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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Counter target spell. If that spell is countered this way, put it into its owner's hand instead of into that player's graveyard.

Draw a card.

psionictemplar on Balaam__'s Challenge: Get Twisted

5 hours ago

Strategically speaking, you don't play lens until you can either protect it or gain immediate use from it. I look at it as a t4 onward type effect which lines up with how this deck is trying to play.

As far as tutors you could look into the transmute cards from ravnica block but that would slow things down considerably more than they already are. The only other option I can truly think of right now are black tutors such as demonic/vampiric tutor or Tezzeret the Seeker who could only get the eon hub after an uptick or a lens or phyrexian. And that seems to be going away from what you are looking to do here. We can't really go faster either without opening up to the same vulnerabilities we are looking to capitalize on. So perhaps we need to look into things like Remand to help us stall and draw the combo easier.

If I have some spare time, I'll try to brew something up for comparison with an explanation on how I'm approaching things.

Xica on Reclamation of Fate

2 months ago

Hmm this is one of the few decks where Remand is better than Counterspell.

Remand can act as a cantripping fog effect on your opponent's turn 2, or be played on back of growth spiral's extra land on t3.

And well the deck's goal is to shrink your library to only Nexus of Fate *list* then win in combat. Which is made possible by tha absurd ramp created with Wilderness Reclamation - with such mana advantage, arguably remand is better.

In the current meta with over 35% of decks being RWx energy, you need some sort of way to hate on those decks, as they are naturally favoured against this type of deck.
I would recommend playing Sulfur Elemental in that role (for hating on white x/1 tribal), as it not only clears the board:
- it also keeps the board clean
- it doesnt harm your own Ice-Fang Coatls

Yes, i am aware, that you get caught in the flak with Orcish Bowmasters seeing common play thanks to the one ring - so concessions need to be made for that.

YourNeighborhoodGhost on Ebony owl nesukar

3 months ago

oh also forgot Arcane Denial and Remand

Neotrup on Ojer pakpatiq, can I use …

11 months ago

You cannot. The rebound abilities of Brainstorm and Remand will both trigger at the same time, so you can choose the order to put them on the stack. If you put Brainstorm's trigger on top, you'll cast it while Remand's trigger is still on the stack, then resolve Brainstorm before Remand's trigger ever resolves. When the next trigger resolves, there won't be any targets for Remand, so it will stay in exile unable to be cast.

If instead you put Remand's trigger on top of the stack, it will resolve, but there won't be any spells on the stack (Brainstorm is still in exile, it just has a triggered ability on the stack.) Remand will remain in exile just like in the first example and then Brainstorm's trigger will resolve and you can cast it. The net result ends up the same regardless of how you stack the triggers.

TL;DR: You aren't able to rebound counterspells because the way the timing works there's never a spell on the stack to target.

BarfQuackers on Ojer pakpatiq, can I use …

11 months ago

Sorry for the poorly worded title but basically, say I have Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch  Flip and on previous turns I cast Brainstorm and Remand. My next upkeep comes around can I cast Brainstorm and then cast Remand targeting brainstorm or nah?

thar_b_dragons on Remand vs. Approach

11 months ago

Someone told me a first-of-the-game Approach of the Second Sun will put itself in the library from the stack even if I Remand it. This seems wrong to me because Approach never resolved, so how does it get to apply its text? Remand already told it to go somewhere else...these both appear to be replacement effects and I'm a little shakier on how this work as opposed to triggers and activated abilities but the person did not really explain why they believe Approach's text prevails and it seems to me like if Approach never resolves then it shouldn't get to apply its text (which would be a good thing in this case).

evkede on Stop Playing the game please

1 year ago

Isochron Scepter with a counterspell or silence.

More suggestions: Dovin's Veto, SwanSong, An Offer You Can't Refuse, Counterspell, Rhystic Study, Remand, Reprieve, Unwind.

The deck currently lacks card advantage, and especially engines that stay on board. Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel isn't card advantage, but is selection, and can end up casting some of your top end for free. The Reality Chip is very impressive as a Future Sight that you can pay for across multiple turns and hold up mana/spend it on other things. Dragonlord Ojutai and Iymrith, Desert Doom have been impressive to me as card advantage/beaters to close games.

Icaruskid on Doomsday Clock | Budget No-Combo Urza Eggs PRIMER

1 year ago

Whoa thank you Profet93!

Yep, Remand is an upgrade of Miscast and better than Turn Aside which I had also tested in that spot.

Treasure Mage is my failsafe to find Planar Bridge if a win condition can't be found otherwise and my get out of jail card Platinum Angel which is a budget version of Darksteel Forge. Sometimes my group targets me heavily so this is likely a utility slot for other players. Would you drop all three for another plan?

I appreciate your ideas!

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