Myr Enforcer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Myr Enforcer

Artifact Creature — Myr

Affinity for artifacts (This spell costs less to cast for each artifact you control.)

Taida on Affinity and what to cut

1 month ago

Maybe you can try Experimental Synthesizer. Gives you some draw until end of turn, and you can sac it with whatever, and the effect triggers again. I also like Etched Champion quite a lot, as it is quite difficult to remove and is both amazing blocking and attacking. A substitute to Cranial Plating could be Nettlecyst, or you can even run both. Something like Skilled Animator, Kenku Artificer or Ensoul Artifact can also be very fun, especially if used on an Ornithopter or any indestructible land such as Silverbluff Bridge or Darksteel Citadel. Another affinity card I have a sweetspot for is Broodstar, but it needs colored mana, so it is not as easy to cast as a Myr Enforcer.

Blackerhawk on Affinity and what to cut

1 month ago

Hey nuperokaso , thanks for the input. Black mana was in the deck for the alternative equip cost of Cranial Plating, but Mistvault Bridge coming into play tapped does slow me down. I do have 4 Memnites and 4 Welding Jars in my collection, and could replace the remaining 2 Myr Enforcers with those. Or maybe instead of the Gingerbrute? Would you go Fling over Shrapnel Blast? As it can do a lot more damage with the Cranial Plating attached to a creature and with the Arcbound Ravager after he eats the rest of the crew...

I greatly appreciate your response and any other input is more than welcome.

nuperokaso on Affinity and what to cut

1 month ago

You will need to remove 18 card to get to 60: - 2 Mystic Forge and 4 Deadly Dispute - Affinity is an aggro deck; it wants to put additional creatures on board, not just draw cards. You may leave Thoughtcast and Thought Monitor. That will also rid you of black color entirely. - 4 Mistvault Bridge - 22 lands is too much for a 60 card deck that mostly plays free spells. You also don't want to draw multiple tapped lands. - 2 Shrapnel Blast - You don't want multiples in your opening hand, because then you won't have enough artifacts to cast your spells. You are also playing another sacrifice outlet (Arcbound Ravager) and too many sacrifice effect have diminishing returns. - 2 Myr Enforcer - You were playing 12 7 mana spells, that's simply too much. You can't keep opening hand with 4 of them. - 4 Lotus Petal - The only card in your deck that was not Modern legal. Also it's useless in longer game.

After these cuts, your deck has 60 card. However, 10 of them are non-artifacts, which may be more than you would like.

I will also give you a few other tips: - If you are too low on 0 mana cost cards, try Memnite or Welding Jar. Jar does something even in longer game, unlike your original Lotus Petal. - Nettlecyst - Acts similarly to the Cranial Plating, but comes with a body and has a good toughness. If you would play it, I suggest that you replace them for Arcbound Ravager, as they are doing opposite things.

jonjonhholt on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

11 months ago

Hihi :D some pauper issues here! Myrsmith and All That Glitters still show as illegal in pauper while the other CMM downshifted cards do not. also pretty minor but Myr Enforcer has no card image/info that loads

notjinzo on 5 Color Artifact Deck

1 year ago

I think the amount of artifacts in here could be an advantage for some affinity spells like Thought Monitor or Myr Enforcer, alternatively you could do something Ensoul Artifact or Tezzeret's Touch. Something akin with ramp would be good too due to the land usage, or a landfall creature would have good use here, I think Lotus Cobra might help you out. Explore, Rampant Growth, Growth Spiral, and Manamorphose could help you with early game mana usage/land playing.

Andramalech on Ugin's Affinity

1 year ago

I'd agree with you Jareht and I'm likely to replace maybe 2x Myr Enforcer and 2x Barricade Breaker for the upside of fetching Darksteel Citadel.

I take back what I said: strict replacing of Myr Enforcer with Sojourner's Companion because like you said, the utility is worth. Thansk again for the recommendation!

Jareht on Ugin's Affinity

1 year ago

Sojourner's Companionis a strictly better Myr Enforcer even if it's just as small upside as possible

Max_Hammer on U Artifact Affinity

1 year ago

This is indeed a very funny affinity deck. I can help here, friend. (:

I also think that you should replace Welding Jar, Shadowspear, and Gingerbrute either wil three copies of Welding Jar or three copies of Shadowspear, putting three copies of the other into your sideboard.

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