Enchantment - Aura -
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Thought I Was …...
I think I'm good on Haste anthems for now Profet93.
I do have token creators like Mogg War Marshal, Chittering Witch, Siege-Gang Lieutenant, and Sling-Gang Lieutenant on my radar. Minus Siege-Gang Lieutenant, they were tech I used in my OG Alesha deck when it was a bit more tokens/Aristocrats focused. Pretty sure I had Yawgmoth and Skullclamp in that version of the deck as well.
Those are all familiar options I've used before for OG Alesha. If I decide to retool the deck to be more token oriented, those will all be some of the first things in consideration for addition. For now I'm going to keep play testing my current iteration, and eventually put it together IRL to really get those reps in.
November 9, 2024 2:20 p.m.
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Straight Up Jornking …...
...And by "rimestaff", haha, well. let's justr say. My peanits.
November 9, 2024 1:30 p.m.
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Zinnia, a Hare …...
I forgot to mention yesterday, but I love the deck name.
November 7, 2024 5:59 p.m.
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Isshin, Dual of …...
Yeah, unfortunately the way the rulings are currently set up, hybrid mana also counts as its other color. Here's an article in case you'd like to read up more on it. Ognis is a fun commander, I'd recommend checking her out though. I used to run her for a bit, but felt it was a bit similar to another deck I currently have.
No prob! Do you have a general budget in mind for the deck, and have you played your deck irl at all yet? I have a few broader suggestions, as someone that plays a non-Samurai focused version of Isshin:
Your creature count at 45 is kind of high. If this is how your playgroup typically functions, then maybe it's not as big of a concern, but I think some of your creature slots can maybe be swapped out for more lands and other supporting spells.
The land count at 29 without much ramp is also a tad bit low. If possible, I'd recommend bumping up your land count to at least 34-35.
I know your deck is Samurai themed, but you may want to reconsider some of the Samurai that have Bushido or care about creatures attacking alone. Bushido cares about if a creature is blocked or is blocking. If you want to stick with flavor and theme, then keep them. Unfortunately, most existing Samurai creatures aren't that great with Isshin, ironically enough.
Related to my last point, I think it's worth examining if you prefer to go wide and attack with lots of swarming creatures, or if you would prefer to invest in big single attackers. Once you determine which is more fun for you, you can swap out the less relevant creatures with either "go wide" or "single attacker" focus and swap in more of the relevant stuff.
Brilliant Restoration looks like it could be a pretty simple place to swap for Etali. Brilliant Restoration is very white heavy, and is tougher to cast in a 3 color deck. Additionally, you don't really have a big enough concentration of Artifacts and Enchantments to make it worth running here.
I hope these suggestions are helpful even if they are kind of broad.
November 5, 2024 6:47 p.m.
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Thought I Was …...
New Elenda seems like a lot of fun. Voltron/Lifegain seems like a fun mix that can also build you a decent buffer to crack backs, even without some of the other bells and whistles, or Exquisite Blood/Sanguine Bond shenanigans.
One of my friends in my main group recently started adding more lifegain to his decks as a means of buffering against the group slug and aggro heavy shenanigans of our group. So in turn, the rest of us added to existing decks or built The Lord of Pain lol. Playing with Lord of Pain in the 99, and against it this past weekend were a blast.
Totally understandable! Big life moves take priority over hobby stuff until you're both more settled in. Doesn't hurt to keep getting test reps in until you think you could put it together.
November 5, 2024 4:05 p.m.
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Thought I Was …...
Ahh that makes sense KBK7101. I don't think Alesha needs to be a strictly +1/+1 counter deck, but she definitely will benefit from those existing synergies & tech. I think she could also be a decent recursion piece in aggro decks like Isshin and various Mardu Legends Matter type builds.
New Elenda is cool too. Lol I briefly checked her out, since I haven't done a straight up Voltron build in a while. I liked Alesha better, and figured one of my friends that like life gain strats might enjoy Elenda more than me.
November 5, 2024 2:57 p.m.
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Thought I Was …...
Lmao KBK7101, when one of the spoiler teasers was "A character from a popular Magic story is returning", I was really hoping that it was going to be Alesha. You should still build her!
It's gonna be a bit before I put her together in paper irl. I'm still getting reps in with my (mostly proxied) Laughing Jasper Flint deck; one of my friends gave it to me over the weekend. I typically try not to run multiple commanders in the exact same color combo, but I can make an exception for Alesha lol. My wife and I are going to be moving to a new place in the next couple of weeks, so new cards are taking a back seat until we're all settled in.
November 5, 2024 2:28 p.m.
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Isshin, Dual of …...
I regret to inform you that Ognis, the Dragon's Lash can't be used in this deck, because her hybrid mana cost technically has Green in it .
Other than that, let me know if you're looking for more specific feedback or suggestions for your deck. Best of luck with Isshin
November 4, 2024 7:41 p.m.
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What Came First, …...
If Angels lay eggs, does that also mean that their bones are hollow?
One suggestion I can think of off the top is maybe replacing Resplendent Angel and some of your life gain dependent stuff with some lower curve goodies, like maybe a couple of mana dorks? Not the most exciting suggestion, but I didn't see a whole lot of life gain in your deck beyond a handful of effects.
November 4, 2024 6:10 p.m.
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List of Bugs …...
As a follow up, I just made a submission for Homonculus Horde off my mobile Firefox browser to test things out. I didn't encounter the 403 page this time, and got a successful submission page instead.
October 27, 2024 3:44 p.m.
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List of Bugs …...
Hi Femme_Fatale, I use Firefox as my primary browser for my mobile and desktop devices. I've made card submissions both on mobile and desktop in the past off Firefox browsers without any issue. Occasionally I will do uploads off Chrome, if I'm using my work laptop.
I can try submitting another new card off mobile browser to see if it's still an issue.
October 27, 2024 3:35 p.m.
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List of Bugs …...
I'm a bit late on this submission, but this was an issue that popped up for me yesterday on mobile browser (Firefox). I tried submitting a new card for Foundations Jumpstart (J25) on mobile, and encountered a 403 "Access Denied" type page after I hit submit. Unfortunately, I forgot to grab a screenshot.
I successfully submitted the same card on my desktop browser later in the day, and have already received a site notification that my submission was approved/awarded.
Mostly wanted to bring this to your attention in case there are any issues with new card submissions off mobile browsers.
October 27, 2024 3:17 p.m.
Figured it would be better to leave my comments here for you. I'm glad you made it out unscathed from Hurricane Milton. I live out in the Bay Area, in California, so I don't really have to experience extreme storms like that. I can only imagine how scary it must have been.
Big congratulations on getting married! That's an exciting next step for sure. I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with your friends and loved ones.
October 27, 2024 1:26 p.m.
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Musashi's Mosh Pit …...
Thank you KBK7101, I appreciate your consistent support & occasional check-ins. I hope you are well.
October 26, 2024 10 p.m.
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Rendmaw wording...
Hi there, unfortunately I don't think that split cards will work with Rendmaw. You can check out the Wiki page for Split Cards to read the more specific rulings, but here is a key piece that is most relevant to Rendmaw's functioning:
"In any zone except the stack, a split card has the combination of both characteristics; while it's on the stack, it only has the characteristics of the half being played."
- 709.3. A player chooses which half of a split card they are casting before putting it onto the stack.
- 709.3a Only the chosen half is evaluated to see if it can be cast. Only that half is considered to be put onto the stack.
Also, Artifact Lands like Vault of Whispers or Enchantment Lands like Valgavoth's Lair will work with Rendmaw, since they are cards being played, and have two or more types (Artifact or Enchanment, and Land). The split cards from your example would only count as whichever half you choose to play on the stack when you cast it.
October 24, 2024 5:25 p.m.
wolfsack — Raccoon_Blood_Mage — Theseventhspectrum — Shelbs4 — quetzal502 — smccl — prisonmike69 — Gunnedup — imartin — NoSoyYucateco — Dr4c0 — Mackydizzle69 — CommandCast — VietMoneys — XenaGOD123 — shotgunning_lean — tbasim94 — rmart916 — solarem — yeaGO — CaerwynFollowers
wolfsack — Raccoon_Blood_Mage — Theseventhspectrum — smccl — prisonmike69 — Gunnedup — NoSoyYucateco — Dr4c0 — XenaGOD123 — shotgunning_lean — tbasim94 — solarem — Caerwyn — jewbrain — JasonSmith — Curlyfrie — SirChris39 — GrimlockVIII — Andramalech — Worrad75 — Michigone — Belts3457 — KBK7101 — TommysMeats — Dawmn — SandwichMan007 — dreadswolf — oswin2002 — Ricccochet — Necramus — Tsukimi — JackNavi — Craeter — _iamatree_MTG Decks
Thought I Was Dead? [Primer]
Commander / EDH*
Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 302 | 148 COMMENTS | 41955 VIEWS | IN 120 FOLDERS
Puro Pinche Party [Primer]
Commander / EDH*
Laughing Lizard Likes Larceny [Primer]
Commander / EDH*
Neon Light Speed [Primer]
Commander / EDH
Slander Commander [Primer]
Commander / EDH
The Surgin' General [Primer]
Commander / EDH
Petrified by the Gorgussy [Primer]
Commander / EDH
Finished Decks | 81 |
Prototype Decks | 39 |
Drafts | 0 |
Playing since | Dragon's Maze |
Points | 998 |
Avg. deck rating | 33.52 |
T/O Rank | 13 |
Helper Rank | 37 |
Favorite formats | Commander / EDH |
Suppressed formats | Standard, Alchemy, Standard Brawl, Historic, Pioneer, Modern, Pauper, Legacy, Vintage, Pauper EDH, Gladiator, Highlander, Duel Commander, Pauper Duel Commander, Leviathan, 1v1 Commander, Premodern, Oldschool 93/94, Limited, Pre-release, Planechase, Archenemy, Vanguard, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, Casual, Unformat, Quest Magic |
Cards suggested / good suggestions | 1099 / 519 |
Cards Added/Fixed | 131 |
Joined | 11 years |
Vessiliana says... #1
Thank you for the interest in my Capitoline Triad! <3
November 8, 2024 2:57 a.m.