Priest of Fell Rites

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Priest of Fell Rites

Creature — Human Warlock

, Pay 3 life, Sacrifice Priest of Fell Rites: Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Activate only as a sorcery.

Unearth ([[symbol:3]: Return this card from your graveyard to the battlefield. It gains haste. Exile it at the beginning of the next end step or if it would leave the battlefield. Unearth only as a sorcery.)

king-saproling on enchant me enchant you

4 months ago

It's not a bad list at all, but if you want to go with vampires plus lifegain subtheme there are better choices of commanders (Astarion, the Decadent, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Vona, Butcher of Magan, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, and Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher are solid options. There are tons of other good options too).

If you're heart-set on Athreos, I would drop the vampire/lifegain themes and go with creatures that have sac effects (e.g. Westfold Rider, Cathar Commando, Bounty Agent, Priest of Fell Rites, Stronghold Assassin, Necrotic Sliver, Burnished Hart, Dauthi Voidwalker) plus cards with reanimation abilities (e.g. Bishop of Rebirth, Celestine, the Living Saint, Custodi Soulcaller, Redemption Choir, Sun Titan, Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher, Athreos, Shroud-Veiled, Breathkeeper Seraph, Court of Ardenvale, Gift of Immortality).

Fombrot on 5 Colors

7 months ago

Yo, was thinking about it more and was trying to come up with 2 drops. I'm sure you thought about a bunch of these, but the only one I'd say might be important to a deck like this is Priest of Fell Rites, since I think you'll need to hold onto your big creatures, and having a reanimate is nice. maybe also including Reanimate? Boring, but would probably be good lol.

Decks really shaping up! You are such a control player.

dennick, pious apprentice

gold-forged thopteryx

lavinia, azorius renegade

pippin, guard of the citadel

wernog, rider’s chaplain

skynight vanguard

gaddock teeg

voice of resurgence

priest of fell rites

fluffyeel on F*** Kevin

1 year ago

I don't see the problem with this deck. Not at all. However, I have some suggestions to make it even more "fun" for Kevin:

multimedia on Liesa, Liesa, they so flying...

1 year ago

Hey, keep an eye on Verrak, Warped Sengir, new card in Dominaria United Commander precon Legends' Legacy. Extra activation for no additional mana cost just life is really good. Also has flying and lifelink. Deathtouch is nice with reanimation especially Sun Titan.

Verrak, Warped Sengir triggers from each activation, if you make a lot of Greed activations each one gets an extra activation for the cost of additional 2 life. 1 mana + 4 life to draw 2 cards is great value when you can consistently gain life. Priest of Fell Rites with Verrak can reanimate any two creatures in your graveyard for 6 life. Priest can be reanimated by Sun Titan.

Speaking of Sun Titan for reanimation it combines well with Apprentice Necromancer. They can reanimate each other and then one other permanent 3 CMC or less on your turn. That's excellent value for only 1 mana especially when it can be repeatable.

When Apprentice Necromancer reanimates Sun Titan you get two triggers, ETB and when Titan attacks because Necromancer gives it haste. Titan ETB reanimates Necromancer then attacks and reanimates any other permanent it can from your graveyard. At the end of your turn Titan is saced, putting it in your graveyard to repeat the interaction on your next turn.

multimedia on Liesa, Liesa, they so flying...

1 year ago

Hey, good latest update, really nice additions of Archivist of Oghma and Bolas's Citadel. Don't forget Caves of Koilos, it's in the precon and an Orzhov dual land that enters the battlefield untapped.

You're right you want more draw and you could cut several lesser creatures for more draw. Use life to get draw by either drawing when you gain life or when you pay life. Well of Lost Dreams is another four drop that like Greed once you get onto the battlefield it can draw a ton of cards because of Liesa's lifelink. Sigarda's Splendor can draw an extra card at your upkeep if your life total changed and it's another source of repeatable life gain from casing white spells.

Dawn of Hope each time you gain life you can pay 2 mana to draw a card. Eye of Vecna draws a card when it enters the battlefield and then it can be repeatable at your upkeep for 2 mana + 2 life.

Fell Stinger can sac itself for it's exploit to have interaction with Liesa, Forgotten Archangel and other reanimation or recursion that you could add such as Sun Titan, Witch of the Moors, Apprentice Necromancer, Priest of Fell Rites. When your Commander has flying then Mask of Memory can be consistent repeatable draw as well as discard to fuel reanimation or recursion.

Court of Grace makes you the monarch for repeatable draw a card at your end step. If you're the monarch at your upkeep then you create a 4/4 Angel or if you're not the monarch a 1/1 Spirit. Palace Jailer makes you the monarch, it also exiles an opponent's creature and that creature never returns to the battlefield unless you lose the monarch which can only happen if an opponent does combat damage to you or plays a card that makes them the monarch.

Some cards to consider cutting for more draw, reanimation, recursion.

  • Killian, Ink Duelist: you have very few cards that have a single target to reduce the mana cost.
  • Vampire Outcasts: the lifelink is nice, but that's all it does for a four drop creature, no other abilities, can do better for four mana.
  • Dawnhart Geist: there's very few enchantments here and it only triggers for your enchantments, can gain more life from other cards.
  • Vampire Scrivener: I know you like this card, but it's too slow and doesn't do anything for five mana. You have Necropolis Regent at one more mana than Scrivener who can put the counters on Liesa the same turn it enters the battlefield. Putting counters on Liesa will do more because she has lifelink.
  • Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts: not a fan of this seven drop, could replace it with Sun Titan.

Well of Lost Dreams or Sigarda's Splendor could replace Vampire Outcasts. Dawn of Hope or Eye of Vecna could replace Killian, Ink Duelist. Mask of Memory is a good swap for Malefic Scythe. Mask can give you repeatable draw where as Scythe isn't doing much because it only triggers when equipped creature dies.

Fell Stinger is an easy swap for Dawnhart Geist. Vampire Scrivener could be cut for more reanimation Witch of the Moors, Apprentice Necromancer, Priest of Fell Rites. Sun Titan could replace Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts. Court of Grace or Palace Jailer could replace Heron of Hope. Heron's ability is fine to gain a little more life, but more draw would help more.

Gidgetimer on Looking for a good card …

2 years ago

Unfortunately exactly what you want is limited. Priest of Fell Rites can sacrifice herself to her own ability to reanimate. Reveillark is 5 mana and can get small stuff back. Karmic Guide is 5 mana and grabs stuff when it enters (and combos with Reveillark).

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