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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



You may exile a blue card from your hand rather than pay this spell's mana cost.

Change the target of target spell with a single target.

Azoth2099 on Everybody Knows that the Bird is the Word!

3 weeks ago

No Neoform or Eldritch Evolution? Also, consider Misdirection as more free interaction.

fluffyeel on Urza Lord High Combomaster

1 month ago

Some small thoughts for fun things and stuff:

TheSurgeon on Bruvac's Millibuster

1 month ago

fluffyeel I appreciate all of your feedback!

Commandeer and Misdirection both fit the (rather unintentional) "free" theme I have in the deck, but exiling two blue cards in my deck seems a bit steep for my play style. I would simply use something like Redirect, or counter it altogether.

Teferi's Tutelage was in here, but i felt i was concentrating too much on the draw/mill mechanic, not to mention it's another 3 drop (I'm wierd about mana costs) that, as you stated, does less than its Sphinxy big brother. And Puzzlebox just doesn't feel like it has the impact it should for a 4 drop.

Capsize's cost and buyback is too expensive; especially with all of the other 1-2 cost bounces available; and Sunder would only hurt me as well.

Mystical Tutor will find a home in here. Of course I need more ways to find combo pieces! Not sure why I never picked this one up.. I guess I assumed it was beyond my budget without ever checking. LOL

I was't aware that Clever Impersonator existed. The versatility makes the extra cost almost bearable to my mana-frugal brain. This will need further study.

I only have one Oboro, Palace in the Clouds and it's in my Modern deck. I may have to pick this and Boseiju next pay.

Academy Ruins is awesome! I believe I never picked it up because it was expensive; and when I got the means to get it, forgot all about it. Buried Ruin was one I had, and didn't cost anything to activate at the time. Thanks for reminding me!!

Memory Jar's a bit expensive for my taste. I don't have a lot of luck with wheel-ish effects, as the cards I need to further my goals are often in the hand I'm discarding/phasing leaving me in a logistical pickle that robs me of the win, and where words cannot express my frustration.

Overall, I think you've helped quite a bit! A bit more visceral than "yOu nEeD gRaVeYaRd hate" that I always get!!


fluffyeel on Bruvac's Millibuster

1 month ago

I just thought of a few other useful tools:

  • Commandeer is another good zero-mana... not counter, but disruptor. It's become more popular, I've noticed, but it's still not something a lot of people see coming. Similarly, Misdirection is another handy tool for disruption, but it's more limited than Commandeer (though it's one less card to exile...).
  • Teferi's Tutelage is another fun mill toy. It's a bit more limited than Sphinx's Tutelage, but why not double up the fun! Similarly, you can use Teferi's Puzzle Box to mill your opponents even faster while also disrupting their game play.
  • Capsize is another all-purpose bounce, and reusable as well. Sunder is another great way to lose friends at instant speed. You could also consider Mystical Tutor to help dig for things you need.
  • Clever Impersonator is more versatile than Copy Enchantment for one more mana, but it may not be extremely necessary.
  • There are some lands that might be handy for your strategy. Oboro, Palace in the Clouds gives you reusable landfall; Boseiju, Who Shelters All makes sure your essential Instant and Sorcery spells don't get countered (e.g. Cyclonic Rift); Field of Ruin kills troublesome lands and gives mandatory search (and landfall), which is relevant for Archive Trap; and Academy Ruins is a more reusable Buried Ruin.
  • Cyclonic Rift pairs very well with Memory Jar. Just saying. :P

Profet93 on Favorite EDH Cards

3 months ago


Anyone who has seen me comment on their deck will know I love using people's cards against them. Whether it's Worst Fears (the mythic I got in my first pack coming back into MTG), Mindslaver (flashbacks to academy ruins lock) or Emrakul, the Promised End, their hand is my hand. And with that hand I say why are you hitting yourself? LOL

As such, my 3 favorite cards are Deflecting Swat, Misdirection and Imp's Mischief. The first 2 can be cast for free which is great as you can bluff interaction. The latter is usually unexpected, until your playgroup asks why are you holding 2 mana after casting a large Torment of Hailfire and then they learn that with 2 mana open, you too can be the blue player!

Profet93 on Atemsis, All-Seeing

3 months ago

RedRocket_ +1

I agree with seshiro_of_the_orochi's suggestion for alham archive 100%

Might want to add a Misdirection, potentially over commandeer. It's easier to cast in both modes. It can "Counter" counterspells while redirecting targeted removal, draw and extra turns. If you're using commandeer on a removal spell most of the time, this is pretty much the same.

SufferFromEDHD on Lost Among the Stars in Search of the Moon

3 months ago

Wow. You really pay attention to the details. I will be adding 50% basic lands.

Artifacts, creatures and lands are regularly targeted in this deck. Teferi's Response is jank I just wanted to try out because this is mono blue lands. Draw 2 cantrip is in a league of its own. The look on your opponents face... Priceless. For everything else, there's MasterCard.

Buyback is quite possibly my favorite keyword in EDH. Reusable effects are pretty good. Extra turns are pretty good. The 3 lands can be recycled by Crucible.

Shapesharer = pure profit. How I missed this is beyond me as I know it's in the collection. The synergy with Training Grounds makes it certified Moonfolk.

Foil was only in because Island Misdirection is superior in everyway.

Will be adding Rhystic Study

Profet93 on Lost Among the Stars in Search of the Moon

4 months ago

Fair points all around!

I wasn't going to suggest something per say, it was more of a question. I was originally thinking of High Tide but I realized you focused on a field of the dead package. Btw, for that package, you should swap out half of your snow-covered islands for normal islands for field of the dead.

Speaking of blasts from the past, how has Teferi's Response been playing for you? Do people really target your lands that often in this deck?

Why do run Walk the Aeons over another 5cmc extra turn spell, do you have a way to recur the islands? Or is it you just want a repeatable time talk effect given you have 10 islands to spare? I do wonder given since you run only 10, often how you do initiate buyback on it.

Do you run crucible for your lands that etb and make you sac another land + walk the eons? How is crucible working for you?

Do you feel you have enough card draw?

Not an entirely serious suggestion, but maybe Shapesharer? You run a lot of activated abilities and training grounds eases the cost. Makes copies of either your creatures or important opposing ones? Is likely too mana costly for what you're going for.

Another changeling, Bloodline Pretender?

I assume rhystic study and mystic remora are other staples you avoid? If you're going for something a little more interesting, Misdirection > Foil

Foil's pros....

A) Cheaper to hard cast B) Can directly counter spells rather than hope it's targeted C) If you get a FOIL Foil, then you can say "You've been foiled by a Foil foil" as the pod stares at your in disbelief.

Misdirection Pros....

A) "Same speech I give for Imp's mischief on every deck" - "Counter" counterspells while redirecting targeted removal, draw and extra turns. B) Costs 1 less card, sometimes it's a tough decision between countering their spell or keeping the other card in your hand given your 3 opponents

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