Ultimate Price

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ultimate Price


Destroy target monocolored creature.

nuperokaso on Ninjas and Rogues

1 year ago

Remember that you are an aggro deck. As such, you want to lower your mana curve. You don't want to give up on card advantage, but you are willing to ignore life gain and pay some life instead.

legendofa on infinite rats

1 year ago

Pulling from my own Rat tribal deck (Modern-ish casual, not EDH):

Karumonix, the Rat King gives you an out against lifegain-heavy decks. I don't recommend going deeper than that with poison (i.e. don't add Ichor Rats or Septic Rats), but Karumonix adds a layer to your attacks and keeps rats coming.

I haven't gotten Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm yet, but I want to. It looks amazing. If your budget can handle it, I'm recommending it just in theoretical grounds.

I personally am not impressed with Swarm of Rats (Rat Colony is pretty much all-around better) and Pestilence Rats, but they might work better in EDH, where you always have access to a fear-granting effect. How have they worked for you?

Ratcatcher is a free tutor for a rat every turn. Highly recommended.

Memoricide is a little odd, since it can only hit one card that isn't in play. Is this a meta choice? Do you have a specific target for it that you know you'll see?

Unless you see a bunch of Voltron, Battlecruiser, or other decks with one big creature, I would diversify the removal a little bit. You have a lot of single-target creature removal. I'm a big fan of discard, so I'm recommending based on what I like at this point. Cabal Therapist, Mind Slash, and Sadistic Hypnotist turn your rats into hand removal. Feed the Swarm offers enchantment removal with a very evocative name for this deck. Try some of these in place of Cast Down or Ultimate Price or something. Also, Despise isn't great if you're just fishing. If you want a T1 discard effect, Thoughtseize is best, Inquisition of Kozilek and Blackmail are solid, and Dread Fugue is pretty good.

Following up on that, I see a good set of mass removal and graveyard recursion, and Marrow-Gnawer lets you rebuild quickly. This part looks solid.

Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

2 years ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



multimedia on Rakdos, Lord of Riots Demon Tribal

2 years ago

In my last comment suggested a lot of cards to add, now here's some cards to consider cutting. For cards to consider cutting I would start with all the lower mana cost nonDemon creatures. I would simply replace these with other lower mana cost cards that can better enable Rakdos without attacking and reduce creature mana costs without attacking.

Rather than playing a lot of single creature removal spells, rely more on Demons who can destroy or remove creatures? Especially Demons who have repeatable removal effects. You could cut many creature removal spells and replace them with more draw.

Searing Spear, Shock, Disintegrate can target a player to make them lose life, but you have Lightning Bolt for that and you can make opponent lose life better ways then playing single burn spells. Some budget single removal spells are helpful such as Chaos Warp and Feed the Swarm because these spells can remove an enchantment, Warp any permanent. When attacking is important to your game plan these can remove Ghostly Prison, Propaganda and others.

Rakdos can only reduce the mana cost of creatures therefore play very few noncreature high mana cost spells or spells that require a lot of mana to be useful. Spells that need a lot mana paid to make them decent is not really what you want when playing many high mana cost creatures. Could cut these for more draw and ramp.

Rolling Earthquake is a budget spell like this that's worth playing because you can control how much damage each creature is going to take, most Demons including Rakdos have high toughness. You could cut a few of the lesser Demons.

Master of the Feast is really bad card in multiplayer Commander because only your opponents draw. Awaken the Sky Tyrant, Wretched Confluence and Seal of the Guildpact are subpar for the mana costs.

In my last comment I recommended adding a lot of loot effects for draw. Loot is excellent with Blood Speaker and Speaker is a good reason to play Demon tribal since it's a tribal tutor that can be repeatable, return to your hand from your graveyard. Rakdos can reduce Speaker's mana cost to only 1 mana, making it a mana efficient way to repeatedly tutor for Demons.

Loot can be an enabler for reanimation and recursion which are helpful effects to have with Demons. Reanimation is a way to get Demons onto the battlefield without having to cast them, a backup for when Rakdos is disrupted. Recursion is getting Demons back into your hand or casting them from your graveyard. Patriarch's Bidding can reanimate all Demons in your graveyard. Persist and Exhume can reanimate for only two mana.

Chainer, Nightmare Adept has interaction with looting, getting Demons into your graveyard to cast them using Rakdos mana cost reduction. If you discard a Demon using Chainer's ability you can cast that same Demon giving it haste to attack. Rakdos also gains haste from Chainer when he's cast from the Command Zone. Any creature you reanimate gains haste from Chainer.

Chainer has excellent interaction with creatures who can sac themselves for value such as Magus of the Wheel and Doomed Necromancer. With Chainer these creatures gain haste when cast from your graveyard allowing them to tap and activate their abilities right away. Doomed Necromancer can reanimate even at instant speed. Chainer is good with Blood Speaker as discard outlet that can keep coming back to your hand.

Some more budget Demons to consider adding:

Some budget land upgrades to consider:

Temple of the False God is not a good land when you have no land ramp. It will not tap for mana until at least turn five and that's if you make all your land drops. Even if playing green and land ramp such as Cultivate I still wouldn't play Temple of the False God, it's just not a good enough land in the early turns of a game.

azja on The Secret Art of Nin Nin

2 years ago

Hey I took a look at your list and wrote down some potential cuts/additions that you could make. I tried to keep the reasoning for each card short, so if you want me to elaborate on anything just let me know!!

Out: Nether Traitor 2 mana enablers are slow, requires a lot of black mana. In: Faerie Seer only costs 1, sets up top card for yuriko

Out: Shadowmage Infiltrator 3 mana enablers are very slow, doesn't deal combat damage if you ninjutsu it. In: Mothdust Changeling 1 mana ninja with conditional evasion

Out: Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire costs 5 mana total, has to survive a turn to tutor. In: Vampiric Tutor (the only budget option I can think of is Scheming Symmetry, which you already have)

Out: Crypsis too expensive for what is effectively unblockable. In: Cover of Darkness gives some evasion to all of your ninjas (budget option: Aqueous Form)

Out: Dark Ritual powerful card but yuriko doesnt have much use for triple black. In: Mox Amber yuriko enables this on turn 2 or 3 (budget option: Arcane Signet)

Out: Infiltrate. In: Slip Through Space same effect but replaces itself (though I prefer to just play more ninjas than unblockable spells!)

Out: Teferi's Time Twist not great since most of our creatures don't have an etb ability. In: Moon-Circuit Hacker cheap ninja that draws a card

Out: Ultimate Price removal that doesn't hit most commanders isn't ideal. In: Deadly Rollick (budget option: Dismember)

Out: Victim of Night not bad, but black has better removal. In: Infernal Grasp -2 life is pretty negligable in commander

Out: Commander's Sphere 3 mana ramp is quite slow for yuriko decks. In: Chrome Mox (budget option: Dimir Signet)

Out: Isochron Scepter we intentionally play lots of instants with cmc >2. In: Misdirection free "counterspell" that's also budget-friendly

Out: Preordain if you bottom any cards, you can't set up a card for yuriko. In: Ponder works better with yuriko

Out: Enter the Infinite generally uncastable. In: Blinkmoth Infusion also uncastable, but deals 14 damage instead of 12

If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to reach out again!

hat101 on Elf Noble Lathril

2 years ago

Maybe consider Seedborn Muse, since you have a lot of tap effects.

Cuts I might make from your maybe board:

multimedia on commander horde

3 years ago

Hey, nice start on a budget with upgrading the Wilhelt precon. In the deck editor you can add CMDR tag to Wilhelt text making him the official Commander of your deck.

1x Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver *CMDR*

You currently have 2x Rooftop which can't have in Commander. Some cards here that are in my opinion not worth playing because there's better options on a budget.

Dreadhorde Invasion and Midnight Reaper are in the Wilhelt precon, consider adding them back in? They're some of the better cards in the precon because of they're repeatable effects especially Invasion with Wilhelt.

If interested I offer more advice. Good luck with your deck.

Mythic_Dragons on

3 years ago

zapyourtumor yes I did run Royal Assassin for a long time. However it needed a turn to actually start doing things and it became too slow and was then cycled out of the deck. Thanks for the suggestion though. I have seen a lot of suggestions to get rid of Ultimate Price . If I played at a more consistent competitive level 100% I would drop it. However it has been surprisingly effective in this deck. For now it will stay until I find the need to replace it. Thanks for the suggestions!

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