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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Wound Reflection
At the end of each turn, each opponent loses life equal to the life they lost this turn. (Damage causes loss of life.)
fluffyeel on The apocalypse (Sheoldred)
3 months ago
Yay, darkness. Here are some thoughts that might synergize with your deck:
- With Sheoldred feeding off of card drawing, you might consider things that speed up card drawing. These can be double-edged swords, but Howling Mine, Font of Mythos, Teferi's Puzzle Box, Memory Jar, and the like might be worth considering. Reliquary Tower may also not be a bad idea.
- Rather than Infernal Darkness, why not Contamination? You can also get an engine with things like Bitterblossom, Dreadhorde Invasion, and Reassembling Skeleton (or other recurring creatures, e.g. Bloodghast) to make your opponents cry even more.
- Koskun Falls could also be another way to tax your opponents.
- You could also go with Wound Reflection to double up on the suffering. Things like Kokusho, the Evening Star and Yawgmoth, Thran Physician are must-plays in any deck I have with black, and considering Gray Merchant of Asphodel might also be worth your time.
fluffyeel on Death and Taxes
4 months ago
Apart from a spate of tutors of varying price points (Vampiric Tutor, Mystical Tutor, Demonic Tutor, Entomb, etc.), here are some thoughts of varying degrees of evilness/making sure your opponents "love" you forever:
- Kokusho, the Evening Star is, for me, a must-include in any black-containing EDH deck, especially with how its life-drain effect scales with the number of players. You could also add an Archfiend of Despair and/or Wound Reflection to multiply suffering, Archangel of Thune to make your board bigger with every passing turn (or life-gain occurrence), and/or Boon Reflection for more life-gain fun!
- Some additional reanimation in addition to what you already have could be handy. For this, I would suggest Karmic Guide; Junji, the Midnight Sky; Reanimate; and/or Necromancy.
- If you have access to it, Yawgmoth, Thran Physician would be super-handy: on-demand sacrifice, not to mention card draw and weakening your opponents' boards.
- Some more land fetch/land thinning tools, like Expedition Map; Urza's Cave; Prismatic Vista; and Marsh Flats, might help. Similarly, Field of Ruin and Demolition Field serve double-duty of land fetch and land destruction for problematic lands. Alternately, some more multi-lands like Reflecting Pool, Mana Confluence, and other pain lands could help you in early game stages.
Veethevvitch on Evil dead ☠️ (Ode to Sheoldred)
4 months ago
Xtough You made so many valid points! I have a hard time choosing my fav mechanics for this deck (adhd lmao). But your comment made a lot of sense when i read it. So, probably I should have one separate deck for each sheoldred instead of having them together. I will explore this thought for sure.
I actually ordered Wound Reflection a few days past and wanted to incorporate it into this deck!
What other cuts ✂️ do you see for this deck if I want to focus on Sheoldred, the Apocalypse?
Should have maybe have less recursion and more drawing ?
Thank you very much for all your comments!!
Xtough on Evil dead ☠️ (Ode to Sheoldred)
4 months ago
I think it may be helpful to decide which strategy you want to follow. With your current commander the recursion and Reanimation effects do not have a synergy. If you want to be more competitive maybe decide which sheoldred will helm your deck. The acopalypse is for draw/life drain. The whispering for Reanimation. If you stick with you current commander you could cut cards without synergy with her. However, a subtheme is nice if not competitive and I prefer decks like that :)
Some other cards that may be of interest could be Necropotence, Archfiend of Despair, Wound Reflection, Pox.
And I agree regarding the mana base.
fluffyeel on You draw you lose
4 months ago
Some small recommendations I can think of:
- You have a lot of drawing for all parties, but your opponents will also be discarding (quite likely, especially given the Memory Jar). I therefore recommend Megrim, which actually is the reason Memory Jar became the first emergency ban in MTG history. You could also run things like Animate Dead, Reanimate, and Necromancy to take advantage of loading up your opponents' graveyards. Of course, Rise of the Dark Realms is a nice showstopper, though it's quite pricey...
- Archfiend of Despair is a delightful combination of Wound Reflection (already recommended) as well as stopping lifegain. I love using it wherever I can. (It's also a demon, so it synergizes with one of your alternate win cons.)
- You could also consider going more of a snow-covered route, so replacing your basic swamps with the snow-covered kind and going with Extraplanar Lens to amplify your black mana. Crypt Ghast also is another mana accelerator.
- The Meathook Massacre and Massacre Wurm are also "board wipe with benefits" that I highly recommend. I also almost always play Kokusho, the Evening Star in every black deck I run. Archfiend of Despair could also be another fun option for removing things and punishing your opponents.
- Some of your artifacts and tutors could be better. Rather than Wayfarer's Bauble, I could suggest Expedition Map instead. Grim Tutor, Planar Bridge, and Beseech the Queen could also make for fun tutoring.
- I'm not sure if Gemstone Caverns and Mox Diamond are worth it here: sure, they're fast and get you more mana quickly (always a good thing), but the multicolored mana isn't so necessary. There are options I might prefer like Mox Amber, Mana Vault, Volrath's Stronghold...
- For a mono-black deck, Contamination might be a great way to lose all friends. I highly recommend it.
ThassaUpYo@ssa on Be'Elz A'Boot
4 months ago
I used to run Warstorm Surge but really don't like the fact it costs 6 mana to cast. I know it combos well with Be'Lakor, the Dark Master, but it's too expensive and I'd much rather have the 3-drop Imprisoned in the Moon to completely shut down someone else's commander (until they can remove the enchantment). I love Wound Reflection also but, exactly like with Wound Reflection, the 6 mana needed to double up on damage/life loss is why I don't have it in the deck, either.
Thank you for the suggestion, and just know it's not missed on me, I've just played quite a few games where I had Wound Reflection in my hand and found it more of hindrance as opposed to an asset given every one in my pod plays 8+ power level decks.
Pheardemons on Mishra's Relentless Horde
7 months ago
Phyrexian Reclamation was there as a way to get the token generatros back like Krenko, Mob Boss. I do understand the potential of taking it out.
War Cadence has not been tested as it is the newest addition. I liked the idea of politicing. Plus, it was a win condition giving my creatures essentially unblockable. I'll think about it.
Vedalken Orrery is one of those cards I include in almost all of my decks. It is always a good choice. However, I do understand the fact that this deck usually wins on my turn in combat, so it may not be NEEDED here.
Because I have Wound Reflection and Archfiend of Despair I was debating on City on Fire. It rarely wins the turn it comes down and it tells the whole table what I'm about to do on my next turn. Granted, blocking creatures still triple damage.
Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin was another one that has been kind of subpar. If I can get it down turn two or three it is a powerhouse. Late game it's pretty bas as it has small attack and is required to attack.
TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Blatant Cheater
8 months ago
Because extort says "That much life" it scales with how much life is lost, which Bloodletter changes as a replacement effect. Because it specifically replaces life loss instead of damage causing life loss it does double the lifegain you receive.
And Wound Reflection is just a little too slow for my tastes. Its a 5 mana investment on something that isn't putting you in a winning investment unless you're following it up with a Pontiff of Blight, Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Shard of the Nightbringer, and people tend to target you or it as soon as it comes down because they see the aforementioned cards coming.
Have (4) | orzhov_is_relatively_okay819 , JordanSanFran , metalmagic , BillyBalverine |
Want (2) | beesaurs , TechNoble |