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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



: Remove target attacking creature you control from combat and untap it. Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt to and dealt by that creature this turn.

Case42 on Galaxy News Radio

4 weeks ago

Thanks Last_Laugh I have Reconnaissance on the maybe list on another site, I need to update it here. Call the Coppercoats is a definite maybe for me, will add that in and try it out.

I've been keeping track of the creature tokens with actual tokens and then the auras on dry-erase tokens. It has been working so far, but I play a lot of token decks so it didn't take much work to track down what I needed for creatures.

I have been thinking about doing print-outs of the aura effects to use as tokens, but so far no one has complained about the dry-erase.

I've been playing it in person and by far the best thing so far was having 14 copies of Etali's Favor enter.

Last_Laugh on Galaxy News Radio

4 weeks ago

Definitely run Dolmen Gate and Iroas when you get them but first and foremost of these effects is Reconnaissance. The good news is it's getting reprinted in Assassin's Creed in just a few weeks. Reconnaissance let's you attack with every creature safely, deal combat damage in most situations, and have every one of those creatures untapped by the end of combat.

Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, and Call the Coppercoats are all excellent ways to go wide here for more dudes to carry those Aura copies.

Hall of Heliod's Generosity is another card I suggest. It's another card that's not budget friendly but repeatedly getting enchantments back from your grave in these colors is tough but definitely worth it here.

Feel free to check out my Three Dog list for more ideas. I've admittedly never played the list but I'm confident the deck would slap (I just don't want to track all the Aura copies tbh). Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. "Wake Up, Wasteland! It's Me, Three Dog!"

Crow_Umbra on Assassin's Creed? Ugh, fine.

1 month ago

Coward_Token, could Reconnaissance (also reprinted in Assassin's Creed with updated rules text) work to similar effect as Augusta & Tori, for this interaction?

Coward_Token on Assassin's Creed? Ugh, fine.

1 month ago

Any thoughts for Templar Knight decks?

Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut & Akroma's Memorial pumps them so they can survive another go. (Also, Reconnaissance)

For generic immediate value, there's Bolas's Citadel , Chimil, the Inner Sun, God-Pharaoh's Statue, Mindslaver, The One Ring. Also Thrumming Stone, but it feels kinda winmore to fetch.

YamishiTheWickedOne on What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)

1 month ago

So, quick revisions log;


Mirror Entity (love this card but my strategy has evolved a little and late game huge mana dumps could just be going to more vamps as I have more draw power now)

Rakish Heir (He was just okay in a deck where 3 mana cards are mostly game-changing)

Cover of Darkness and Reconnaissance (Quite useful, but I've started to prefer brute force and anthem buffs over blanket evasion)


Sorin of House Markov  Flip (Not 100% sold on him but I'm trying out some new toys and he seems rather popular, just wish he were a vampire)

Chthonian Nightmare (reusable recursion, low cost, yes please. Suits sacrifice combos very nicely)

Fell the Profane  Flip (33rd land, killspell if I need it)

Wheel of Fortune (I finally got one and frankly I like it much more than Pact of the Serpent)

@Vessiliana your thoughts? Decided to bring back Phyrexian Altar given it's possibly the best combo piece if I want to spam Clavileno's demons.

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

1 month ago

RiotRunner789, you are 100% correct - the quest for perfection is never complete.

I just feel a certain way about some cards for no apparent reason, and Smuggler's Share is one of those cards I just feel iffy on. I don't really have a good reason as to why - I just don't really like it for whatever reason.

I thought about Well of Lost Dreams. Honestly I kind of like it more than Dawn of Hope as you could potentially pay 1:1 instead of 2:1. However it comes with the downside of being two more mana. Honestly though thinking about it I may end up swapping the two. You might've convinced me.

As for Court of Grace, I just don't vibe with the Monarch mechanic. I don't really have a good reason as to why, I just don't. I could consider it as you're right - protecting the Monarch title is easier with a bunch of fat flying angels. I'll consider it.

As for Reconnaissance, you might've just convinced me to put it into another deck I run, Adeline, Resplendent Cathar. I had been considering it for some time, but I completely forgot about the cleanup step after damage is dealt. I didn't even consider using it then, haha. Unsure about it for Giada, but definitely for Adeline.

RiotRunner789 on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

1 month ago

Because you mentioned card advantage, have you considered the following?

Smuggler's Share:Anytime an opponent draws an extra card is often. Plus, the random treasure every now and then.

Well of Lost Dreams: You have Dawn of Hope and the well is similiar but has a much higher ceiling. Big beater and mana open can easily net 4+ cards.

Court of Grace: On theme and keeping the monarch is easier with a bunch of fliers. Will at least replace itself and give evasive chump blockers.

An unrelated card to card advantage would also be Reconnaissance. It's purely for combat but allows you to swing with impunity with every creature every turn. Unfavorable block? Untap and back out. It also grants pseudo vigilance since you can untap and remove from combat after damage with zero downside.

Like the deck. Honestly looks good as is but alas, we are never finished tinkering.

Last_Laugh on First Deck

3 months ago

I highly disagree with a few of the suggested cuts above. Namely Dolmen Gate and Diabolic Intent.

Not only do I think Dolmen Gate deserves its' spot, but I highly recommend running more cards like it that let you swing safely so you can actually get your attack triggers. Reconnaissance is amazing and lets you swing with EVERYONE safely, untap each creature at the most opportune time, and have every one of those creatures untapped by the end of combat. Iroas, God of Victory is another that I recommend running.

Feel free to check out my Isshin list for more ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Spanisshin Inquisisshin

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