Mind Slash

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Mind Slash


(Black), Sacrifice a creature: Target opponent reveals his or her hand. Choose a card from it. That player discards that card. Play this ability only any time you could play a sorcery.

Azoth2099 on Tergrid Sac Discard Draw help please

10 months ago


Ok, so here's a few top picks (imho) for Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip.

Oppression, Liliana, Waker of the Dead, Rankle, Master of Pranks, Living Death, Delirium Skeins, Innocent Blood, Cunning Lethemancer, Bottomless Pit, Necrogen Mists, Words of Waste, Smokestack, Sword of Feast and Famine & Chains of Mephistopheles (just proxy it lol)

There's also a lot of cheaper options that are just as synergistic like Plaguecrafter, Demon's Disciple, Raven's Crime, Hymn to Tourach, Mind Twist, Mind Shatter, Mind Slash & Sadistic Hypnotist.

Outside of the synergy pieces, I'd recommend replacing some of those low-power pieces like Bad Deal & Inevitable End with value pieces like Dark Ritual & Vampiric Tutor for greater consistency.

legendofa on infinite rats

1 year ago

Pulling from my own Rat tribal deck (Modern-ish casual, not EDH):

Karumonix, the Rat King gives you an out against lifegain-heavy decks. I don't recommend going deeper than that with poison (i.e. don't add Ichor Rats or Septic Rats), but Karumonix adds a layer to your attacks and keeps rats coming.

I haven't gotten Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm yet, but I want to. It looks amazing. If your budget can handle it, I'm recommending it just in theoretical grounds.

I personally am not impressed with Swarm of Rats (Rat Colony is pretty much all-around better) and Pestilence Rats, but they might work better in EDH, where you always have access to a fear-granting effect. How have they worked for you?

Ratcatcher is a free tutor for a rat every turn. Highly recommended.

Memoricide is a little odd, since it can only hit one card that isn't in play. Is this a meta choice? Do you have a specific target for it that you know you'll see?

Unless you see a bunch of Voltron, Battlecruiser, or other decks with one big creature, I would diversify the removal a little bit. You have a lot of single-target creature removal. I'm a big fan of discard, so I'm recommending based on what I like at this point. Cabal Therapist, Mind Slash, and Sadistic Hypnotist turn your rats into hand removal. Feed the Swarm offers enchantment removal with a very evocative name for this deck. Try some of these in place of Cast Down or Ultimate Price or something. Also, Despise isn't great if you're just fishing. If you want a T1 discard effect, Thoughtseize is best, Inquisition of Kozilek and Blackmail are solid, and Dread Fugue is pretty good.

Following up on that, I see a good set of mass removal and graveyard recursion, and Marrow-Gnawer lets you rebuild quickly. This part looks solid.

WyvernSlayer on Akuta 'bove the Rest

2 years ago

Necrosis24 - I've yet to encounter any salty opponents. I don't know if that's because I'm lucky to play with chill folks, or if the novelty of a crappy legend like Akuta is enough to ease the sting of getting your hand and field stripped. The discard package isn't necessarily meant to be oppressive - it's just enough to consistently enable Akuta's graveyard trigger.

Regarding Akuta as a "focus" - it sort of depends. His primary role is as a voltron beater, and I'd say he gets to fulfill that role about 75-80% of the time. Every so often you'll get a draw that encourages an audible to that strategy (something like Mind Slash + Nether Whatever, or discard + Ink-Eyes to grab a big early threat), but for the most part the best route to victory ends up being Akuta and equipment.

Still_In_Exile on SlimeFoot's Sacrificial Altar

2 years ago

Cream of the Crop doesn't let you move any cards whenever a saproling dies, you just see one card and put it back.

Leyline of Vitality stops Skullclamp from being awesome, and I don't know that the life-gain is needed with Slimefoot doing his share.

Verdant Succession doesn't do anything in a Commander/EDH deck unless I'm missing something, you have to get a creature with the same name, but you can't have duplicates in a commander deck.

Citanul Hierophants and Mind Slash are great finds, I just added them to my maybe board/wish list.

For a few ideas on replacements take a look at my Slimefoot the Sac-away. there are some great budget cards there.

CoffeeSniper on Alela, Work in Progress

2 years ago

Have you considered running some enchantments that can be recast multiple times? I use Mourning, Flickering Ward and Mark of Eviction to get recurring Alela, Artful Provocateur triggers (as well as triggering things like Mesa Enchantress) to out-value opponents.

Other than that Ashnod's Altar, Phyrexian Altar and Mind Slash can put your faerie tokens to work.

Nice build, good luck!

im_just_a_lamp_bro on Liesa's L.I.P.S

2 years ago

Suggestions ans thoughts regarding your development based on my games and changes so far so far:

Plaguecrafter I found it to be immensely useful against planeswalker-focused decks which I didn't really have an answer to before but is still perfectly fine as a mini sacrification forcer. I just got Graf Reaver from a booster, but I don't know if the targeted removal will do any better. I think not, mostly because most players habe three planeswalkers at most.

I also use Reassembling Skeleton to make my life easier while I haven't found Winding Canyons or Vedalken Orrery yet. Sacking it in loop for two mana a pop to force the enemies to sacrifice is much easier than to try and spare my creatures for the perfect moment. If no sacrifice pact is on the field, it still makes good use of excess mana.

Helm of Possession is also nice to get rid of opponents creatures, or just to pull in more sac fodder that isn't even ours. It's not as cheap as I'd like though and doesnt scale particularly well. I haven't tested how it plays but I think it could work out.

Mind Slash works as a supplememt to sadistic hypnotist and replaced grief for me. I didn't like grief for its high recasting cost, so I put this in and throw cheap stuff at it.

Consider Library of Leng to make the effect of Mindslicer completely irrelevant to you. I saw that you removed the reliquary tower; I did the opposite and additonally play a Thought Vessel. Is there a reason you removed the tower? I think it has no downsides.

For the last part I currently run Nullpriest of Oblivion but consider replacing it with Doomed Necromancer. They're both cheap enough and I like to have yet another cog to protect Liesa (well, or get her back for cheap), as well as fetch stuff that went in the graveyard unprotected.

I really like the Tourach, Dread Cantor you put in, I think I'll get him as well. Not sure if I'm willing to pay the 25 bucks for the Stoneforge Mystic, it doesn't seem powerful enough to me. I also removed Alms Collector and didn't miss him so far.

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