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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/-1.

Whenever equipped creature dies, draw two cards. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist.)

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)

Crow_Umbra on The Surgin' General [Primer]

3 days ago

Thanks for the suggestions KongMing. I currently have Dolmen Gate in the 99, and am quite familiar with it from other aggro decks I currently play. Similarly, I use Legion Loyalist in a couple of my other aggro decks. Although I don't have additional copies, I could see it as a potential swap with something in the 1-2 cmc range sometime down the road.

Spirit Mantle is great, but I find myself using Auras less & less these days, partly from playing lots of Aura/Voltron over the years, & partly the feelsbad™️ from getting 2 for 1'd on removal. Beyond the various Lightning Greaves variants & Skullclamp, I'm not a big fan of equipment.

TimelessLove on Krenko's Goblin Meat Market

3 days ago

Here are a few cards I think you should consider:

Umbral Mantle, it's basically a cheaper Sword of the Paruns

Staff of Domination, it's also Sword of the Paruns but with a side of High Market and Skullclamp

Pashalik Mons, it plays like a Goblin Sharpshooter

Hordeling Outburst offers 3 goblins for 3 mana, better than Goblin Rally at 4 goblins for 5 mana, Goblin War Party even offers 3 goblins for 4 mana with a modular alternative.

Heraldic Banner and Patriar's Seal, colored mana ramp with a side of +1/+0 or untap respectively.

Quest for the Goblin Lord, a cheap and easy way to get +2/+0 on all your creatures. It helps the deck win even when you don't manage infinite.

Goblin Recruiter, tutor for goblins is terrific for the deck and stacks the top of your library letting you add Muxus, Goblin Grandee, you could play Goblin Recruiter and put 7 Goblins on top of your library, draw Muxus and either play him normally or cheat him with Warren Instigator or Goblin Lackey to cheat the top 6 Goblins on your library.

Mirage Mirror, it's more of what you want in the deck.

Profet93 on Mono Black Affinity

6 days ago

SufferFromEDHD +1

Such high praise with a funny joke from you? You're too kind!

We live and we learn, all experiences to help us grow.

Skullclamp - Draw?

Genesis Chamber - Token production?

Whats the wincon, or is it too premature to ask? Speaking of wincons, I'm gonna throw some combos at you and see which if any stick.

Add Ashnod's Altar to the below combos...

Reassembling Skeleton + Pitiless Plunderer

Scrap Trawler + Sculpting Steel + Foundry Inspector

Wurmcoil Engine + Nim Deathmantle

Myr Battlesphere + Nim Deathmantle

Imotekh the Stormlord + Scrap Trawler + Myr Retriever

Imotekh the Stormlord + Nim Deathmantle

Imotekh the Stormlord + Junk Diver + Myr Retriever

And of course..... Grave Titan + Nim Deathmantle - This one is least likely given you are artifact central and zombies don't fit into that, but worth mentioning just in case.

A lot of the combo cards are synergistic with your deck so even if you choose not to combo with them, they can potentially still be of assistance.

DreadKhan on lonely goth girl

1 month ago

I'm not sure if Teysa would even want a friend, but Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker is a bit of a kindred, maybe they could hang for tea?

If you want people to attack a lot there is Angel's Trumpet, very handy that your Spirits have flying! Exquisite Blood is a combo piece, but it's also a strong card on it's own, it synergizes with your Commander very powerfully I'd say, if people come at you their creature's die, and if they go at each other then you gain life. Breena, the Demagogue can be used to make your stuff better. Shadrix Silverquill has a really good interaction with your Commander, if you give someone an Inkling and they come at you it dies and you get a 1/1, and if you give your board +1 counters twice than your 1/1s clobber inklings. I would run Transmogrifying Wand over Murder, it's 4 mana for the first creature but only 1 more for the next 2. You could also try something like Reckless Spite. I am a big fan of True Conviction, very good with a big token army.

It's a pretty janky card but I often enjoy using Axis of Mortality in White decks that are trying to stay on budget, you can punish or reward people as you see fit, it's a very strong political effect, and if people are losing creatures to your ability to lower your life total (while giving you evasive attackers) then you're probably gaining ground.

It's up to you obviously if you don't want to run more lands, but have you thought about including some MDFCs? I use Hagra Mauling  Flip and am happy to see it now and then, ETB tapped lands aren't great, but if the spell effect is also a playable effect their value is incredible. I'm sure you could find a use for Malakir Rebirth  Flip too, though that is less budget.

In the time that I've played Commander I've come to the conclusion that one of the hallmarks of a good deck is card draw, especially low to the ground effects. Stuff like Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper are very good in practice, there are also things like Village Rites, Corrupted Conviction, Plumb the Forbidden, and Reckoner's Bargain, these are all handy with your tokens, but also if you can't protect your Commander and they're getting blown up anyways, this can also prevent effects like Oubliette from working (which can be VERY helpful if your deck depends on your Commander, you might want a couple in the deck in case). If you think your tokens might stay 1/1s, or that you can get them to die with consistency then Skullclamp draws a lot of cards. Stinging Study draws a whopping 7 cards in this deck, for only 5 mana, I'd say that'd be handy late game.

Head CoIIector on The Graveyard Getdown

2 months ago

I do really like what you're doing here, but just a couple things to consider.
Cabal Coffers should definitely be here. I'm guessing the only reason it isn't is budget.
Between your tokens being 2/2 and all the anthem effects, I doubt Skullclamp is doing much for you. Necropotence or Idol of Oblivion might suit your needs better. It seems it really only works if you have your commander out for the power buff/sacrifice. Even so, it might be better to switch out a sorcery/instant draw card for long term gains.
Yargle, Glutton of Urborg would be a really nice target for Gisa as well.
Heraldic Banner is an absolutely nuts rock for monocolored aggro decks like this. Highly suggest slotting it in.
Finally, Crashing Drawbridge would really take your speed up a notch.

Profet93 on My 3-headed baby girl

3 months ago


Tokens are outside my wheelhouse, but I'll do my best to help. Also, I see you run the Emeria Shepherd + Sakura Tribe elder synergy, nice!

Shamanic Revelation - Draw with a side of lifegain

Alhammarret's Archive - Double lifegain, double draw!

Harmonize - Simple draw

Elemental Bond - Steady draw

Skullclamp - You run a decent amount of mana dorks.

Reliquary Tower - Maybe not needed yet but once you add more card draw, it should definitely be considered. Currently, Creeping Renaissance could warrant this inclusion.

Greater Good - Such a good card for draw. Also helps prevent exile and theft tactics.

Momentous Fall - Used in response to removal. Beware of the blue player! Also note Life's Legacy.

I understand that tokens are secondary, but have you considered at least adding one token doubler card such as Doubling Season? Not necessarily doubling season itself given the price constraint but any one of it's close cousins can fit the bill.

Winding Canyons/Emergence Zone - Flash would help primarily with Felidar Sovereign, Sunblast Angel and combat tricks. It also helps you from over-extending your board

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp

Profet93 on Beats by Xenagos ( Xenagos, God of Revels )

3 months ago

MattMan1982 I'm gonna throw a bunch of ideas at you, some are better than others, just wanna see if anything interests you. I'm not gonna provide any creature suggestions yet. Yours are always solid and I want your thoughts on these cards first.

None of these are needed but definitely are helpful assuming you can fit them into the mana base

Bonders' Enclave - Draw

Cragcrown Pathway  Flip/Spire Garden - Color Fixing

Blighted Woodland/Myriad Landscape - "Ramp"

Raging Ravine/Dread Statuary - Manlands. Nice to use with Greater Good or if you run out of creatures. The Dread Statuary is a personal favorite of mine for that reason

Rancor - Reuseable buff, trample enabler. I like using rancor on selvala and buff with commander for lots of mana should need be

Sylvan Library - Great to set up your draw and ensure you get your land drops. Given you only run 34 lands, that can potentially be an issue, especially given the relatively high avg cmc of the deck.

Skullclamp - Should you ever find yourself needing more draw, this can be an option. It's nice because if they want to use spot removal, they need to do so prior to combat, as you equip it. So if they do, you can pump a different creature and target that opponent.

Momentous Fall - Draw, used in response to removal to gain value. Beware of the blue player though

Return of the Wildspeaker > Garruk PW - Can be used in response to removal so you don't get 2 for 1ed. It's easier to cast and has an additional mode. While the PW has the option to make a token should you need a creature, I don't believe it's impactful enough

Berserk - Super fun! Politics, finisher, all for 1 mana. seriously underrated.

Green Sun's Zenith - Tutor

Decimate - 4 for 1. I see no way for you to deal with a maze of ith. Strip mine can be also used.

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