Master of Cruelties

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Master of Cruelties

Creature — Demon

First strike, deathtouch

Master of Cruelties can only attack alone.

Whenever Master of Cruelties attacks a player and isn't blocked, that player's life total becomes 1. Master of Cruelties assigns no combat damage this combat.

EDH 0 / 0
Master of Cruelties feature for Non legendary

Fux2209 on B/R Deathtouch Destruction

3 weeks ago

Hello Niko9

Thanks for your tips and Upvote

Yes it's realy funny playing with it

Yeah, deathtouch + first strike is such a powerfull combo

Master of Cruelties for example is just an awesome card

But I like this deck working without first strike, it gives me room for other cool cards... In combination with first strike I would have to built it complete different

I already built a DeathTouch deck, but it isn't finisht yet... I just need to improve it more, before I get it online here

Rhadamanthus on Master of Cruelties and interactions

2 months ago

Yes, it still triggers. The declare blockers step of combat only gets skipped if there were no creatures declared as attackers or put onto the battlefield attacking. Otherwise, it always happens, even if it is impossible for any blockers to be declared. If Master of Cruelties is attacking then there will definitely be a declare blockers step and its last ability will trigger if it doesn't get blocked.

xcontla on Master of Cruelties and interactions

2 months ago

I have some questions with this card in some specific times.

I understand that the ability triggers in the declare blockers step.

  1. If Master of Cruelties gains skulk, Does his ability still trigger? ("... opponent life becomes 1").
  2. If I equipped some artifact that made Master of Cruelties unblockable, Does his ability still trigger? ("... opponent life becomes 1").
  3. If the opponent doesn't have creatures in the battlefield, Does his ability still trigger? ("... opponent life becomes 1").

Thank you.

Profet93 on Tri-bal

4 months ago

Oops, not sure how I missed that. Couple of questions...

  1. How often do you get a chance to meld them together?
  2. How often does your creature get removed in response to equipping gift of immortality?
  3. Budget? I ask because Demonic Tutor/Grim Tutor > Diabolic, mostly due to your curve.

Master of Cruelties > Ironas - Given all your creatures have flying, how often do you run into fliers stopping them? Master is deadly.

Sneak Attack > Quick amulet - maybe

Spirits on Kaalia, Mirror Breaker EDH

7 months ago


The Snow-Covered Swamp and Snow-Covered Plains are protection against Blood Moon. We don't need Mountain because most of the lands will be mountains in that case.

They also cannot be Swamp or Plains because then you have a potential of countering our own Tainted Pact when looking for a Razaketh, the Foulblooded or a Master of Cruelties with Kaalia of the Vast triggered ability on the stack, or when looking for that last combo piece, or a Counterspell to stop someone from winning the game. It doubles our options for basic lands but also means that they don't conflict with our intstant tutor.

Mox Diamond could replace an interaction piece like Praetor's Grasp but it is nice to pull the opponents Thassa's Oracle and then win the game with a Tainted Pact. It could also pull a more control oriented card like Hellkite Tyrant that doesn't necessarily win the game, but he can devestate some players boards, could replace a Grand Abolisher but probably Everybody Lives! because well Everybody Lives (except the player trying to Fish-Consul win that is). Chrome Mox has a low activation rate in the turns that matter (I have a tab with the calculations but I haven't update my combine rates based on new artifacts, although Mox Diamond actually improves it's rate. Rakdos Signet isn't great becuase it's a MV3 (2 to cast, 1 to activate), so probably just easy to replace that! Thrill of Possibility is good to get a Worldgorger Dragon or Razaketh, the Foulblooded if for some reason we draw it, but isn't necessary. Thoughtseize might even be better (just target yourself), but even when used on an opponent it creates card disadvantage for you and one opponent, leaving the two others with card advantage now.

Probably Rakdos Signet goes, but we have different options for sure.

Crow_Umbra on

11 months ago

Hi there Nezkul, generally speaking, I think Myriad is right at home in Isshin. Battle Angels of Tyr and Hammers of Moradin are both a couple of my favorite cards in my Isshin deck. Hammers of Moradin puts in lots of work clearing up lanes for aggro swings.

The combo you mentioned does have some nasty potential, but I do think it leans a bit more towards being telegraphed and mana intensive. I have used Master of Cruelties (MoC) to finish off someone before, but that was in my old Alesha, Who Smiles at Death deck, before I converted her into Isshin. I think MoC has a bit more viability in Reanimator decks, than in Isshin, because Reanimator decks can discard and reanimate MoC in the same turn. Without a Haste anthem of some kind, MoC will have to sit around a turn and be vulnerable to removal. The one time I pulled off a MoC kill, everyone else still left proceeded to rightfully focus me and finished me off next. Every game after, people suspected me of being able to set up MoC again, so I removed it from the deck.

As mentioned before Master of Cruelties (5 cmc) + Blade of Selves (6 mana to cast & equip) + Response / Resurgence (5 cmc) is fairly mana intensive to pull off over 1-2 turns at 16 total mana to pull off.

All of that being said, I do think that Myriad has a lot of viability when combined with Enter the Battlefield group-slug effects like Corpse Knight, Impact Tremors, Witty Roastmaster, and Purphoros, God of the Forge. Another potential heavy hitter in Myriad and token Isshin decks in general, is Devilish Valet. Its power can get out of hand with a couple of Myriad creatures swinging away.

If you want to check out some Myriad-focused Isshin decks, I'd recommend checking out some of the following:

If you do want to incorporate Blade of Selves in an extra combat combo, you can slap it on Aurelia, the Warleader. She's already strong on her own, that much more pushed with Isshin on the table, and nutty if you can get Blade of Selves on her with Isshin out. Even without Blade of Selves, she can act as a finisher for Isshin token decks.

Hope this helps!

TheRevelator on Kaalia’s Kombos cEDH

1 year ago

Azoth2099 I do just want to clarify that Master of Cruelties's ability is triggered during the declare blockers step according to Gatherer:

"An ability that triggers when something “attacks and isn't blocked” triggers in the declare blockers step after blockers are declared if (1) that creature is attacking and (2) no creatures are declared to block it. It will trigger even if that creature was put onto the battlefield attacking rather than having been declared as an attacker in the declare attackers step."

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