Voyage's End

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Voyage's End


Return target creature to its owner's hand. Scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)

FormOverFunction on Unique Commanders

2 years ago

I would start stacking up things like Reef Pirates and Voyage's End, for theme first and THEN start worrying about whether or not the deck can do something. Unrelated side note: this is why most of my decks don’t work.

TheVectornaut on Blue Green Something

4 years ago

I love taking a pile of cards and seeing what you can turn it into! I don't know which cards you have or what budget you have for acquiring new ones, but I'll list some cheap suggestions I have for a variety of archetypes you could pursue.

1) Simic ramp: Already goes well with Air Elemental, Archetype of Endurance, Oakgnarl Warrior, Overgrown Battlement, Yavimaya Wurm, Simic Keyrune. Some inclusions might be Llanowar Elves, Axebane Guardian, Coiling Oracle, Maraleaf Pixie, Beanstalk Giant, Terra Stomper, Lorthos, the Tidemaker. The goal is to accelerate into big threats.

2) U/G unblockable: Already goes well with Marang River Prowler, Downpour, Giant Growth, Might of the Masses, Aqueous Form, Coastal Piracy, Turntimber Grove. Some inclusions might be Curious Obsession, Daring Saboteur, Mist-Syndicate Naga, Ohran Viper, Trygon Predator, Distortion Strike. The goal is to get value from hitting with unblocked creatures.

3) U/G tempo/control: Already goes well with Breaching Hippocamp, Cloaked Siren, Mist Raven, Fog, Negate, Unsummon, Voyage's End, Claustrophobia. Some inclusions might be Vapor Snag, Dissolve, Mana Leak, AEtherling, Delver of Secrets  Flip, Devastation Tide. The goal is to deny the opponent their things while playing tricky threats of your own.

I also see cards in here that could work with mono green Assault Formation, simic +1/+1 synergy, or flying tribal, so you have a lot of options. As a sidenote, I'd also recommend upping your land count to about 24 while you have so many 5+ cost cards in the deck. Anyway, good luck!

multimedia on

5 years ago

Hey, saw your forum topic asking for help.

Since you're a new player in Commander my advice is keep it simple. Build this deck around what your Commander does. Admiral Beckett Brass means Pirates and she doesn't do anything unless you have Pirates. Not Zombies, not Vampires or any other tribe, just Pirates.

The steal your opponents nonland permanents/creatures is a fine strategy, but don't go overboard with single cards that only give you a single steal effect on a single creature such as Act of Treason . Brass's combat damage to a player from three Pirates ability and Captivating Crew are repeatable ways to steal your opponents creatures/nonland permanents and that's better, really all you need for this effect.

There's only 27 lands here which is not enough land; you risk getting land screwed (not drawing or have lands on the battlefield). When this happens you're not able to play cards in your hand because you don't have lands on the battlefield. Getting land screwed is not fun and since you're a new player it's even worse as it can possibly make you not want to play again.

Getting land flooded (drawing too many lands/having too much land) is also not fun, but it's better to have lands to cast spells then to not have any lands at all. If land flooded you can at least cast Brass since she's in the Command Zone. All Commander deck builders have to clear deck space for enough lands.

My advice for the manabase is if you don't want to add other lands that you don't have then add more basic lands. Play a total of 38 lands with 15-20 basic lands, split up between Islands, Swamps and Mountains. Play more Islands than the rest, next is Swamps and last is Mountains. There's more blue and black Pirates/cards than red here. If you're willing to add lands you don't already have then I can help you on a budget to upgrade the manabase starting with Command Tower .

11 cards to consider cutting to add more lands:

Other cards to consider cutting to make 100 cards:

As far as cuts to consider, cut single cards that give a single effect such as stealing an opponent's creature for one turn. Only getting to cast a card once and only target one creature to steal for one turn is not good enough. Single card combat trick spells that can only target one creature are lackluster and can be cut. Auras that only help one creature and don't give evasion can also be cut. Ghostly Wings and Aqueous Form are fine since they can give Brass evasion making it easier for her to do combat damage to a player.

Simplify your deck's strategy, go with Pirates and cut the majority of the nonPirate creatures. Creatures such as Wonder , Nightveil Specter and Sower of Temptation are worth keeping especially Wonder. Specter and Sower are good cards to go with the theme of stealing your opponents cards. Clones are fine, but not high mana cost ones that can only copy a creature; honestly cut them.

Some redundancy (multiple cards that do the same effect or close to it) in Commander is good. But, if you're needing cuts then redundancy is a place to make cuts. Draw spells for instance are good redundancy such as Brainstorm , Night's Whisper , Read the Bones . These are all low mana cost/mana efficient draw spells. Opt and Sleight of Hand are also fine, but if you need cuts they can be cut. Draw spells such as Pirate's Pillage , Pirate's Prize , Train of Thought , Think Twice are not good, cut them. Low mana cost (0-2 CMC) mana rocks are more good redundancy: Sol Ring and Signets/Talismans. Chromatic Lantern and Commander's Sphere are much better than the other three drop mana rocks here; Mana Geode and Darksteel Ingot can be cut.

For your deck combat trick spells, counterspells and targeted creature removal is in my opinion bad redundancy. I'm not saying to not have these kinds of effects, but limit the amount of them you play. Counterspell for instance is a staple card of Commander play it, but Cancel , Sinister Sabotage and Rethink are worse then Counterspell, cut them. Sabotage is better than Cancel, etc.

Blasphemous Act and Fiery Cannonade is good redundancy. Murder is better than Doomblade, cut Doomblade. Sorcery or high mana cost instant creature removal can be cut such as Contract Killing and Price of Fame . Bitterblossom and Dreadhorde Invasion is good redundancy, but Bitterblossom is a much better card than Invasion. Invasion is a good card, but if you need to cut a card then cut it because you have Bitterblossom, otherwise keep it.

Spells that give all your creatures evasion of some type are fine, but don't go overboard with including lots of them because these cards do nothing without you controlling a creature; making them dead draws/dead cards in your hand too often. These kind of effects that can give all your creatures evasion are better if they can be repeatable or are a static ability such as Wonder or from an enchantment, not an aura. You want to play cards that can give your creatures lasting evasion more than a single card for a single effect on one turn.

I offer more advice if you would like. Good luck with your deck.

BahamutPRME on Casual Greek Deck

5 years ago

So I'm trying to make a deck for my friend for his birthday and he likes Greek Mythology, specifically Poseidon, Hades, and Zues in this order. I'm wanting to stay in the Theros block and have 3 deck ideas but I need some advice and criticism because I don't want to make him a weak deck.

Here are what I've made:

The first one is using Heliod because I made this first and forgot there is a god that looks like zues but in MTG Heliod is the "Leader" or Highest ranking or whatever.

The second one is using Keranos and white humans so its 4 colors instead of 3.

The third one is sticking to the block and theme but also sticking to heroic and scry.

I have always been bad about including a safe amount of land in my decks so that is something i really need help with. I also wasn't sure if this was the best way to show the decks or if i should've just copy and pasted each text.

Thank you!

Greek Deck 1

Greek Deck 2

Greek Deck 3

Sorry for the long post. Wasn't sure how to do this.

PrismMTG on Budget Bant Angels

5 years ago

Swapping out Voyage's End for any of the suggested cards, particularly Path to Exile or Blossoming Defense / Heroic Intervention depending on whether you want removal, single target protection/buff or anti-boardwipe is up to you, though it will probably be in your best intrest.

Heretical_Tarp on Dark Purple

5 years ago

It's great that you've identified a core plan to victory for this deck - attacking with an unblocked Master of Cruelties. That's not a very good plan for the Modern format, but it's your plan here so we're sticking with it.

Uh, by the way... is this supposed to be a Standard deck from RTR/THS standard? I was halfway through this comment and I realized it's all cards from that time. If so, most of these comments should still be valid. All of these are just my opinions and I can't account for your meta or what you find fun.

I advise you to identify which cards are contributing to that game plan, and which are not - then you can cut the cards that aren't. Every card in your deck should be winning you the game. I don't know what your budgets are like, so I'm just going to recommend whatever comes to mind. The fact that you're playing Lightning Strike over Lightning Bolt suggests you're on a budget.

For example, some cards which don't help you:

  • Pyxis of Pandemonium: This doesn't do anything. It literally does not affect any zones you care about. You aren't going to get to 7 mana, and if you were, you'd have better things to do, like Cyclonic Rift.

  • Sire Of Insanity: This card has power, but it doesn't contribute to your plan. The plan is "land a hit with Master of Cruelties", not "punch face with fat beaters". You don't need a 6-mana attacker that doesn't help Master land a hit.

  • Vortex Elemental: If you want a blocker, you can do better than this. Also, why do you want blockers? Play, like, another draw spell here, or Chromatic Lantern - anything which helps you Master sooner.

Also, there are cards which are just too situational or too weak:

  • Slaughter Games - This doesn't contribute to your game plan, it obstructs the opponent's. But you can get much better disruption than this. You want a Thoughtseize here instead. It's cheaper, and it'll hit more often.

  • Voyage's End - I get what you're going for here; bouncing a blocker will let you get in, or keep you alive if you're under pressure. But this just doesn't do enough - most creatures your opponents play will be cheaper than Master, so you're unlikely to be attacking into a single blocker with the opponent having no removal. Think about how specific the situation for this to win you the game is! You can do better with this slot. Also, you already have 4 of this effect in Cyclonic Rift, which is alright because it can win you the game from much further behind.

  • Spark Jolt - Again, I get it - it lets you find Master, or finish the opponent off after you have. But it doesn't do enough, and you already have plenty of burn. Most of the time this card is dead, so you can do better.

  • Aqueous Form: Ah, now we're talking. A card that guarantees your Master gets in! Except, it doesn't stop removal, and the scrying doesn't help you find a Master - what else are you gonna put this on, an Omenspeaker? Too situational in my opinion. Thassa, God of the Sea is your best unblockable source.

So, what cards do you want instead? Well, more powerful ones. I'll contrain myself to RTR/M14/THS Standard

  • Chandra, Pyromaster - This card removes blockers, finishes opponents after a Master hit, and digs for Master. No card can win you the game from any position, but this is powerful and versatile enough to justify playing.
  • Far / Away - My replacement for Voyage's End, this clears double the blockers and can actually get rid of things permanently.

  • Hero's Downfall or Dreadbore - I'd upgrade Doom Blade to one of these. Your deck isn't exactly beating with a ton of creatures, so being able to remove planeswalkers will be important.

  • Thoughtseize = Slam dunk include. For one mana, counter a removal spell, remove a blocker, or stop an attacker... sort of. Beats Slaughter Games by a large margin, since you don't have any other ways to look at your opponent's hand.

Anyway, there's not too much you can do with this basic plan and this card pool - even allowing all of Modern, you'll only get so far - but I hope this helps you focus on cards which often advance your plan, rather than cards which maybe help sometimes but usually do nothing.

supersalamandar on SuperBait181 V2

6 years ago

Unstable Obelisk- Its mana intensive to do, but this effect is very valuable to have in your colors. I recommend having it just in case.

Bedlam Reveler- A very good topdeck late in the game, as well as an efficent beater for that refills your hand. Not so good if you're early on and dont have self mill

Bloodwater Entity- for a Reclaim and an evasive body with prowess is not a bad rate. Downside of course is having to use your jori trigger or a cantrip to get the card into your hand (but thats not so hard).

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip- Card selection is King. This fuels your delve spells and smooths out your draws in the early game, while relieving pressure and ensuring you get your jori triggers late

Torrential Gearhulk- This is the only gearhulk that is seeing modern play for a reason. It lets us keep using our graveyard as a resource, while being a big body. Very often you can flash it in to block and cast a random spell in your graveyard FOR FREE to get a jori trigger. Thats a 3 for 1. And now you have a 5/6.

Chaos Warp- see Unstable Obelisk

Magma Jet- Part of my efforts to find interaction that gives card advantage. 2 damage isn't a lot, but its an instant speed play that can pick off utility creatures while giving us powerful card selection

Oona's Grace-Particularly powerful with your cost reducers, gives us a way to use our excess lands to hit jori triggers. Also an excellent card to discard.

Remand- Tempo play that digs you deeper. I'd probably fire this one off at the first chance i'd get.

Think Twice- Similar to Oona's Grace.

Voyage's End- Instant speed bounce with scry. Similar options discussed later.

Riptide Laboratory- mana is actually a big issue with this deck, but I think this effect is powerful enough

Anchor to the Aether- Sorcery speed, but going to the top of the library messes up your opponent's next draw, while the scry digs you further through the deck. I haven't played with this one yet, but it might be good to test.

Pieces of the Puzzle- is a lot and sorcery speed sucks, but this is a powerful draw spell that has the advantage of also filling your graveyard

Spite of Mogis- This is the addition that I am most proud of. I can't believe we didn't know this card existed.

Desperate Ravings- Good rate on this card and instant speed with flashback is nice. random is bad though

Lat-Nam's Legacy- similar rate to Desperate Ravings, but doesn't get you the card immediately

Perilous Voyage- Excellent if it hits something with cmc or less, underwhelming if not. Meta call. Also note that it has cyclonic rift's restriction.

Repulse-Bounce with draw. I think this is the best rate for this effect.

Select for Inspection-A bit troublesome to use, but the scry bounce for only is nice

Stymied Hopes- I'd consider this one a tempo play. Hit the first thing you can, so you can get that sweet sweet scry.

Unsubstantiate- Versatile spell, but the lack of card advantage on it is a minus

Baral's Expertise- Big bounce spell, will trigger Jori. But costs .

Mystic Speculation- Could be ok. Scry 3 is a lot, but thats all it does. I dont see you buying this back all that often.

Shreds of Sanity- 2 cards back for 3 mana + a card. Sounds interesting

Strategic Planning- sorcery speed impulse, but fills your yard.

Void Snare- 1 mana bounce

ClearPearl on The Hidden Ocean-Forest City

6 years ago

As a more detailed comment from the one I made the other day-

Part I) Cards to remove and why:

A) Angler Drake- You have this in here mainly so you can abuse your "enter the battlefield" effects. There are plenty of cheaper options to do this.

B) Storm Sculptor- Basically the same reason as Angler Drake.

C) Sylvan Primordial-Depending on who you ask, this card may or may not be banned. Might as well play it safe and take it out.

Part II) Cards to consider removing and why:

A) Emperor's Vanguard- It's a decently powerful creature for its cost and can help you get land, but there are some more reliable ways to get card advantage. If you add more ways to get through opponents defenses (i.e. unblockable effects) then I guess this can stay.

B) Blossom Dryad- It's good because it can untap the lands that tap for two mana, but you might want to go for a more reliable, cheaper mana source (i.e. Birds of Paradise, Curse of Bounty, Deserted Temple, Krosan Restorer, Bloom Tender, Elvish Mystic, Gyre Sage, Llanowar Elves, Quirion Elves, Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary, Sylvan Caryatid

C) Carnage Tyrant- It's a powerful creature, and it's hard to get rid of, but other than that, it doesn't offer much. Considering you have other power creatures in your deck (i.e. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger), you might want to consider replacing the tyrant with something just as big that can offer more synergy with the rest of your deck. Consider: Sphinx Ambassador or Colossal Whale, among others.

D) Last Thoughts- Gives you a single card with the promise of more cards later, which is nice, but for 4 mana you could probably reliably get more card draw than this card offers.

E) Growing Rites of Itlimoc- In many decks this card is very powerful, but for your deck, in playtesting it turns out you rarely have 4 creatures out at a time, making this card not really worth having in your deck. You have plenty of other ways to get loads of mana, so you can probably remove this one without problem.

F) Jace's Erasure- It's nice to mil cards especially since you're drawing cards anyway, but mil is an unreliable way to debilitate your opponent unless your whole deck is built around the strategy. You might be able to remove a good card or two, but it's a gamble that often doesn't pay off in the long run.

G) Loxodon Warhammer- Good card, not much synergy with your deck. There are better cards that you can use to combo things.

Part III) Small creatures to consider:After playtesting a bunch, it seems your deck likely needs a few more small creatures so you have a better chance of defending yourself or making a dent in your opponent early on. Here are a few suggestions:

A) Invisible Stalker- Small dude, unblockable and hexproof. It's pretty neat and you can combo with those cards that let you draw if you deal damage to an opponent.

B) Ohran Viper- Smallish creature, gets you early card advantage. Deathtouch is a nice touch.

C) Slith Predator- Smaller than Ohran Viper but it gets bigger the more often you poke an opponent with it.

D) Slith Strider- The best of both Ohran Viper and Slith Predator. You might draw a card, you might make the little guy bigger, either way, you get a good early-game bonus.

E) Thada Adel, Acquisitor- Smallish creature, and chances are your opponent as a good artifact or two you can abuse. Early on you can exile cards you don't want your opponent to use, and later on you can just summon that shit for yourself.

F) Zhuge Jin, Wu Strategist- Smallish creature, makes one of your other creatures unblockable every turn. Early game helps with the little dudes like the Slith bros or Thada Adel, late game helps with your big guys to deal big damage to your opponents.

G) Stealer of Secrets- Another small dude that gets you card advantage early on.

Part IV) Removal to consider:The other big thing I noticed when playtesting with your deck is you don't have much removal for when your opponent sneaks past your counter spells. Here are a few suggestions to remedy that.

A) Cyclonic Rift- If you would put any of my suggestions in your deck, you should definitely put this one in. Reacts effectively to early-game threats as well as late-game ones (Plus it hilariously screws with token decks since tokens die instead of going into a hand). When you overload it, it bypasses both hexproof and indestructible. Very few cards can resist it at that point.

B) Wash Out- Can be pretty helpful, especially if your opponent doesn't play blue or green. Works as cyclonic rift in regards to bypassing defenses.

C) Dissolve- Yeah it's another counter spell but this one lets you scry.

D) Voyage's End- Removes a threat and lets you scry.

E) Duplicant- You probably remember this one from my karador EDH. It's not as good here, but it's still good removal. Exiles an enemy while getting yourself a decent creature in the process.

F) Phyrexian Ingester- Blue Duplicant.

G) Brittle Effigy- Exiles a threat and puts your opponent on edge because WHO WILL YOU EXILE OH GOD!

H) Heartseeker- Somewhat reliable destroy effect for creatures, which is uncommon in blue.

I) Curse of the Swine- Exiles multiple creatures and replaces them with cute lil piggies (I love Theros lore, it's just straight-up greek mythology)

J) Reality Shift- Cheap exile effect with an insignificant drawback.

K) Pongify- Cheap destroy effect with a drawback that's only a big deal in the early game.

L) Rapid Hybridization- Same as Pongify.

M) Lux Cannon- Pretty decent late-game removal, but it takes time to set up.

N) Ugin, the Spirit Dragon- Pretty neat planeswalker addition with removal and card draw.

O) Steel Hellkite- Pretty neat creature that removes stuff, easy to hit opponent with your unblockable shenanigans.

P) Krosan Grip- Good cheap removal.

Q) Acidic Slime- Good mid-game creature. Removal and deathtouch.

R) Song of the Dryads- Can hilariously be used on commanders without sending them to the command zone.

S) Evacuation- The blue version of a board wipe.

Part V) Abusing "Enter the Battlefield" effects, aka "Flicker" effects.You probably want a few more of these.

A) Deadeye Navigator- Flicker whatever you want as many times as you want, provided you have the mana for it. You can change soulbonds every time you flicker.

B) Ghostly Flicker- Flicker two different things and you can do it in response to an opponent targeting something to prevent it from succeeding.

C) Archaeomancer- You want this almost as much as you want eternal witness.

D) Eternal Witness- Bring back any card into your hand. Wanna use any of your instants/sorceries again? Cuz ya can. Want a creature back? Revive that shit.

E) Equilibrium- Works on both your creatures and your opponent's.

F) Mulldrifter- For three mana, it's basically a sorcery that draws you a couple cards. For five mana, it's a creature that can be flickered.

G) Palinchron- Considering the lands you have that provide double mana, you may end up with an infinite mana combo here.

H) Nephalia Smuggler- Reliable flicker effect.

I) Augury Owl- Small flickerable creature, plus you can get an early-game scry which is nice.

J) Omenspeaker- Same as the owl.

G) Cryptic Annelid- More scrying.

H) Fool's Demise- Keep your big guys alive while abusing their "enter the battlefield" effect.

I) Mystic Snake- Since you love countering so much, why don't you flicker to get even more countering?

J) Prime Speaker Zegana- Hey this looks kinda like your commander, doesn't it?

K) Strionic Resonator- This works on any trigger effect, which includes every one of your "enter the battlefield" effects.

Part VI) Land ShenanigansYou can always use more land shenanigans. It's pretty easy to replace a basic land with one of these options.

A) Hinterland Harbor-Good dual land. Chances are you can get it out untapped, and it's not even a big deal if it comes in tapped.

B) Rogue's Passage- Why is this not already in here?

C) Breeding Pool- Another good dual land option. It also counts as a "forest" or "island" for effects that specify those words (i.e. Hinterland Harbor).

Part VII) Other cards to consider and why:A) Prophet of Kruphix- Really synergizes with your counter spells. Feel free to tap out all your land to play a creature, cuz at the beginning of your opponent's untap step (even before their upkeep), all your land is free to use again to counter stuff (and use other instant-speed effects).

B) Genesis- Bringing back your dead creatures is usually a good thing.

C) Sphinx Ambassador- Fun big card.

D) Colossal Whale- Another fun big card.

E) Hunter's Insight- Easy way to get a good amount of card advantage.

F) Veil of Secrecy- Creature gets hexproof and unblockable for a turn, which is neat.

G) Artful Dodge- More unblockable.

H) Boundless Realms- ALL THE RAMP

I) Protective Bubble- The blue whispersilk cloak.

J) Aqueous Form-Unblockable AND scry

K) Into the Wilds- More ramp is nice.

The problem with EDH is you ONLY get 100 cards, which always sounds like a lot more than it is. At one point it just becomes a question of what do yo personally like the most. Have fun narrowing this list down.

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