Seal of the Guildpact

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Seal of the Guildpact


As Seal of the Guildpact enters the battlefield, choose two colours.

Each spell you cast costs less to cast for each of the chosen colours it is.

multimedia on Rakdos, Lord of Riots Demon Tribal

2 years ago

In my last comment suggested a lot of cards to add, now here's some cards to consider cutting. For cards to consider cutting I would start with all the lower mana cost nonDemon creatures. I would simply replace these with other lower mana cost cards that can better enable Rakdos without attacking and reduce creature mana costs without attacking.

Rather than playing a lot of single creature removal spells, rely more on Demons who can destroy or remove creatures? Especially Demons who have repeatable removal effects. You could cut many creature removal spells and replace them with more draw.

Searing Spear, Shock, Disintegrate can target a player to make them lose life, but you have Lightning Bolt for that and you can make opponent lose life better ways then playing single burn spells. Some budget single removal spells are helpful such as Chaos Warp and Feed the Swarm because these spells can remove an enchantment, Warp any permanent. When attacking is important to your game plan these can remove Ghostly Prison, Propaganda and others.

Rakdos can only reduce the mana cost of creatures therefore play very few noncreature high mana cost spells or spells that require a lot of mana to be useful. Spells that need a lot mana paid to make them decent is not really what you want when playing many high mana cost creatures. Could cut these for more draw and ramp.

Rolling Earthquake is a budget spell like this that's worth playing because you can control how much damage each creature is going to take, most Demons including Rakdos have high toughness. You could cut a few of the lesser Demons.

Master of the Feast is really bad card in multiplayer Commander because only your opponents draw. Awaken the Sky Tyrant, Wretched Confluence and Seal of the Guildpact are subpar for the mana costs.

In my last comment I recommended adding a lot of loot effects for draw. Loot is excellent with Blood Speaker and Speaker is a good reason to play Demon tribal since it's a tribal tutor that can be repeatable, return to your hand from your graveyard. Rakdos can reduce Speaker's mana cost to only 1 mana, making it a mana efficient way to repeatedly tutor for Demons.

Loot can be an enabler for reanimation and recursion which are helpful effects to have with Demons. Reanimation is a way to get Demons onto the battlefield without having to cast them, a backup for when Rakdos is disrupted. Recursion is getting Demons back into your hand or casting them from your graveyard. Patriarch's Bidding can reanimate all Demons in your graveyard. Persist and Exhume can reanimate for only two mana.

Chainer, Nightmare Adept has interaction with looting, getting Demons into your graveyard to cast them using Rakdos mana cost reduction. If you discard a Demon using Chainer's ability you can cast that same Demon giving it haste to attack. Rakdos also gains haste from Chainer when he's cast from the Command Zone. Any creature you reanimate gains haste from Chainer.

Chainer has excellent interaction with creatures who can sac themselves for value such as Magus of the Wheel and Doomed Necromancer. With Chainer these creatures gain haste when cast from your graveyard allowing them to tap and activate their abilities right away. Doomed Necromancer can reanimate even at instant speed. Chainer is good with Blood Speaker as discard outlet that can keep coming back to your hand.

Some more budget Demons to consider adding:

Some budget land upgrades to consider:

Temple of the False God is not a good land when you have no land ramp. It will not tap for mana until at least turn five and that's if you make all your land drops. Even if playing green and land ramp such as Cultivate I still wouldn't play Temple of the False God, it's just not a good enough land in the early turns of a game.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on NAYA MEGAMULTICOLOR | GOLD CARDS OH MY

3 years ago

Sorry for the triple post, but I missed some cards:

Verdant Eidolon

Seal of the Guildpact

Selesnya Charm

Tzefick on Crystalline Calendar

4 years ago

Considering there's Cloud Key to specifically aid one super type and the Medallion cycle to aid a single color, I think this aiding all spells might be a little much.

Mana rocks are usually bound as 2 CMC for , as seen in Mind Stone, Thought Vessel or similar.

Mana rocks at 3 CMC can supply 1 mana of any color, as seen in Darksteel Ingot, Manalith.

Then there's Seal of the Guildpact that emulates two Medallions for two different colors. What if it could reduce the colored part of a cost?

Like: "When X enters the battlefield, choose two colors.

Spells you cast cost one mana less of one of the chosen colors."

This would make it better than a standard mana rock, it is less effective in reducing cost than both the Jet Medallion (considering cost) and Seal of the Guildpact. However this can aid where neither of those can and at the very least it will reduce the cost by regardless of the spell you cast.

Jackrow on Living Death

4 years ago


Here's some change I do on my deck:

  • Skullclamp -> Seal of the Guildpact : Seal of the Guildpact have too much high CMC for the value that I can gain with it, so I change with something that will make me draw a lot more cards (mostly because of Teysa's doubling trigger).
  • Scheming Symmetry -> Tome of the Guildpact: Tome of the Guildpact has too much high CMC to draw a card sometimes and tap for one mana, so I prefer to use a tutor that can give me an opportunity to do some politic with someone.
  • Leonin Relic-Warder -> Solemn Simulacrum: I have a lot of card that make me draw a card of make me more mana, do I decide to put an infinite combo piece in this deck.
  • Animate Dead -> Ethereal Absolution: Ethereal Absolution has a high CMC only to buff a little bit my creature (and so to ruin skullclamp potential) nd to make a 1/1 spirit. I choose to put an infitie combo piece that will help me sometimes.
  • Swords to Plowshares > Unmake : It's more effective!
  • Generous Gift > Mortify : I can choose a permanent, so I'm not restrict to choose a creature or an enchantment.
  • Idyllic Tutor > Altar's Reap : I highly prefer tutoring than drawing cards. Plus, Idyllic Tutor is not so expensive and I can choose an enchantment that will make me win easier!
  • Living Death > Entreat the Dead: I will try Living Death (hey, that's my deck name!), seeing if this card will help me a lot. If it's not the case, I will change it with Entreat the Dead.
  • Astral Cornucopia -> Orzhov Signet : I want to have an artifact that will make me a lot of mana, and Astral Cornucopia is something that I really want to try!
  • Crypt Ghast -> Dutiful Attendant: Crypt Ghast will help me ramping my deck if I need some manas, but I keep in mind Dutiful Attendant in case I see a place for him.

A big thanks to multimedia for the tips!

HybridPK on Channel the Tempest

4 years ago

Saw the link and request for budget suggestions. I haven't played Melek but I am currently playing Mizzix of the Izmagnus and used to play Keranos, God of Storms. I'm a fan or UR all-around. The suggestions below are fairly generic since I'm unsure of how you want to win. Suggestions are based around cards I've used before in 60-card formats or in EDH with the previously mentioned legendaries, and should be under $5 each.

Spell-cost Reduction

Token Generators


Copy Effects


Deadpoo111 on When Bolas Is Away, Palladia Will Play

5 years ago

Yup, okay so I'm digging this concept.

So I think the first order of business is exploring the different paths Palladia would take upon being reawakened.

Option 1: Helping Bolas Escape

The Steps: First, she'd have to learn what a planeswalker is, as far as I can tell from the lore, she has not met on nor does she know of their existence (She's been asleep for long time). So she would probably have to meet some more knowledgeable people, perhaps the crew of the Weatherlight battled her? Perhaps she does defeat them and learn the secret from an impressionable you Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage, maybe she keeps the weatherlight. After knowing what a planeswalker is, she'd need to learn of Bolas' imprisonment. ATM only three beings know of this, Jace Beleren, Ugin, and Bolas himself. IDK how she'd learn of this but we can get into that detail after she's a planeswalker. Now, she needs to become a planeswalker. In her day, all you had to do to become a planeswalker was gather a ton of mana. Assuming this is post-mending she'd have to be born with a spark, or a spark would have to be given, or perhaps taken. What if a young planeswalker like Teyo, the Shieldmage stumbled upon her path? She could take his spark with the help of her followers, and ascend to be a planeswalker. Additionally, she could use a Planar Portal to traverse the planes. Or maybe she met Tezzeret, who has the planar bridge inside him and struck a deal to travel to another plane, but this is unlikely because Tezzeret has sworn not to serve another dragon. Okay, so Palladia can traverse planes, what next? Now she has to search for info on Bolas and Ugin. This could take centuries, not only are their histories as old as Dominaria but they've both been to so many planes. A possible encounter is with Azor, the Lawbringer on Ixalan where she learns of their plans to trap bolas. She could travel to Ravnica, though this would be hard due to everyone being on watch for planeswalkers. But if she did, she would learn about the war and stuff, and that Bolas might be dead or is thought dead. Now, in order to find where Bolas is, she'd need to find Jace, Idk how she would, he's sort of on and off with Vraska on ravnica as of late and he's a tough cookie to crack, maybe she could hire another mind reader? Either way, she gets the info and now has to find the meditation realm. As of recently, Ugin, Sarkhan, Niv Mizzet, Ashiok, Narset, and Tetsuko Umezawa know of the meditation realm. Of these Sarkhan would provide the best guide, as she could control him again (this seems to be a recurring theme with him). So she finds the realm and stuff but look out now she has to fight Ugin. But wait, what if she fixed The Immortal Sun? Boom Ugin can't escape and now she's fighting him. The point is Ugin needs to lose, but I don't know how Palladia could do that as Ugin is way more experienced than her. Maybe she attains mastery of the meditation realm? There is also, what I think would be the most epic thing ever, where she kills Sarkhan and gives Bolas Sarkhans spark. Bolas kills Ugin and is free. Maybe he kills Palladia right there and then, maybe she somehow kills him? Maybe he becomes her underling, lots of possibilities. So that's that whole destiny right there.

Option 2: Taking over

Palladia wakes up and decides to finally conquer Dominaria. The fractured remnants of the cabal rally behind her. She has a few obstacles though. Shiv won't go down without a fight, especially with Darigaaz defending it, neither will Benalia or Tolaria and then there's the whole Weatherlight crew to deal with. Maybe include Shanna, Sisay's Legacy, Squee, the Immortal, Tiana, Ship's Caretaker. Overall, it's a very difficult crusade, include key enemies such as Lyra Dawnbringer and Radha, Heir to Keld. Finally, after a decade-long war, Palladia rules all of Dominaria.

Option 3: Palladia Mors, Ruiner of Planes

Somehow (literally any of the ways I listed in 1) Palladia finds a way to move plane to plane, she takes it upon herself to sow chaos and bloodshed throughout, collecting trinkets of victory as she goes, maybe she takes the Seal of the Guildpact from Ravnica and Obelisk of Alara from Alara. Ooooo maybe Shadowspear if she defeats Elspeth wherever she goes.

That's just a few of the options for her that I could come up with, I personally think #1 could make a good fan fic

Hope you like feedback, this deck looks sweet.

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