Loran of the Third Path
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Loran of the Third Path

Legendary Creature — Human Artificer


When this enters the battlefield, destroy up to one target artifact or enchantment.

: You and target opponent each draw a card.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Outlaw Medic
Sphere of Purity
Sphere of Reason
Sphere of Truth
Sphere of Grace
Sphere of Law

wallisface on Is Staff of Completion a …

5 days ago

DemonDragonJ Loran of the Third Path is certainly better than pretty-much everything else you’ve suggested. I still have concerns that you’re just trying to throw “generic” cards into a deck without any thought to the decks strategy.

Why does your deck need these card draw effects? Is it because your cards aren’t providing enough value? Then maybe it’s more important to increase card quality instead of drawing through more jank. Is it because you’re unable to assemble a coherent plan? Then it’s probably the case the deck needs more focus and clear-direction, and less cards that are “off-topic”.

Card draw is powerful, but it’s not appropriate/reasonable for a lot of builds, and people desperate to add it are often missing the bigger problem in their deck. As Caerwyn mentioned above, you want to assume a casual commander game lasts 7-8 turns, and plan accordingly. Taking entire turns off to draw cards is a big risk when you could instead be setting up your board-state to actually win.

DarkKiridon on Is Staff of Completion a …

5 days ago

wallisface explained Otherworld Atlas perfectly.

Temple Bell and Otherworld Atlas, in my honest opinion, only belong in Group Hug shells. Any other decks I don't see them in. Take your Atraxa, Praetors' Voice deck for example. Most of those decks, if not all, (with that commander) want to smash face. Not give your opponents resources or make friends for a turn. There are 2 Atraxa decks I have to play against in my group. One is a Walker deck which plays a crap ton of free counterspells and protection spells and the other plays with their +1/+1 counters. Both decks annoy the crap out of me but they are completely different from one another. Not one runs the aforementioned cards we are talking about which is NOT a stab at you DemonDragonJ but I digress.

Staff of Compleation is not a bad card I think and if it fits within the decks you are talking about then that's OKAY. :)

Everyone seems to be in agreement that Temple Bell is BAD. Loran of the Third Path is a solid replacement if that is what you are set on. Never hurts to playtest.

Replace Otherworld Atlas. Every time I see it I throw up. ;)

DemonDragonJ on Is Staff of Completion a …

5 days ago

wallisface, that certainly makes sense, so what about Loran of the Third Path as a replacement for Temple Bell? She is less expensive than is Archivist, has higher power, has a triggered ability, and benefits only a single opponent, which allows her controller to gain favors with other players.

Also, the three decks that I mentioned in my previous post can easily make use of Staff of Compleation, since two of them have a strong focus on +1/+1 counters and my Liesa deck weaponizes gaining life.

Crow_Umbra on Zinnia fun

1 week ago

I started brewing Zinnia recently. I brewed Satya, Aetherflux Genius as just Value ETBs, & Energy is just a secondary support to keep around certain value creatures. Long-winded way of saying that the Zinnia deck I started brewing is basically just the Satya deck without the Energy support & a few other cards swapped out.

I think Zinnia wants lower curve creatures with value ETBs, so paying the Offspring cost feels fairly reliable. You could def do stuff like:

You can def get tech-y with your ETBs & tailor them to your meta. You can also add in a sprinkle of ETB blink effects to keep reusing your ETBs, like Felidar Guardian

CRKFIEND on Skrelv's Toxic Masculinity

2 weeks ago

Niko9 Thanks for the feedback. I went ahead and streamlined the deck a bit. Most of the 4 drops were a bit too slow. I added a bit of protection, as well as a few smaller creatures, and I think the deck is in a way better place now! What do you think? I added some more spot removal like Witch Enchanter  Flip and Loran of the Third Path, also some evasion with Lost Jitte, Access Tunnel and Rogue's Passage. I added a Stoneforge Mystic since on curve I can reliably fetch the Lost Jitte, Grafted Exoskeleton and Prosthetic Injector

plakjekaas on How Good is Temple Bell?

4 months ago

Loran of the Third Path at least benefits less opponents, the white decks should probably opt for that one if it would be a choice.

DadHumanPraetor on You Know Nuthin Jon Snow

5 months ago

Tocasia's Welcome Rumor Gatherer Loran of the Third Path

Moonshaker Cavalry True Conviction

I love mono-white too, it's come so far for edh the past couple of years. Cool deck, Oketra is awesome.

Crow_Umbra on Alesha, Who Blinks at Death EDH

5 months ago

Hi there, I saw your comment on the front page feed that you were looking for some help with your deck. Alesha was one of my first favorites, but I recycled her a couple of years ago to build Isshin.

In looking at your deck and some of the stuff in your Maybe Board, I have a few suggestions:

  • Generally speaking, I think you can trim down your creature base a bit more to give you a bit more room for lands, another mana rock or two, and other spells that can help your overall strategy.

  • Some of the creatures I think you can safely cut are: Ponyback Brigade (you have other token creators that aren't 3 color intensive, also kinda underwhelming), Vulturous Aven (there are other similar effects on cheaper spells, at cost of not being repeatable), and Mirkwood Bats (mostly because you currently have ~10 or fewer token creating effects in deck, so not a lot of support).

  • As mentioned for the Vulturous Aven swap, but Deadly Dispute, Costly Plunder, & Plumb the Forbidden are all excellent options. Plumb the Forbidden is one I've enjoyed in my aggro decks as a response to board wipes.

  • Fanatical Devotion is a budget option that pulls some weight in Alesha as a protection effect & repeatable "free" sac outlet.

  • Scapegoat can also be a cheap board protection effect, & means for you to return ETB creatures to hand for reuse.

  • Reconnaissance - I first started playing this card in Alesha before using it in some of my current aggro decks. Helps with pulling Alesha or other creatures out of combat after they've dealt damage, since creatures are considered attacking until combat ends. This EDHREc article goes in more detail.

  • Snarling Gorehound - Is a newer card & can help Alesha get some repeated Surveil to sculpt her graveyard.

  • I'd recommend replacing Coldsteel Heart with something like Talisman of Conviction or Fellwar Stone. I see you recently swapped out Fellwar Stone for Coldsteel Heart, but you're losing a bit of mana velocity with that ETB tapped on Coldsteel.

  • In looking at your mana, I think you can probably swap Castle Embereth with another Mountain, mostly because 6 of your 33 lands have the Mountain type. On that note, I think you could safely replace some of your lands that enter tapped with more Basics until you can your hands on something like Luxury Suite or Spectator Seating. Exotic Orchard can also be helpful.

  • You can also maybe swap out Junkyard Genius for something like Goblin War Drums, if you're looking for a more reliable Menace anthem.

  • I know she's in your Maybe Board, but I think Loran of the Third Path can be a potential swap with Boneshredder. The political draw she has can be really helpful.

Hope these suggestions were helpful. I'd be down to chat about additional swaps if you're up for it. Best of luck, Alesha is a lot of fun


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