Stronghold Assassin

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stronghold Assassin

Creature — Zombie Assassin

Sacrifice a creature: Destroy target nonblack creature.

king-saproling on enchant me enchant you

4 months ago

It's not a bad list at all, but if you want to go with vampires plus lifegain subtheme there are better choices of commanders (Astarion, the Decadent, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Vona, Butcher of Magan, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, and Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher are solid options. There are tons of other good options too).

If you're heart-set on Athreos, I would drop the vampire/lifegain themes and go with creatures that have sac effects (e.g. Westfold Rider, Cathar Commando, Bounty Agent, Priest of Fell Rites, Stronghold Assassin, Necrotic Sliver, Burnished Hart, Dauthi Voidwalker) plus cards with reanimation abilities (e.g. Bishop of Rebirth, Celestine, the Living Saint, Custodi Soulcaller, Redemption Choir, Sun Titan, Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher, Athreos, Shroud-Veiled, Breathkeeper Seraph, Court of Ardenvale, Gift of Immortality).

LumpySpaceJams on Ashnod's Vault

8 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions SufferFromEDHD!!

Fulminator Mage is a great suggestion, I'm always hesitant to dedicate a full spell slot to land destruction, but this may end up being an exception as it would be doubled and repeatable.

Doomed Necromancer and Hell's Caretaker I opted for Apprentice Necromancer instead since it combos with Blood Pet when Ashnod is out and does grant haste to my creatures it reanimates. Sacing it at end of turn isn't even a down side because I can instead sac it to one of the many sac outlets for value instead.

Stronghold Assassin is an interesting choice, I don't feel like I have enough targeted removal, so this may have to be tested.

SufferFromEDHD on Ashnod's Vault

8 months ago

Nice build. Packed full of solid triggers.

Fulminator Mage

Doomed Necromancer and/or Hell's Caretaker

Stronghold Assassin

Epicurus on Mazirek's Nut Sac

3 years ago

Done. Bone Shards in for Mutual Destruction , and subbed in Attrition for Stronghold Assassin . Seems like a legit upgrade to me. Thanks, Head CoIIector! Do you have a suggestion for what to cut for Flesh Allergy ?

Mortlocke on New hubs to be added

3 years ago

Hello legendofa,

I propose a new hub to be added: Phyrexian. During Modern Horizons 2, 225 creatures were retconned into having the Phyrexian creature subtype to join Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider . Additionally, there were a smattering of Enchantments, Artifacts and etc that ether have the Phyrexian subtype or create creature tokens that do. Thanks to this retcon I now have a deck that has a Phyrexian tribal theme. For your reference, below is a full list of spells that were affected by WotC's Phyrexian errata.


grennpowerhouse on Belar's Aristocrats

3 years ago

Good deck my only recommendation would be to add more sacrifice outlets. Here are some possible ideas Altar of Dementia , Helm of Possession , Sadistic Hypnotist , Fallen Ideal , Fallen Angel , Malevolent Awakening , Attrition , Phyrexian Plaguelord , Stronghold Assassin , Hell's Caretaker , Carrion Feeder , Carnage Altar , Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter , Flesh-Eater Imp , aaaannnnnnd if you haven’t fallen asleep yet Skullclamp would go great in this deck.

Simerix on Karador Sacr

3 years ago

Scavenging Ooze is a good card, but doesn't play into the theme. Don't take it out necessarily, just something to keep in mind. Altar of Dementia would be an all-star in this deck. Fiend Hunter is kinda absurd. You can sac it before you exile, so the creature is permanently exiled. Disciple of Bolas is great because it gives you repeatable card draw in creature form which is huge for this deck.

Other good cards (some are around $5 but might be worth splurging for): Solemn Simulacrum, Stitcher's Supplier, Zulaport Cutthroat, Grim Haruspex, Ashnod's Altar, Vraska, Golgari Queen, Buried Alive, Viscera Seer, Pitiless Plunderer, Dictate of Erebos, Pawn of Ulamog, Smothering Abomination (this one triggers for any type of sacrificing), Archon of Justice, and Stonehorn Dignitary

In general, you have more noncreatures than I think is optimal. I could be wrong, and it's your deck. Build it how you want, but I think this deck excels with a higher creature count. If it's a creature it's repeatable and still usable if milled. Noncreatures aren't. For instance, I like Farhaven Elf more than Harrow because it is a creature.

Looking over your deck, you don't have many actual ways to sacrifice creatures. You have a couple that self sac, such as Caustic Caterpillar, and Carrion Feeder, but you definitely need more. Cards like Viscera Seer, Altar of Dementia, Ashnod's Altar, Woe Strider, Fanatical Devotion, Sadistic Hypnotist, and Stronghold Assassin are needed to make this a sac deck.

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