Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

Planeswalker — Ugin

+2: Ugin, the Spirit Dragon deals 3 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

-X: Exile each permanent with converted mana cost/mana value X or less that's one or more colours.

-10: You gain 7 life, draw seven cards, then put up to seven permanent cards from your hand onto the battlefield.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

1 month ago

Yentara, Guardian of the Uutumu

Legendary Creature - Dragon Golem

Defender, flying

Affinity for legendary permanents

Whenever you cast Yentara, you may search your library for a legendary permanent with mana value less than the amount of mana paid to cast her and play it. Shuffle your library afterwards.


So if you have her affinity reduction at , you've only spent to cast her. Therefore you can only tutor and play a legendary card with MV 2 or less.

However if she is your commander and you paid her full mana cost plus commander tax of + then you could tutor and play something like, oh idk... Ugin, the Spirit Dragon

Ahh what the hell let's go for one more legendary Golem for the precon. This time a colorless Golem, please.

  • (You can reference post #48 of the previous page)

wallisface on Colorless Competitive - 2024

5 months ago

Some thoughts:

leon_bulminot on We're All Friends Here

6 months ago

Okay so couple cards to consider, specifically for planeswalkers.

First off, activating MULTIPLE planeswalker abilities of a single planeswalker in a single turn: The Chain Veil. And if you have Teferi, Temporal Archmage out with Chain Veil, and a few mana producing artifacts and a Proliferate effect from say Viral Drake or something, infinite counters on your walkers. I usually did it with Gilded Lotus, Thran Dynamo and a Sol Ring, with Chain Veil being the fourth untapped artifact. Proliferate with Viral Drake and you negate Temporal Archmage losing counters.

Next up is additional Counters. Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider and Doubling Season. Enough said right? Contagion Engine is a tad expensive to get online but, double proliferate. And if you had a Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus on board, quadruple proliferate for 4 mana. So starting out, with everything on the field, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon enters the battlefield with 28 counters from just from Vorinclex and Doubling season. Add in the quadruple proliferate and it just gets dumb. Generally once Doubling Season hits, you can ult your planeswalkers THAT turn. Also, Nesting Grounds pairs well with Tekuthal to move indestructible counters onto other permanents.

Best five color mana searcher ever that is expensive but at one extra above Migration path, especially since planeswalker decks are more mid game, Shard Convergence is like a mega Expedition Map but in green.

A walker that’s good for searching anything, Liliana Vess.

If you want solid searching combo that also lets you untap artifacts as well as hunt for whatever you want is Tezzeret the Seeker and Mycosynth Lattice. And if you want to shut the game down for a win, so long as you have enough creatures to protect him, Karn, the Great Creator and Mycosynth shuts down ALL opponents mana flow. Wanna blow it up? Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Kormus Bell, and then some blanket -1 toughness effect.

There are so many ways you can go with walker decks. But those are some things I use and still use.

Femme_Fatale on maresnest

1 year ago

I noticed you were trying to submit a new variation to the M21 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. But the thing is, all of it's variations are there. Having trouble entering one of them?

The_Warleader on Optimus Prime Rolls Out!

1 year ago

Cool deck! =)

Lightning greaves is typically going to be much better unless you need to target your own creatures (which you don't have too much need of, aside from modular triggers). I would personally cut the Saheeli - you might not know this as a returning player but planeswalkers without any dedicated support aren't typically worth running in commander unless they have an immediate impact on the game (something like Ugin, the Spirit Dragon for example ). They're just too easy to remove in multiplayer games and are especially difficult to ultimate.

To go back to the discussion of lands - I totally agree with multimedia. If you can afford it, you should definitely include fetch lands to show off those awesome dual lands you have! Here are some auto-includes for my 3-color commander decks that I don't believe were mentioned:

Battlebond lands - Spectator Seating , Training Center , and Sea of Clouds basically regular dual lands in commander

Reflecting Pool is very potent in 3-4 color decks and isn't too expensive

Triomes - so Raugrin Triome is all three of your land types to help your buddy lands come in untapped. Is searchable with fetch lands and can cycle in a pinch.

And don't forget your lands can offer utility! Buried Ruin , Inventors' Fair , Slayers' Stronghold / Hanweir Battlements  Meld , Spinerock Knoll / Windbrisk Heights , Academy Ruins (though that one is pretty expensive).

Anyway, I hope this helps and hope you are enjoying playing Magic with your friends again!

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago


Last game of the year! Sorry I've taken over your comment board, hope all these gameplay interactions help!

Opponents: Koma, Cosmos Serpent, Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools / Armix, Filigree Thrasher

Starting Hand: Marsh Flats, Plains, Sol Ring, Serra Ascendant, Serra Avenger, Court of Grace, Breathkeeper Seraph

T1 - Marsh Flats into Plains into Serra Ascendant

T2 - Plains into Sol Ring and Luminarch Ascension (drew into), swung in for 6 damage

T3 - Plains into Court of Grace, drew on endstep, swung in for another 6 damage

T4 - +1 Angel on upkeep, Plains into Giada, Font of Hope and held up mana to make 2 Angels, drew on endstep, swung in for another 6 damage

T5 - created 2 Angels (6 power & 7 power) on opponents end step, +1 Angel (8 power) on upkeep. Cast a Tome of Legends getting ready for the boardwipe. Swung in for 21 damage, drew on endstep.

T6 - nobody at the table had the boardwipe so I cleaned up next turn with Sigarda's Vanguard knocking out each other player simultaneously. I think this was the fastest this deck has ever performed in a 4-man pod and all the damage was dealt by me.

Opponents: Koma, Cosmos Serpent, Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools / Armix, Filigree Thrasher, O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami

Starting Hand: Windswept Heath, Arid Mesa, Plains, Bonders' Enclave, Serra Paragon, Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld, Archangel of Thune

Thought about not including this one either as it was a slow hand and a fast game. Muldrotha comboed out turn 4 making 2 million squirrels and nobody had any interaction so we were dead on turn 5.

Opponents: Koma, Cosmos Serpent, Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools / Armix, Filigree Thrasher, O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami

Starting Hand: Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Plains, Plains, Pyre of Heroes, Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld, Battle Angels of Tyr, Angelic Curator

I had played Battle Angels of Tyr but it was quickly removed by Tevesh before I could swing with it, which is fair given a 5-man pod.

Instead I went for the slower play with Giada, Font of Hope, Angelic Curator and Angelic Sleuth on the field. I held Pyre of Heroes in hand thinking I would go for the Inspiring Overseer / Serra Paragon line to draw into some cards and get some clues.

However, Muldrotha again was a huge problem turn 5. They had Scute Swarm and cracked some fetches and played green ramp spells bringing up their total to the low 100s but they only had 32 they could attack with. They decided to swing all of them at me as I was the only one with any sort of board presence. O-Kagachi let the table know they had a fog effect but we elected to use it on the next turn.

At this point I had Giada, Font of Hope, Angelic Sleuth, Righteous Valkyrie and Pyre of Heroes on the battlefield. Once Muldrotha had started producing massive amounts of Scutes I knew they were coming at me. Also I had drawn into Archangel of Thune which I played and swung in bringing me back up to the low 20's.

On turn 6 O-Kagachi used the fog and Muldrotha just set themselves up better for the next round. They cast a Sandwurm Convergence to stop me from knocking them out.

Tevesh decided this was the best time to go off so they tapped out for a Peer into the Abyss. A lot of artifact shenanigans happened and they ended up at 4 life due to Bolas's Citadel, nearly wiped the board with Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and killed Muldrotha with an artifact creature with Cranial Plating and Lightning Greaves. Unfortunately they didn't see that O-Kagachi was out and only -5 for Ugin so they were dead to the dragon on their turn.

I was able to build back relatively quickly as I drew into a Thorough Investigation and cracked some clues. O-Kagachi became the new archenemy as they had their commander out and a Fist of Suns so they were casting high-costed cards with the limited mana they had. Koma used Kiora, the Crashing Wave to negate the damage of O-Kagachi's commander. They also countered a Conflux which could've ended the game.

I tried to swing in once but was stopped by a fog. I also made another misplay with Oblation targeting their Myojin of Seeing Winds as I misheard thinking it was a 10/10 flying indestructible when it was a 3/3 that didn't even fly. They removed the divinity counter drawing 12 and drew another 2 off Oblation. Next turn they cast a Morophon, the Boundless and dropped all the spirits they drew off those 14 cards. If I had held up my Oblation for their fist of the suns instead they would have had no mana for anything else and I could've swung in for the win.

Luminarch Ascension finally popped off! When unanswered it just ends games. Even with a boardwipe it can refill the board with mana. With Giada out it adds lethal threats quickly. I understand that it may not have the surprise factor but I think the resiliency is more important here. As you've mentioned before, not a lot of people run enchantment removal as creature removal is preferable which means this has staying power.

Court of Grace was also amazing here. While 1 card a turn is not the best for 4 mana, 1 card and 1 angel for 4 is amazing. Obviously the Sol Ring did work in getting it out early but against slower decks they had no way to attack me regardless.

Pyre of Heroes was actually useful this time! Pitching the 2/2 body of Angelic Curator into a Righteous Valkyrie is a strong move. I was only able to use it once before the Ugin exile but it helped keep me in the game. Without it, I would've been dead right after Tevesh finished off Muldrotha, perhaps even in the same turn.

Sigarda's Vanguard was also great again. However if I'm not planning out dropping my angels out in the correct turn order then I'm not always getting the full benefit from her. Akroma's Will would save us the headache of counting and planning while also providing the evasion to get through flying creatures. I think I'll still stick the Vanguard as the light recursion package allows us to bring her back on another turn for additional value whereas Will would just languish in the graveyard.

We had a turn 0 discussion before games 2 and 3 and agreed on playing more mid-tier decks as I only brought Giada. The Muldrotha player typically durdles with nothing to do and decided to add in some spicy cards not knowing how they'd perform. Tevesh doesn't always go off like this but Peer into the Abyss is usually a card that gets countered. The table let it resolve due to needing to knock out Muldrotha first.

Profet93 on The Inevitable Annihilation

1 year ago

Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) + Voltaic key + Rings = Infinite colorless

Deserted Temple + Scorched Ruins + Rins = Infinite colorless

Expedition Map - Help you find temple, eye of ugin (to find kozilek to refill hand or other eldrazi, also, ramp), or any utility land. It also helps ensure you don't miss a land drop early game.

Field of the Dead - Zombies eat brains for breakfast. Yummy

Mystic forge + Sensei's divining top + artifact cost reducer Cloud Key/Semblance Anvil/Ugin Ineffable = Draw your entire deck. Also note, top + rings w/ basalt = draw your entire deck

Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - Wipe

Blinkmoth Urn - Ramp

Blinkmoth Well - Politics, tap blinkmoth urn, or Winter Orb.

Mycosynth Lattice = Fun shenanigans, especially with urn. Combine with an Karn, the Great Creator for a hard lock. Karn could take the place of liquid metal tongue perhaps?

Metalworker + rings + voltaic key = Infinite colorless

Grim Monolith + forsaken monument + rings = Infinite colorless

Chromatic Orrery + rings + voltaic key = Infinite colorless

Most if not all of the cards suggested for combo are also relevant without it, ensuring little to no dead cards. Let me know what you think, looking forward to your response.

TheoryCrafter on What Shall Happen to the …

1 year ago

TypicalTimmy, it's from the Mirrodin Besieged block. Melira, Sylvok Outcast has the ability to remove Glistening Oil from the infected. As you said, if it fully corrupts the heart its incurable. Venser, the Sojourner was suffering from Phthisis(powerstone radiation poisoning) and knew he didn't have much longer to live. So he gave his spark to Karn and the spark flushed the oil from his body. That's how Karn Liberated was cured.

As for Nicol Bolas, his memory isn't erased. Jace Beleren created an illusion where he showed Nicol exploding and then Ugin, the Spirit Dragon just took his name in such a way he cannot be summoned. Thus, his home is now a Prison Realm.

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