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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Shapeshifter

You may have Clone enter the battlefield as a copy of any creature on the battlefield.

Rhadamanthus on Clone effect Rulings

1 month ago

No, Player A won't be able to copy the Grizzly Bear. Clone's ability is a replacement effect that modifies how it enters the battlefield (you can usually tell replacement effects by the use of terms like "as", "with" or "instead"). You don't make the choice for it until the spell is actually resolving and Clone is about to enter the battlefield. When that happens, Player A will have to choose something that's currently on the battlefield. If there are no other creatures left then Clone will just enter as itself, not as a copy of anything. If there's no other effect adding to its toughness then it will die for having 0 toughness.

builderboy7 on Clone effect Rulings

1 month ago

Player A casts Clone with the intent to copy a Grizzly Bear that Player B controls. With the spell Clone on the stack, Player B elects to sacrifice their Grizzly Bear to High Market. Would Player A still create a Clone that is a copy of Grizzly Bear?

griffstick on Zinnia fun

1 month ago

I'm thinking Clones

Helm of the Host

Spark Double

And token doublers

Parallel Lives

Adrix and Nev, Twincasters

And white and green will give you good etbs

That's where you'll need scryfall

Rhadamanthus on Looking for the interaction of …

4 months ago

There are different answers for these situations. For the Anikthea, Hand of Erebos question, the populated token will also be a black 3/3 Enchantment Creature - Zombie copy of Sterling Grove. For the Vihaan, Goldwaker / Cybermen Squadron question, the myriad tokens will be non-creature Treasures.

An object's "copiable characteristics" are its base printed characteristics plus the results of any other copy effects that are currently being applied to it (i.e. copying a Clone pretending to be Runeclaw Bear will make another Bear, not another Clone). For tokens, their "printed" characteristics are the ones they were created with. This means the copiable characteristics of Anikthea's tokens include the 3/3 black zombie creature part, but the copiable characteristics of Vihaan's awakened treasures are just regular treasures.

Gidgetimer on what happens to copies/clones of …

6 months ago

Correct, a Clone or Infinite Reflection copy will work as intended and suspend themselves and another creature if you choose to exile. Token copies will cease to exist before you get the chance to exile them and will not suspend either themselves or a creature an opponent controls.

Gidgetimer on what happens to copies/clones of …

6 months ago

You can link cards by enclosing the card name in double brackets.

Sinister Concierge

The effect works assuming that it was a non-token copy. "Dies" triggers are a special case of leaves the battlefield trigger. LTBs use the existence of objects right before the trigger event occurs to determine if they trigger. At that time the copy was a Sinister Concierge and so the ability will trigger. If you are worried about the fact that the Clone has a different name in the graveyard, abilities that refer to the object they are on by name, it is referring to the object it is on regardless of the object's actual name.

603.10. Normally, objects that exist immediately after an event are checked to see if the event matched any trigger conditions, and continuous effects that exist at that time are used to determine what the trigger conditions are and what the objects involved in the event look like. However, some triggered abilities are exceptions to this rule; the game “looks back in time” to determine if those abilities trigger, using the existence of those abilities and the appearance of objects immediately prior to the event. The list of exceptions is as follows:

603.10a Some zone-change triggers look back in time. These are leaves-the-battlefield abilities, abilities that trigger when a card leaves a graveyard, and abilities that trigger when an object that all players can see is put into a hand or library.

201.5b If an ability of an object refers to that object by name, and an object with a different name gains that ability, each instance of the first name in the gained ability that refers to the first object by name should be treated as the second name.

Rhadamanthus on Boss's chauffeur and multiple other …

8 months ago

The first ability (the replacement effect) won't count other creatures entering at the same time. This is a result of the text in 608.2h quoted by Gidgetimer ("...the answer is determined only once, when the effect is applied...") and the general explanation of replacement effects given in 614.1:

614.1. Some continuous effects are replacement effects. Like prevention effects (see rule 615), replacement effects apply continuously as events happen—they aren’t locked in ahead of time. Such effects watch for a particular event that would happen and completely or partially replace that event with a different event. They act like “shields” around whatever they’re affecting.

The important part there is "replacement effects apply continuously as events happen", i.e. before the event is finished, because an event can't be replaced with a different one after it's already happened. Because the ETB event hasn't yet finished happening at the time you would apply the replacement effect, that means any other creatures entering at the same time haven't yet entered the battlefield either. This concept is also an important part of the Clone ruling quoted earlier.

The second ability (the triggered ability) will count other creatures entering at the same time, as as would normally happen for an ETB trigger like this.

Gidgetimer on Boss's chauffeur and multiple other …

8 months ago

My problem is that the first ability isn't an ETB, it is a replacement effect. Creatures must already be on the battlefield to replace how another creatures enters. Clone has a ruling that states "If Clone somehow enters the battlefield at the same time as another creature, Clone can't become a copy of that creature. You may choose only a creature that's already on the battlefield." This ruling illustrates the point, but I can't find the comprehensive rule this is based on to cite, and Boss's Chauffeur doesn't have a similar ruling on Gatherer.

The Boss's Chauffeur will enter with one counter and then triggers will put two more on it for a total of three.

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