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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



You may return two Islands you control to their owner's hand rather than pay this spell's mana cost.

Draw two cards.

SufferFromEDHD on Stasis

9 months ago

Gush this is really good.

Thwart Force of Will #2

Chronatog one less than Mastermind.

Balaam__ on Turbo Budget Competitive Wake Thrasher

1 year ago

Thanks for posting GrimlockVIII, yeah no draw in this one. All the best spells are banned in Legacy anyway, or way out of price range. No Ancestral Recall or Gush etc. Relying on tempo/control to keep things sedated until the pieces are in place. I considered Remand in an earlier draft, not true draw per se but the replacement card was nice.

Gattison on Dork Rituals: The Pauper Project …

1 year ago

Glad you found it useful!

And an update: Gush actually did get banned in pauper semi recently, for basically all the same reasons listed above. XD

Helnas on Fear of The Deep

1 year ago

Have you thought about cards like Gush

king-saproling on Uncle Unctus

1 year ago

Urza, Lord High Artificer could work well considering Unc can turn creatures into artifacts. He pops off with Pemmin's Aura and Freed from the Real.

Other cards that might be worth considering: Pili-Pala, Grand Architect, Illusionist's Bracers, Clock of Omens, Gush, Isochron Scepter, Drake Haven, Opposition, Wharf Infiltrator, Ashnod's Altar, Teferi's Ageless Insight

DreadKhan on Fear of The Deep

1 year ago

Here are a few ideas, maybe something will work for you?

One of my favorite cards in Tatyova is Oboro Breezecaller, this can easily be made mana positive, which makes it very easy to go infinite with Retreat to Coralhelm, or to just make mana for you (it helps if you can untap a land that taps for 2, be it Temple of the False God, Guildless Commons, Simic Growth Chamber, or Jungle Basin there are better lands but these untap fine. Another old favorite of mine is Soratami Mirror-Mage, this is also mana neutral at worst (1 mana per land to bounce), and you get to bounce a creature via it. For a bit more money (but you require Islands), you could try Flooded Shoreline, this card is bonkers if you can replay lands/count on hitting 2 Islands. Finally, Tatyova probably shouldn't leave home without Gush, even without Mystic Sanctuary shenanigans it's still a very strong draw spell.

I could be wrong, but I feel like Gretchen Titchwillow is a better card than Zimone? Both are decent fits, but it's very hard to combo off with Zimone in my experience as the lands enter tapped, Gretchen lets you use spare mana to ramp/draw cards at the same time. I think you could easily justify both if you wanted.

At the moment Crop Rotation is pretty cheap, it's a very good card in Tatyova, if you replace a land with a 2 mana land like Temple of the False God you actually ramp yourself (right away with Temple).

Stone-Seeder Hierophant is a really good version of Lotus Cobra if you have lands that tap for more than 1, but it's also another budget Lotus Cobra either way. This card is much better on a higher budget (with stuff like Ashaya, Soul of the Wild especially, or Lotus Field/Lotus Vale), but it should do work here too.

A few more budget fetchlands you could run include Bant Panorama, Terminal Moraine, and Warped Landscape, any of these enters untapped and can find whatever land you want if you have nothing better to do with your resources.

If you've got a lot of lands (and tend to put out some tokens, but not an infinite number), The Great Aurora offers a weird-but-useful board wipe option. As long as you've got a decent board (and run more lands), you'll get enough lands that you aren't hurt very much, spikier decks that are thin on lands get hurt badly, while decks with too many tokens just draw themselves to death.

As Tatyova decks tend to have a fair bit of mana, you might look at Curse of the Swine, and/or Mass Manipulation. Another bigger mana card that can do a huge amount of stuff (almost anything you need really) is Primal Command, I use that and Elixir of Immortality to recycle my graveyard, but I tend to end up in infinite loops pretty easily, so YMMV without strong discard outlets like Mind Over Matter.

If you want a high budget card that has ridiculous synergy, you might take a look at the aforementioned Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, this makes all your creatures into lands, meaning any non-token creature that ETBs will draw you a card, but it also forms various combos. It's hard to find a card that Tatyova wants more in my experience.

It was mentioned already, but 40 lands isn't exactly a ton in Tatyova, you've also got a lot of creatures that benefit from having extra lands in hand. At 40 lands you are at a real risk of missing your 5th land drop, let alone your 6th to draw a card. I run 45, and I often feel like I should run more (keep in mind, at 45 lands you still only 'expect' to have 3.2 lands, so if you have even 1 less than normal you almost certainly have to mulligan, 40 means even more mulligans). In my experience, many ramp spells that normally are worthwhile just aren't in Tatyova when you could just run a land instead (and not have to pay mana for your land drop).

carpecanum on Reap the tides (ugraded)

1 year ago

Go to Cards on this site and search "return island" under Rules Contain. There are several cards like Ensnare and Gush that let you return lands so you can play them again. I'm sure there must be others that return other lands but those are the ones i'm familiar with.

sylvannos on Hoax Storm v2

1 year ago

To start with, there's a few cards that have better Vintage equivalents. Overmaster and Spell Pierce should be the 3rd. and 4th. copies of Force of Will. Leftover space from cutting those can be Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast, or Flusterstorm. You don't need Faithless Looting because we have Paradoxical Outcome, Sensei's Divining Top, Gush, Dig Through Time, Treasure Cruise, and Brainstorm to choose from. Merchant Scroll also belongs in here, because you can use it to grab Ancestral Recall at the very least. Usually you want it to make sure you have protection in hand by grabbing countermagic.

Library of Alexandria isn't good in this deck. And you're not the type that needs 8x sources, so Steam Vents can go, along with a few copies of Volcanic Island (1 or 2). Replace all of these with four copies of Scalding Tarn and basic lands. Or even just play 6x fetches. You need to be able to shuffle after using Brainstorm, Ponder,and Sensei's Divining Top.

From here, you have a solid U/R Storm shell. However, I wouldn't play straight "Modern U/R Storm, but Power 9" dot dec. 2 mana is a lot for Goblin Electromancer, there are easier ways of winning than Grapeshot, and so on. The question then becomes "Where to go from here?"

Hope this helps! Welcome to MtG's oldest and greatest format.

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