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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Target player puts the top half of his or her library, rounded down, into his or her graveyard.

fluffyeel on Bruvac's Millibuster

2 months ago

Mill is fun. Mill was one of my first loves (and still is!) for any sort of MTG deck. However, I see some options to further Traumatize your opponents:

legendofa on Anowon ***Need feedback please!***

4 months ago

Welcome to the club, DadCommander!

I'm neither a mill expert nor a Commander expert, but let's see what kind of advice I can offer. I think Traumatize is the most useful sideboard card here. It's a huge chunk of milling, and commbined with Bruvac the Grandiloquent it can take a player out of the game on the spot. For a suggestion that's not in the sideboard, either Duskmantle Guildmage or Bloodchief Ascension can mill all opponents out and win the game with Mindcrank.

But right now, you're three cards over the maximum. The deck also has a pretty heavy mana curve, so I recommend putting in a few more lands. My first thoughts for cuts are Scourge of Fleets (reliant on islands, lots of cards with similar effects, high mana cost), Spinal Embrace (good combat trick, but clashes with all the bounce and destroy effects, high mana cost), Latchkey Faerie (doesn't do enough for its cost, in my opinion), In Garruk's Wake (very high mana cost, and has several redundancies), and Marsh Flitter (four mana for a 1/1 flier is very expensive, you can pump it four times max, and the two Goblins in the deck are more useful for their abilities than as sacrifice fodder). That's five cut cards, bringing you down to 98. Add two lands, one of them can be the sideboard Tainted Isle, and this will be smoother and more reliable.

There are a few different themes here. There's mill, Rogues, bounce, and reanimator theft. Most of your higher-cost cards look like they're there to take opponents' graveyard cards, which is good support for mill, but you can probably trim down the number you have here. Geth, Lord of the Vault will also help combine the mill and reanimator--I would replace Fated Return with Geth.

Azoth2099 on Kess reanimator

7 months ago

Consider Careful Study, Faithless Looting, & Tolarian Winds here! They can really help you tear through your deck & fill your graveyard super early in the game. I don't remember how much Traumatize costs nowadays, but it's probably worth looking into as well.

Some other pieces like Dark Ritual, Overmaster, Brainstorm, Ponder & Unmarked Grave can provide a lot of value here for a cheap ticket too.

Good luck refining your list!

Nixcron on the very world of mill-ton jones

7 months ago

Traumatize + Elite Arcanist Mill big, mill half their library. Try Hidden Strings on a Wake Thrasher to take advantage of all the tap/untap's going on. Ensure a hit by enchanting with Aqueous Form. Also Trinket Mage would be a good fit.

Hypersayia9001 on Martial Prowess

7 months ago


Loving a lot of these suggestions. Pull from Eternity is insane value, especially if I opt to put it onto Isochron Scepter. Conqueror's Flail also looks like it'd be a very good choice, seeing how it's +3/+3 by default and that silence effect is very nice.

I'd have to double check with my pod vis a vis proxies, but Intuition is a very nice tutor for a commander who can cast things from the graveyard. Enlightened Tutor, Solve the Equation and Personal Tutor are also very good, but I'm struggling to mentally justify the others. Like, using Idyllic to net me Jeskai Ascendancy and Sorcerer Class is good but I'd need to then have Haze of Rage or View from Above to translate that into a win.

Brain Freeze has been mentioned before, and I won't say it doesn't strike me as something useful, just kinda inefficient. Saying that, it would definitely go great with Underworld Breach, especially with a solid mana source. Similar vein, I feel like I'd need Underworld Breach to really justify Traumatize. While milling half a library will definitely give Narset a lot of options to play with, it feels like overkill given that Narset can only cast once per combat, and a bit of a waste to target myself because that's wasting a cast of each noncreature spell I could have potentially drawn. It's also why most of the discard-draw cards don't massively appeal to me. Again, maybe with Underworld Breach. Saying all that, I think I'd probably need a fair few of those discard-draws just to keep up with Underworld Breach's escape cost.

Now, I very much considered Lightning Greaves when I first built this deck but the shroud really doesn't work with how I play it. One of my backup strategies is to buff Narset up heavily and take someone out with Commander Damage, something I'm relatively consistently able to do with a single hit when I get going, but that requires me to be able to keep casting buffs on her, especially if I get tricky and cast them on my combat phase. And... well, I'd need to constantly be un-equipping and re-equipping the graves for that to work.

Hypersayia9001 on A WOMAN'S INTUITION (NARSET)

7 months ago

Azoth2099 Thanks for your suggestions on my own Narset deck. There's some very interesting things that I'm definitely going to be thinking about.

In regards to this deck, this might just be me, but looking at this in it's current state, I feel like you're liable to struggle to really combo properly when you get Underworld Breach online. No issue keeping the graveyard full, but there's only really Jeska's Will and Rite of Flame in terms of rituals, so I see you running out of Mana fairly easily if you don't draw/mill either of them. (Not difficult, in hindsight seeing how many tutors there are, but still)

I'd see about trying to fit Mana Geyser in there for some extra red and Storm-Kiln Artist for some colour fixing as you go.

I'm also kinda struggling to see a definitive win condition. Might be me being dumb, but I'm not seeing anything that'd clear the board, damage the opponent or mill anyone out, aside from maybe comboing Traumatize and Brain Freeze while Underworld Breach is active, but you'd then need some crazy mana for that to work. That in mind, Cyclonic Rift is a good way to clear out the board for an attack, Grapeshot can easily storm out if you get a loop going, and Jaya's Immolating Inferno can just incinerate everyone if you build up a decent pool of mana.

Azoth2099 on Martial Prowess

7 months ago


I'll try to keep this brief with only a few suggestions.

You seem to have a solid grasp of what you're doing with this Commander, so I'm not gonna go on any huge rants lol.

Traumatize is pretty much your Ad Nauseam here. It being Sorcery speed is admittedly a big deal, but the card efficiency is enough of an upside to make that tradeoff very much worth it imho.

Brain Freeze is honestly really great here, even if you're not running Storm. The right moment can net you at least 10 cards, easy. Tolarian Winds, Careful Study, Faithless Looting & Windfall are great card draw here, too.

If your pod is comfortable with proxy, Intuition will pretty much win you the game if you pair it with Underworld Breach, Sevinne's Reclamation & Lion's Eye Diamond. Might as well suggest Wheel of Fortune as well if we're taking it there.

Speaking of Intuition, you need more Tutors for sure. Enlightened Tutor, Solve the Equation, Personal Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, Fabricate & Reckless Handling are all worth it here alongside Mystical Tutor.

Conqueror's Flail is crazy here, Ramping you via Narset's cost reduction while also hitting your opponents with a Silence effect is nuts. You probably want Lightning Greaves to protect her, too, alongside your Swiftfoot Boots.

Lastly, the innocuous Pull from Eternity offers huge consistency here.

Would love your feedback on my own list if you're down; A WOMAN'S INTUITION (NARSET)


Azoth2099 on Chun - li countless tokens

7 months ago


Hey man! Traumatize & Nexus of Fate will add the level of spice that you're looking for with this one for sure.

You pretty much just Traumatize yourself, cast your Commander, exile Nexus of Fate and win via infinite turns/combats. Cheers!

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