Nether Traitor

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nether Traitor

Creature — Spirit


Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked only by creatures with shadow.)

Whenever another creature is put into your graveyard from play, you may pay . If you do, return Nether Traitor from your graveyard to the battlefield.

capwner on they exist to cease

1 month ago

Cool budget list, Torgaar is a neat commander and I hadn't seen him built before. I gotta rec some of my favorite black 'goobers' Bloodghast, Gravecrawler, and Nether Traitor, I think these are some of the best repeatable sac fodder you can get and not too expensive. Also seems like Bloodletter of Aclazotz could be a good add because Torgaar's ability results in life loss and would gib players at full or over 40 life, but I guess this sees pioneer play so it's a bit more $. Sadistic Hypnotist is also one of my favorite cards in mono b sac and like a $.50 card.

Elhoggerino on Blood Blatter Beast of Bhaal

3 months ago

I also don't really understand Fog or Spore Frog but I know you like politics so maybe they'll be fun in order to get favours from people. Loads of card draw which is nice but again I can see you running out of creatures to sac for Village Rites and Deadly Dispute type cards. You generally need to draw cards while behind and while behind you might be suffering from graveyard hate agaist your skeletons or other effects - just something to consider. Also Damnation might be something to consider switching for a different boardwioe if you are gonna put some regenerate creatures in (Toxic Deluge turns off regenerate aswell - but it's such a good card it's probably worth it)

In terms of cuts to make to make space for more dummies, Shadow in the Warp doesn't really fit much in the deck - you have so many cheap creatures that you'll probably be casting more than one a turn and it will rarely help that much - and the 2 damage is pretty insignificant compared to your other effects. I would favour Llanowar Elves type cards over Fertile Ground as again, creatures are what you want and they give you the oppurtunity to sac them if you need.

Some good cards to consider:

Victimize - brings back your Sakura-Tribe Elder type cards and is a sac outlet at the same time

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - just great value aswell as triggering Bhaal. A good reanimator target aswell.

Recurring Nightmares - Reanimator + sac outlet + it doesn't die? This card's great.

Dread Wanderer? Not the best but helps you out in a pinch if you have a Village Rites and nothing else

Nether Traitor - I don't know why this isn't in there already

SomeDipshit on Deliberate Denial of Death to the Dead

6 months ago

oo note on wincons! You can use Shirei to torture everyone to death, but there is also the sorcery speed infinite loop with Living Death, Thrilling Encore + Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed,

and the Nether Traitor + Phyrexian Altar + something that makes a token loop

SufferFromEDHD on Syr Konrad Milling & Killing - Primer

9 months ago

Painful Memories and Misinformation are neat temp tricks to create value from.

Bloodghast and Nether Traitor quick triggers

Vampiric Link and Witch's Clinic cheap lifelink

If possible Volrath's Stronghold

DreadKhan on Mishra, Claimed by Gix

1 year ago

A few things that might help, I'm hoping I've understood what you're looking for!

Viscera Seer is among the best sac outlets ever printed at only B, but the most popular altars are all really pushed, Phyrexian Altar, Ashnod's Altar and Altar of Dementia. Ashnod's is probably the best, but Phyrexian is still very good. Skullport Merchant is great on a budget, if you want a recursive body some of the better options are Gravecrawler, which only needs a Zombie and can easily go infinite with a lot of things, and Haakon, Stromgald Scourge who lets you recast any Knights, which also includes Changelings but most importantly lets you loop the same 1 drop Knight. These sorts of cards also like Pitiless Plunderer, Pawn of Ulamog and Sifter of Skulls, and any colourless sources can benefit from Bog Initiate. Nether Traitor can let you get an extra sacrifice for each Black mana you have to match a dying creature. If you usually have a cheap sacrifice outlet, Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder can make a ton of bodies for you. Another recursive body that can offer some ongoing value is Silversmote Ghoul, you just want a way to gain a bit of life, so something like your Exquisite Blood or Whip of Erebos can help ensure you gain enough. Ogre Slumlord is a decent source of bodies if you have some ways to kill enemy creatures, the nice thing is that once the Slumlord gains some steam, you're pretty tough to attack on the ground. Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs can make bodies that discourage people from swinging at you. Really bad in some ways, but Bloodsoaked Altar can make weenies into beefy demons, plays well with token generators obviously.

If you expect to have medium size creatures die, Mask of Griselbrand can draw a reasonable number of cards, it can also gain you decent life while offering evasion. There are very few downsides to running this card in my experience, even in a deck that doesn't run many creatures your Commander can wear it.

Blade of Selves would be funny if you ever get your Commander melded, when you swing you get a copy of your meld for each opponent (though you only get the ETBs before they die unfortunately).

War Room is a very good land to look at, maybe Bonders' Enclave if you think you can get a big enough body out consistently. Agitator Ant can help ensure you have a big enough body fwiw, the effect can get very out of hand though if you lack wipes.

hootsnag on Athreos White Black Undying Evil

1 year ago

Ok. I guess Null Brooch is my one true pet card above them all. It fits anywhere haha! Let's see. First, I didn't add Bloodghast because it can't block. I definitely need to add in Nether Traitor. I wasn't sure whether I should add cards like Plague Spitter or not because they are creatures and they could die (unless I get Avacyn out fast). This is why I chose Noxious Field instead. It will stay around along with Death Pits of Rath even when all creatures are dead on the board and I will still have a way to kill all creatures every turn. I definitely want to add Harvester of Souls and Pitiless Plunderer. They synergize beautifully with this deck. Creatures that gain me life or make others lose life for creatures dying isn't something I'm sure I want to add. I will need to test what I have more before I decide. I don't think Body Launderer will be the best for this deck. I'm not sure I would add it. Vanishing Verse isn't really necessary. I have WAY more than enough removal as it is. I can try and squeeze in Crypt of Agadeem but I don't know if it will get much value. I'm going to add Citanul Flute in here as well. I mainly chose Athreos, God of Passage as the commander just to make my creatures come out even faster unless someone wanted to pay the life. Hopefully I will finish updating this today and run some tests. Thank you SufferFromEDHD for all of your suggestions and help. I really appreciate it!

hootsnag on Athreos White Black Undying Evil

1 year ago

Ok. I guess Null Brooch is my one true pet card above them all. It fits anywhere haha! Let's see. First, I didn't add Bloodghast because it can't block. I definitely need to add in Nether Traitor. I wasn't sure whether I should add cards like Plague Spitter or not because they are creatures and they could die (unless I get Avacyn out fast). This is why I chose Noxious Field instead. It will stay around along with Death Pits of Rath even when all creatures are dead on the board and I will still have a way to kill all creature every turn. I definitely want to add Harvester of Souls and Pitiless Plunderer. They synergize beautifully with this deck. Creatures that gain me life or make others lose life for creatures dying isn't something I'm sure I want to add. I will need to test what I have more before I decide. I don't think Body Launderer will be the best for this deck. I'm not sure I would add it. Vanishing Verse isn't really necessary. I have WAY more than enough removal as it is. I can try and squeeze in Crypt of Agadeem but I don't know if it will get much value. I'm going to add Citanul Flute in here as well. I mainly chose Athreos, God of Passage as the commander just to make my creatures come out even faster unless someone wanted to pay the life. Hopefully I will finish updating this today and run some tests. Thank you SufferFromEDHD for all of your suggestions and help. I really appreciate it!

SufferFromEDHD on Athreos White Black Undying Evil

1 year ago

This is a neat build. At first I was turned off by the redundancy of the creatures overlapping with Atheros ability. I figured ETB/LTB effects would be the best way to abuse Atheros. But I am sucker for gimmicks/themes and I like the direction of this.

Bloodghast and Nether Traitor are auto includes to this strategy.

PlagueSpitter would be an upgrade to Noxious Field.

Deathgreeter, Cruel Celebrant, Daxos, Blessed by the Sun, Harvester of Souls, Body Launderer, Pitiless Plunderer, etc. type effects might be the engine missing from this strategy.

Vanishing Verse is slowly becoming one of my favorite removal spells. It would round out the playset of Orzhov exile.

Crypt of Agadeem on theme land.

And as always Null Brooch = <3

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