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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Artifact Creature — Dragon

Domain- Draco costs less to cast for each basic land type among lands you control.


Domain- At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice Draco unless you pay . This cost is reduced by for each basic land type among lands you control.

TheOfficialCreator on Angels Modern

2 weeks ago

I think a third Giada, Font of Hope could probably do a little better than the one Serra Paragon. I get not wanting to have too many of the same legend, but with Giada it actually works in your favor since any duplicates will just be stronger because the original will boost the P/T of the new one. If you play the duplicate on your second main you actually get to have a big blocker that turn cycle too.

I've found that Secluded Steppe's cycle of lands helps me in Modern decks that are a bit slow.

While I understand Wrath of the Skies's synergies with your deck, I think it honestly will disproportionately hurt you because you know you're low to the ground. Skywrath won't be able to take out a Murktide Regent, Wurmcoil Engine, or a Draco. A regular Wrath would be more effective as a sideboard option, I think. (Could also run some recursion in the sideboard to go along with it, though I'm not sure if TOR would just balance that out as a result of drawing a bunch of cards anyway).

leon_bulminot on Volrath, Voltron Reanimator

6 months ago

Not sure what you might cut but if you want some help and unblockables, try a Kormus Bell plus something like Filth, you can turn your lands into a constant pinging source of damage.

I would also swap Void Winnower over to your control portion. Big beefy Eldrazi yes but risky to lose until your board is setup. And even then, he has more Utility as control.

I’d also swap Kozileks, if you have Kozilek, the Great Distortion. Lets you turn stuff like Filth into a counter spell and put it in the graveyard where you need it.

Also, Liliana of the Veil is decent but you can get so much more utility out of Liliana Vess for tutoring or, Liliana of the Dark Realms for land tutor and removal. Plus if you ultimate Dark Realms, you get BIG mana bumps, especially to use with Draco. Using 2 lands to keep him around versus 8.

And since you are so sack heavy, a card to not only dole out damage as you summon black creatures but let you sack and draw cards, and a seriously reduced cost, Ayara, First of Locthwain. Could replace 2 or 3 cards with just her.

Final suggestion and honestly, I am surprised with all the sacking you do here that it isn’t even on the maybe board. Blood Artist. All I need to say there lol

As for what to pull out, check your synergy and self interaction with cards. If two or three cards only interact with themselves, you might need to consider dropping them. I’ve been over the deck list but it could go so many different routes for beef sticks beating things down. Just thoughts to consider while looking for things to pull out. Sometimes one card can complete the function of 2 if you have them.

kremsers on Yuriko's Invisible War

1 year ago

Type-changing in Yuriko always ends up feeling like a dead slot to me because you're bouncing the non-ninjas anyway. Definitely give Meekstone a try; it's really nice in mid-powered pods, which seems to be what you're going for here. I'm not sure why include snow-covered Islands without Tainted Pact--for the aesthetics, I imagine? Kozilek is an interesting choice; you probably have the mana base to cast it if the game gets dragged out, but I'm guessing it's mostly there for mill protection. I'd be tempted to drop it either for Draco or for something you'll actually cast, unless you're seeing an unusual amount of mill.

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

1 year ago

Hi magwaaf!

I'm currently testing Shadow of Mortality in place of Draco, but I haven't officially updated the decklist yet.

As for high cmc cards in general, adding more than a few of them hurts your deck more than it improves it. The reason being that we play a very low number of lands and ramp spells, so we can't cast anything more than 6-7 mana very reliably. Although it feels awesome to flip an eldrazi titan to Yuriko's trigger, we're not casting it anytime soon, so we're better off filling our deck with "pretty high cmc but still playable" cards like Consign / Oblivion, Dig Through Time, etc.

Asgeren on Volrath Voltron Reanimator

1 year ago

Shadow of Mortality would fit well in here next to Draco :)

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

@magwaaf I do plan on trying out Shadow of Mortality, I just haven't gotten a hold of one yet! I think it will take the spot of Draco since it's actually cast-able, but Blinkmoth Infusion is likely still our best "burn" card since it can be pitched to Force of Will and similar cards.

ABaggins on Kawarimi no Jutsu

2 years ago

One thing that may be cool in this deck could be Shadow of Mortality and Draco/Scion of Draco

azja on Yuriko (Optimized) Primer

2 years ago

@DinGo90 I could definitely see Shadow of Mortality replacing Draco. Although it's "only" 15 cmc, it's a card that we can can pretty reasonably cast for BB, unlike Draco. The reason I'd still like to play Blinkmoth Infusion is that it's blue, so we can exile it to Force of Negation, Force of Will, etc.

Let me know what you think!

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