Blood Pet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blood Pet

Creature — Thrull

Sacrifice Blood Pet: Add {{B}} to your mana pool.

leovolt884_ on Songs of the Damned BGr (2024)

6 months ago

Blood Pet pays for itself, puts itself into the grave, and is an additional mana if sacrificing it on a later turn. Not sure how much the deck needs it, but sac for black then casting Songs of the Damned seems pretty good for Crypt Rats, Consume Spirit, or playing out a cycling creature as a beater as early as possible. Not really sure what to cut if anything is the issue. Deadshot Minotaur doesn't seem great to me because you'll hardly play it as a creature or benefit from its etb? Not sure how consistent getting off its cycle is without playtesting myself so it could be good, but based on just looking at the deck it feels like the least consistent of the 1 mana cyclers you have. It could be a good contender for adding in spore frogs, discard, or other utility main board

DeinoStinkus on Graveyard Gallivant

6 months ago

Basal Thrull and Blood Pet are probably good options.

Profet93 on Mono black

10 months ago

Blood Pet - Ramp/sac synergy

I can provide better suggestions if you tell me your budget per card, your meta, what you want to achieve with the deck/wincon. Just wanna make sure I don't suggest something you can't/not trying to do.

LumpySpaceJams on Ashnod's Vault

1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestions SufferFromEDHD!!

Fulminator Mage is a great suggestion, I'm always hesitant to dedicate a full spell slot to land destruction, but this may end up being an exception as it would be doubled and repeatable.

Doomed Necromancer and Hell's Caretaker I opted for Apprentice Necromancer instead since it combos with Blood Pet when Ashnod is out and does grant haste to my creatures it reanimates. Sacing it at end of turn isn't even a down side because I can instead sac it to one of the many sac outlets for value instead.

Stronghold Assassin is an interesting choice, I don't feel like I have enough targeted removal, so this may have to be tested.

Azoth2099 on 100 cards for Meren

1 year ago

Oh man, speaking of Sidisi, Undead Vizier & Razaketh, the Foulblooded - Diabolic Intent is another no-brainer here.

Blood Pet & Basal Thrull are also greats recs, y'all! Those Eldrazi Token generators reminded me to mention Sifter of Skulls as well.

Not sure how I forgot to mention this in my 1st post, but Proliferate bangs here. Consider Plaguemaw Beast, Unnatural Restoration, Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, Karn's Bastion, Contagion Clasp, Contagion Engine & Evolution Sage.

Also, a word of warning: there is no way to keep Meren of Clan Nel Toth ultra-casual. Her nature as a Reanimator steers her to higher power levels than casual pods aim for. You'll see what I mean as you continue to refine your decklist!

Krogania on 100 cards for Meren

1 year ago

I have found that Blood Pet works better than the Basal Thrull due to not needing to tap. In the similar vein there are two 3 cost creatures that only get two mana, but also don't need to tap, so you get access as soon as you recur them: Blood Vassal and Basal Sliver.

In the same vein, the two eldrazi enchantments work decent for mana when you have so many expensive spells, Awakening Zone and From Beyond.

Also, as Meren tends to receive a lot of hate (and you already have another Morph in your deck!), Gift of Doom can be great, and Kaya's Ghostform works vs basically everything (just not Cyclonic Rift type board wipes). Hope these help :)

Azoth2099 on

1 year ago


Hey dude! Gonna try to keep this brief and not go down a brewing rabbit hole lol.

Have you considered extra combat phases? Your Commander's strategy obviously hinges upon you being able to attack with it, so doing it multiple times a turn is the way to go imho.

Although I wouldn't go overboard with it, there are a few worth thinking over such as Aggravated Assault, Combat Celebrant, Breath of Fury (extra good if you're running creatures that want to be sacrificed on your way to drawing cards via your Commander, Cathodion for example), Seize the Day, Savage Beating & World at War.

Creatures that sacrifice themselves could also be great, stuff like Ball Lightning, Groundbreaker & Lightning Skelemental can do a lot of damage. Blood Pet, Goldhound, Reckless Barbarian, Generator Servant, Tinder Wall, Wild Cantor & Basal Thrull draw and ramp you at the same time, which is pretty neat. Eldrazi token generators like Sifter of Skulls, From Beyond & Awakening Zone can help you keep that engine running in longer games. Haywire Mite, Caustic Caterpillar &Cankerbloom draw, control the board and replace their presence on your own board for a great rate.

There are a few value pieces worth thinking about as well, like, Pitiless Plunderer & Korvold, Fae-Cursed King.

Lastly, you need a lot more mana dorks, my guy. As many as possible.

Sorry for being so long-winded! Cheers!

DreadKhan on Meren Reanimation

1 year ago

I have a lot of fun using Meren in an EDH deck, maybe some of my EHD concepts translate?

I really liked stuff like Diligent Farmhand, Dawntreader Elk, and of course Sakura-Tribe Elder are very useful. There is also Elves of Deep Shadow, which is useful if you use the 'trick' of running lots of green ramp that finds Swamps/makes black mana and run less black sources because you only need a few. A few black ramp creatures are Blood Pet and Blood Vassal, Vassal is probably worse. A card I used to use in Meren that might work here is Street Wraith, it'll eat up a bit of life, but it gives Meren something worth getting back if she has low/no XP, I settled on running enough ramp-that-dies to not worry about Meren having nothing to do. Death payoffs like Grim Haruspex to draw some cards when things die might help too.

One really funny trick that's very easy for Meren to pull off (and that's way better in 1v1) is abusing Spore Frog, this also builds up XP fwiw. I think Dawnstrider is a lot worse in 1v1 than Spore Frog, but it is also a discard outlet so I run both in EDH.

If you want another 'backup Meren', there is also Hell's Caretaker, this is a bit cheaper than Meren and can actually reanimate big stuff on it's 2nd turn (usually much sooner than Meren), but it does eat a body each time.

Another trick I liked using was Gravecrawler + any sac outlet, as long as you've got another Zombie you can just reuse your Gravecrawler, even if you don't want to splurge on something like Phyrexian Altar or Pitiless Plunderer to make it infinite, it can still be pretty good to have a recursive (and cheap) creature.

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