Nether Traitor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nether Traitor

Creature — Spirit


Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked only by creatures with shadow.)

Whenever another creature is put into your graveyard from play, you may pay . If you do, return Nether Traitor from your graveyard to the battlefield.

legendofa on What Commander/cards Should I Use?

4 weeks ago

To make sure I understand what you're looking for, it's sort of a reanimator/sacrifice hybrid? Discard big creatures, bring them back, and then sacrifice them again so they can be reanimated again?

There aren't too many cards that let you repeatedly bring big creatures from the graveyard to the battlefield, and Sheoldred, Whispering One is one of the best. If you haven't looked in this direction already, I suggest filling out your deck with smaller, self-recursive creatures like Reassembling Skeleton, Gravecrawler, Bloodghast, Forsaken Miner, Bloodsoaked Champion, or Nether Traitor.

Some other possible commanders are Whisper, Blood Liturgist (if you can protect her for a turn), Drana, the Last Bloodchief (reanimates nonlegendaries only), and Moira, Urborg Haunt (good for immediate sac + reanimate). I would use the commander slot for the big reanimator effect so you can access it reliably.

Hybrow on The Big Black Deck

4 weeks ago

I play Heart of Black Coal - Ayara ETB trigger EDH deck that is mono-black and deals with ETB causing 1 damage. I was going to start suggesting a bunch of sac engines and recastable creatures, like Priest of Forgotten Gods and Nether Traitor but you have a whole mill strategy going on here that is pretty nice.

So instead I started looking at my Tilting at WindMILLS - Zellix EDH (mill) build. It however is tilted heavy to blue, the only one i can really recommend (depending on your sac strat) would be Altar of Dementia. And frankly, my zellix build is not amazing, might be stealing this deck list :)

Great Deck

Niko9 on Golgari commander deck Opinions

1 month ago

I have a G/B 60 card sac deck, and here are a few things that have been really good in that deck. Not sure if all will work for yours, but figured I'd throw out a few cards : )

Crashing Drawbridge I love giving big pay off creatures haste and if you don't need it then it's a sac target.

Eradicator Valkyrie Hits each opponent for a sac and can snowball by itself

Nether Traitor the sac you can always sac : )

Neverwinter Dryad is another tribe elder kinda

Storrev, Devkarin Lich is pretty great

Deadly Dispute such a great value engine and works awesome with things like Shambling Ghast

Tragic Slip is one of the best 1for1 removal spells in a deck where things are consistently dying around the table

Braids, Arisen Nightmare can be a very strong value engine

Rankle, Master of Pranks hits with haste early and can really shape the table

Bitterblossom can create a good stream of tokens to sac

capwner on No Pain no Gain

1 month ago

This is actually a pretty neat idea for a list. Judith has a really cool and unique effect, giving spells deathtouch is sick! I think if I were building the deck I would try to capitalize on this by running even MORE sweepers just so that you have a critical mass of them and are almost always able to keep the board locked down. So almost like a wrath-prison deck. If it were me. There are so many of these effects so you could really go deep on them, Blazing Volley from your board seems great, Scouring Sands, Yamabushi's Storm, Rolling Earthquake, Molten Disaster, Pyroclasm, Bonfire of the Damned, Starstorm, Devastating Dreams is a personal favorite but this may not be the right list for that one. I'd go up to like 15 of these even. Maybe also something like Mithril Coat to protect Judith/other creats if you decide to go into symmetrical sweepers. I know it's a core part of this build but I would cut stuff like Dragon Fodder and Witty Roastmaster, the Redcap combo is good by itself and it doesn't need these more fragile pieces that need to sit on the battlefield. I'd swap them for more grindy advantage cards that want to go to the yard like Unlucky Witness, Bloodghast, Nether Traitor, Filth, supplemented with things like Grim Harvest, Skullclamp, Contamination, Chthonian Nightmare, Deadly Dispute. Necrotic Ooze combo seems right at home here too, but that might be a little boring. If you want to be more lethal, just run more tutors/entomb/buried alive to assemble a redcap or ooze kill. Straight up Reanimate spells could be good to use on your opponents fatties who just died to your death rain. Rise of the Dark Realms Grimoire of the Dead and Sheoldred  Flip can all mass reanimate your opponents' creatures. Shadowspear to remove indestructible from those pesky Etalis. Meltdown and Brotherhood's End for artifacts. Spiteful Banditry, The Reaver Cleaver, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Big Score maybe for additional ramp. Ramp seems like a big deal since it's a 5 mana commander. You have some really sick cards in here already I love the Withering Boon, Delirium, Rakdos Charm, and Blood for the Blood God! is amazing in this. Great ideas, take my suggestions with a grain of salt because really the build I am suggesting is potentially very different from this one. +1

capwner on they exist to cease

4 months ago

Cool budget list, Torgaar is a neat commander and I hadn't seen him built before. I gotta rec some of my favorite black 'goobers' Bloodghast, Gravecrawler, and Nether Traitor, I think these are some of the best repeatable sac fodder you can get and not too expensive. Also seems like Bloodletter of Aclazotz could be a good add because Torgaar's ability results in life loss and would gib players at full or over 40 life, but I guess this sees pioneer play so it's a bit more $. Sadistic Hypnotist is also one of my favorite cards in mono b sac and like a $.50 card.

Elhoggerino on Blood Blatter Beast of Bhaal

5 months ago

I also don't really understand Fog or Spore Frog but I know you like politics so maybe they'll be fun in order to get favours from people. Loads of card draw which is nice but again I can see you running out of creatures to sac for Village Rites and Deadly Dispute type cards. You generally need to draw cards while behind and while behind you might be suffering from graveyard hate agaist your skeletons or other effects - just something to consider. Also Damnation might be something to consider switching for a different boardwioe if you are gonna put some regenerate creatures in (Toxic Deluge turns off regenerate aswell - but it's such a good card it's probably worth it)

In terms of cuts to make to make space for more dummies, Shadow in the Warp doesn't really fit much in the deck - you have so many cheap creatures that you'll probably be casting more than one a turn and it will rarely help that much - and the 2 damage is pretty insignificant compared to your other effects. I would favour Llanowar Elves type cards over Fertile Ground as again, creatures are what you want and they give you the oppurtunity to sac them if you need.

Some good cards to consider:

Victimize - brings back your Sakura-Tribe Elder type cards and is a sac outlet at the same time

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - just great value aswell as triggering Bhaal. A good reanimator target aswell.

Recurring Nightmares - Reanimator + sac outlet + it doesn't die? This card's great.

Dread Wanderer? Not the best but helps you out in a pinch if you have a Village Rites and nothing else

Nether Traitor - I don't know why this isn't in there already

SomeDipshit on Deliberate Denial of Death to the Dead

8 months ago

oo note on wincons! You can use Shirei to torture everyone to death, but there is also the sorcery speed infinite loop with Living Death, Thrilling Encore + Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed,

and the Nether Traitor + Phyrexian Altar + something that makes a token loop

SufferFromEDHD on Syr Konrad Milling & Killing - Primer

11 months ago

Painful Memories and Misinformation are neat temp tricks to create value from.

Bloodghast and Nether Traitor quick triggers

Vampiric Link and Witch's Clinic cheap lifelink

If possible Volrath's Stronghold

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