Phyrexian Plaguelord

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Phyrexian Plaguelord

Creature — Phyrexian Carrier

, Sacrifice Phyrexian Plaguelord: Target creature gets -4/-4 until end of turn.

Sacrifice a creature: Target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.

awesomedude20 on Shirei's Army of Weaklings

1 year ago

So, Shirei as a deck, has one fatal issue you gotta overcome:

If Shirei dies, so does your entiiiiiiire gameplan, so protecting Shirei is absolutely a must.

I see you're running some indestructible-enabling equipments. Darksteel Plate is... okay, but Shield of Kaldra should probably be scrapped. That's 8 mana you gotta dump into it for it to do its thing.

I would run more cards like Professor's Warning, Without Weakness, or Gift of Doom (which is especially fun since you don't care about saccing creatures, and you'll always play it for its morph cost, which is 3 generic. Not too bad at all.)

These let you survive removal which WILL be pointed at your commander, while also trading the expensive benefit of having continuous indestructible applied to Shirei, for the chance to make your opponents WASTE removal on you.

A Darksteel Plate is great and all, but it gives other players all the time in the world to try and play around it, and THEN blow up Shirei. Reactionary protection lets you waste their resources, which is fun.

Also, this is my own personal view on the game talking, but I think you have WAAAAAAAAAY too many tutors. Your entire sorcery/instant lineup is tutors, and then a few more.

I think you'd be better off replacing almost all of those cards, with cards that you'd be happy to draw anyways, because as soon as every card in your deck is a good draw, you really won't need those tutors.

Ideally you'll want to add more sac outlets, more Shirei protection/ramp, and DEFINITELY some instant-speed removal.

I might add more thoughts later, but uh, laaaast thing.

Marionette Master is INSANE and is capable of dealing like 50~ damage or so to a player in just one turn rotation. So uh, yeah lol.

Also Tree of Perdition is fun.

And Bottle Gnomes best card 10/10

bushido_man96 on Help Make My Mono Black …

1 year ago

Phyrexian Plaguelord is a good free sac outlet.

tonylomas on Welcome to the Grismold Family Vacation!

2 years ago

lol this is so complete and fun hahahah (btw sorry i forgot to do this) like Irate Warrior said Phyrexian Plaguelord we really like it xd

Mortlocke on New hubs to be added

3 years ago

Hello legendofa,

I propose a new hub to be added: Phyrexian. During Modern Horizons 2, 225 creatures were retconned into having the Phyrexian creature subtype to join Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider . Additionally, there were a smattering of Enchantments, Artifacts and etc that ether have the Phyrexian subtype or create creature tokens that do. Thanks to this retcon I now have a deck that has a Phyrexian tribal theme. For your reference, below is a full list of spells that were affected by WotC's Phyrexian errata.


grennpowerhouse on Belar's Aristocrats

3 years ago

Good deck my only recommendation would be to add more sacrifice outlets. Here are some possible ideas Altar of Dementia , Helm of Possession , Sadistic Hypnotist , Fallen Ideal , Fallen Angel , Malevolent Awakening , Attrition , Phyrexian Plaguelord , Stronghold Assassin , Hell's Caretaker , Carrion Feeder , Carnage Altar , Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter , Flesh-Eater Imp , aaaannnnnnd if you haven’t fallen asleep yet Skullclamp would go great in this deck.

kpres on Szat & Sengir LLP

3 years ago

Looking at the decklist after posting, it looks like it fits better with Endrek Sahr. Consider that Phyrexian Plaguelord comes with 5 tokens, Endrek Sahr really tows the line with token makers. I believe I will need to remove a bunch of sac outlets that aren't as good, and shift it over to the token makers side of things.

If anyone has some good suggestions about black or artifact token makers, that would help!

IrateWarrior on Welcome to the Grismold Family Vacation!

3 years ago

I actually like Phyrexian Plaguelord. I think if your going to voltron focus you should double down with that instead of the aristocrat style. As for the tokens I found these two card heavy hitters as end phase your at minimum giving him +2+2 Virulent Plague Illness in the Ranks. Also worth nothing Hardened Scales triggers off each token since it is a separate trigger each time.

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