see you enjoy big monsters and X-spells here. Oh to be young again... but seriously, this seems like a good deck to play them in as you would be rewarded. Instants are your friend, as you can Smash Vials on everyone's turn! No Comet Storm?
3> I would be worried about Vial-Smasher getting nuked from orbit as soon as your turn passes and it's no longer indestructible. You'll find Heroic Intervention and Slippery Bogbonder will help with targeted Exile removal. You already have Destroy and Sacrifice covered I see.
3> I see some cost-reduced and commander-free spells in there, but you have a limited suite. While doing research for my thoughts on Vial-Smasher, I found the following might be helpful - list is just copy/paste, so it will include some White and/or Blue cards:
- 3- Offalsnout (evoke B)
- 3- Rushwood Legate (opponent control island)
- 4- Skyshroud Cutter (control forest, opponents gain life)
- 4- Frogmite (artifacts battlefield)
- 4- Bone Picker (creature dies)
- 4- Briarhorn (evoke 1G)
- 4- Deepwood Legate (opponent control forest)
- 5- Stormwing Entity (cast instant/sorcery)
- 5- Ingot Chewer (evoke R)
- 5- Shriekmaw (evoke 1B)
- 5- Glarewielder (evoke 1R)
- 5- Mulldrifter (evoke 2U)
- 6- Igneous Elemental (land graveyard)
- 6- Nemesis of Mortals (greatures graveyard)
- 6- AEthersnipe (evoke 1UU)
- 6- Spitebellows (evoke 1RR)
- 6- Cloudthresher (evoke 2GG)
- 6- Hooting Mandrills (cards graveyard)
- 6- Ethereal Forager (cards graveyard)
- 6- Soulflayer (cards graveyard)
- 6- Sultai Scavenger (cards graveyard)
- 6- Tasigur, the Golden Fang (cards graveyard)
- 6- Salvage Titan (sacrifice three artifacts)
- 6- Sawtusk Demolisher (creature battlefield)
- 6- Shatterskull Minotaur (party)
- 6- Somber Hoverguard (artifacts battlefield)
- 6- Veteran Adventurer (party)
- 7- Gurmag Angler (cards graveyard)
- 7- Ore-Scale Guardian (lands graveyard)
- 7- Myr Enforcer (artifacts battlefield)
- 7- Cryptic Serpent (instant/sorcery graveyard)
- 7- Gearseeker Serpent (artifacts battlefield)
- 7- Quicksilver Behemoth (artifacts battlefield)
- 7- Dargo, the Shipwrecker (sacrifice artifacts/creatures)
- 7- Mournwhelk (evoke 3B)
- 7- Faultgrinder (evoke 4R)
- 8- Ghoultree (creatures graveyard)
- 8- Avatar of Woe (creatures graveyard)
- 8- Walker of the Grove (evoke 4G)
- 8- Shambling Attendants (cards graveyard)
- 8- Bedlam Reveler (instant/sorcery graveyard)
- 8- Qumulox (artifacts battlefield)
- 9- Molderhulk (creature graveyard)
- 9- Sibsig Muckdraggers (cards graveyard)
- 9- Necropolis Fiend (cards graveyard)
- 10+ Stratadon (basic land types)
- 10+ Primeval Protector (creatures battlefield)
- 10+ Ghalta, Primal Hunger (power of creatures battlefield)
- 10+ Draco (basic land types)
- 10+ The Great Henge (power of creatures battlefield)
- 10+ The Cauldron of Eternity (creatures graveyard)
3> I see some cost-reduced and commander-free spells in there, but you have a limited suite. While doing research for my thoughts on Vial-Smasher, I found the following might be helpful - list is just copy/paste, so it will include some White and/or Blue cards:
- 3- Light Up the Stage (opponent damage)
- 4- Reverent Silence (control forest, opponents gain life)
- 4- Snuff Out (control swamp, pay life)
- 4- Ensnare (return two islands)
- 4- Flameshot (discard mountain)
- 4- Outbreak (discard swamp)
- 4- Snag (discard forest)
- 4- Unmask (black card hand)
- 4- Ravenous Trap (opponent 3 cards enter graveyard)
- 4- Lethargy Trap (three creatures attacking)
- 4- Bolt Bend (4-power creature battlefield)
- 4- Massacre (opponent control plains)
- 4- Refreshing Rain (opponent control swamp)
- 4- Ricochet Trap (opponent cast blue)
- 4- Tentative Connection (menace creature battlefield)
- 4- Drag to the Underworld (devotion to black)
- 4- Snag (discard forest)
- 4- Hagra Mauling Flip (opponent has no basic lands)
- 4- Price of Fame (targets legend)
- 5- Bounty of the Hunt (green card hand)
- 5- Contagion (black card hand)
- 5- Force of Will (blue card hand)
- 5- Cave-In (red card hand)
- 5- Submerge (opponent control forest)
- 5- Gush (return two islands)
- 5- Misdirection (blue card hand)
- 5- Dark Triumph (sacrifice creature)
- 5- Thoughtcast (artifacts battlefield)
- 5- Murderous Cut (cards graveyard)
- 5- Rite of Undoing (cards graveyard)
- 5- Coveted Prize (party)
- 5- Deadly Alliance (party)
- 5- Baral's Expertise (cast CMC 4 or less)
- 6- Pyrokinesis (red card hand)
- 6- Fireblast (sacrifice two mountains)
- 6- Pulverize (sacrifice two mountains)
- 6- Into Thin Air (artifacts battlefield)
- 6- Tasigur's Cruelty (cards graveyard)
- 6- Spinning Darkness (black cards graveyard)
- 6- Become Immense (cards graveyard)
- 6- Set Adrift (cards graveyard)
- 6- Will of the Naga (cards graveyard)
- 6- Runeflare Trap (opponent drew 3 cards)
- 6- Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp (artifact battlefield)
- 6- Magmatic Sinkhole (cards graveyard)
- 6- Thwart the Grave (party)
- 6- Curtains' Call (per opponent)
- 6- Cobra Trap (noncreature destroyed by opponent)
- 6- Rishkar's Expertise (cast CMC 5 or less)
- 7- Divergent Transformations (per opponent)
- 7- Into the Story (opponent 7+ cards graveyard)
- 7- Assert Authority (artifacts battlefield)
- 7- Seeds of Renewal (per opponent)
- 7- Needlebite Trap (opponent gain life)
- 8- Treasure Cruise (cards graveyard)
- 9- Blasphemous Act (creatures battlefield)
- 10+ Dead Drop (cards graveyard)
- 10+ Volcanic Salvo (power of creatures battlefield) X
- 3- Chord of Calling (untapped creatures battlefield)
aholder7 on Is my pet card good
4 years ago
even in modern, CA doesn't really fit mill decks as they usually go all out for the mill kill. CA doesn't have evasion of any kind either which really hinders him. if you want to make a deck that allows them to do well, i'd suggest a dimir control deck with lots of cheap hand disruption and counter spells with a few nice finishers with this as one. your discard spells are no longer blanks against empty enemy hands because of the mill option. admittedly there are probably better options but i feel that he is more reasonable in this build than a straight mill deck.
vague list assuming you want budget.
2x Duress
4x Mana Leak
2x Negate
24x land
that leaves a few cards to add and you can fill them out to fit your style
Heavy into mill 4x Mind Funeral 4x Maddening Cacophony
more dudes on the field 4x Thing in the Ice Flip 4x Aegis Turtle
bigger spells are cooler 4x Devastation Tide 4x Set Adrift
if you didn't want this to be budget obviously add snapcasters and fetches and feel free to add more cards like Remand.
SentinelElf2711 on Competitive UB mill modern (2020 short guide)
4 years ago
Hi Vinman, for the UBG version, Assassin's Trophy is very strong. Unfortunatly i don't really like the splash of green in mill, like the UBW version,it makes the manabase unstable (in my opinion). I know that Leyline of Sanctity is a very big problem for us, but we can be very creative with answers: did you think about siding Thassa's Oracle and milling yourself? It's a very good strategy,not only vs Leyline of Sanctity, but is very good vs dredge, decks who has Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, Gaea's Blessing ecc (is really good in mirror matches too). We have Set Adrift, Stern Dismissal, we can counter it with Drown in the Loch. We have losts of answers, without needing green.But this is just my personal opinion :) Anyways, u can play Assassin's Trophy in mainboard, is a good good removal, and 1 or 2 Nature's Claim in SB. But in my opinion the best version of mill still UB. (I am working on a new list, this one is just a test). BTW ty for your comment. I hope I have told you something useful.
sergiodelrio on [Turn 3 Win] Snoop Mogg
4 years ago
Could splash for Skill Borrower and Set Adrift (or similar cards) in case you wanted to push the combo aspect.
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