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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Artifact Creature — Shapeshifter

Imprint — When Duplicant enters the battlefield, you may exile target nontoken creature. (The exiled card is imprinted on this artifact.)

As long as a card exiled with Duplicant is a creature card, Duplicant has the power, toughness, and creature types of the last creature card exiled with duplicant. It's still a Shapeshifter.

Spell_Slam on This Is Going To Hurt

4 months ago

Good list! I got some ideas for my own, so thanks!

In terms of enablers, Keen Duelist and Descent into Avernus are quite strong. Walking Ballista (and to a lesser extent Hangarback Walker) also makes a great enabler in the early game or a giant threat in the mid/late game. Cryptolith Fragment  Flip is great as a ramp spell that fixes and also enables casting Rakdos. I am also playing Insolent Neonate, which has worked out surprisingly well, though there may be better options out there. I see you're not running Heartless Hidetsugu, which I think is a must-have for this deck. It makes dumping out your hand and killing every opponent trivially easy.

When it comes to payoffs, I really like playing as many colourless cards as possible to really take advantage of Rakdos. I see you're missing Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger and Emrakul, the Promised End in your top-end. In terms of other colourless cards, I like Duplicant as a potentially free removal spell, Wurmcoil Engine for the value, Myr Battlesphere for early damage output and Steel Hellkite as a flying threat that can wipe out huge chunks of the board.

When it comes to coloured payoffs, I stopped playing cards that cost more than or in their costs, as they wouldn't play well with the Rakdos discount. I do like Sheoldred, Whispering One, Knollspine Dragon and Balefire Dragon.

With Whip of Erebos and Exquisite Blood in the deck, is seems like Sanguine Bond would be a great include as a combo finisher.

In terms of cuts, Lightning Bolt seems like an easy one to let go. I stopped playing haste-givers because I found myself playing creatures post-combat most of the time anyways, so something like Rising of the Day could be an easy cut. Read the Bones seems like a really weak card that could be replaced with better card draw or recursion (Necropotence?). I see the combo with Tectonic Hazard and Death-rattle Oni, but that seems pretty niche otherwise and could be replaced with more reliable/repeatable enablers instead. Spawn of Mayhem seems pretty awkward in this deck, as you'll rarely be able to cast it before turn 4 even with Spectacle (and we know what turn 4 is for! :) ). The triple-black on Bloodletter of Aclazotz and Dread Cacodemon are pretty restricting, in my opinion. Indulgent Tormenter seems very unreliable and probably not worth the cost.

Jet Medallion and Ruby Medallion are not at their best here, as they reduce colourless costs instead of adding mana, which means that with Rakdos out they may not even do anything.

kouzios on good for her

1 year ago

As is tradition, I will proceed to suggest a variety of cards that are likely not worth adding.

Akroma's Will sweet card, protection is very rude with master of cruelties as well

Boros Charm I know it's in your sideboard, but the card is really nice. Direct planeswalker damage is nice, only 2 mana for all permanents (not just creatures) get indestructible is great, double strike can be given to opposing creatures. Great card, for 2 mana it's a steal

Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle would be a nice additional source of graveyard recursion if you had more historic cards

Faith's Reward eh I used to be a bigger fan of this card than I am now, but it applies to non-creature permanents too so it's cute.

Rapacious Guest is a card i would cut to get to 100 cards in the deck, but it would probably be there before cuts.

Mentor of the Meek Another sideboard card, but a little surprised you don't have it in main. It's annoying that it sort-of feels like a self-tax card, but it's good draw in your colors, and a hit for your commander. I get why it would be cut though

Orcish Bowmasters if only it wasn't $30. Cheap, good hit, makes an extra creature on top of it, and a sort-of hate card.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel Look, it's not amazing for you, but it's power is 2 or less and i like the card.

Robber of the Rich is a hit for your commander, gives value, and has reach for some dumb reason. It's like a gonti.

Kheru Mind-Eater, well it's a hate card, value, and a commander hit. Not mind blowing, but hey.

Dockside Extortionist Jesus if it wasn't $70...

Esper Sentinel It's rhystic study on a creature, woo. Also not cheap, but hey.

Skyclave Apparition recursion friendly exile card, and it's "up to" so optional.

Mirror Entity Sometimes, hitting face is a nice win con too.

Drana, Liberator of Malakir another face-hitter, but it's flying first strike so it probably survives resurrection in combat, and it hitting first buffs your other creatures too. Little nonbo with your power 4 or greater board clear.

Duplicant I have to mention this card, it's 6 mana but if you just recur it who cares, it's a 2 power creature that exiles a creature then becomes that creature's power, so it attacks big (in theory).

To some degree I've ignored the "hate bear" theme here, but hey I'm just a little guy, what can I do.

Helnas on Omnath locus of mana (opinions needed)

1 year ago

i see no synergy in your deck. you got some ramp artifact, ramp sorceries, ramp creatures, ramp enchantments, but nothing really synergizes. if you put all ramp into 1 of those, your deck gets alot better.

id say go for creatures, so you can end with a nice overrun effect. So grab all the 1 mana elfs that produce mana, your missing Boreal Druid, Joraga Treespeaker. Then get Priest of Titania, taps for all elfs.

For removal, run creatures aswell, id get Foundation Breaker, Druid of Purification, Bane of Progress, Haywire Mite, Reclamation Sage, Voracious Hydra, Acidic Slime, Duplicant, Kogla, the Titan Ape, Meteor Golem, Terastodon, Woodfall Primus, Ulvenwald Tracker

For draw, run creatures aswell (your starting to see a synergie?) Beast Whisperer, Voice of Many, Toski, Bearer of Secrets, Augur of Autumn

for ramp you have the mana dorks, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Fertilid, Wood Elves Elvish Pioneer, Primeval Herald, Skyshroud Ranger, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds

For bombs, id run creatures that already have trample, Defiler of Vigor, Neverwinter Hydra, Ochre Jelly, Kalonian Hydra, Aberrant, Craterhoof Behemoth and a tutor: Fierce Empath

some other cards i would consider Champion of Lambholt (makes your creatures unblockable, Saryth, the Viper's Fang hexproof untapped, deathtouch when attacking (insanely powerfull with big trample creature).

non creatures i would run: Lifecrafter's Bestiary, Skullclamp, Return of the Wildspeaker, Inspiring Call, Harmonize, Rishkar's Expertise maybe a few things like Fade from History, Beast Within, Nature's Claim, Collector Ouphe is also really strong since you will be running creatures

Sure, the mana doubling can be fun, but is it really needed? your commander is gonna be 1-2 punching people, doubling your mana is gonna waste a turn, and you cant do alot with the mana other then empty your hand, and then you get boardwiped and your sent back to your childhood. Id cut them, and just get more consistency out of your deck

Fasrielyn on The King Has Returned.

1 year ago

KongMing I see your point on Duplicant. I don't see your point on Shattered Angel. Sure, its opponents, but unless they are a massive ramp deck, I don't see the trade off because it is an apparent target on my back. Also, it doesn't do much other than making the one off incubate token. It otherwise does nothing.

KongMing on The King Has Returned.

1 year ago

Quick feedback on your Duplicant note: The card you exile does not come back when Duplicant leaves the field. Still cut it, though.

Also, read Shattered Angel more closely - it's whenever your opponents play a land. Shattered Angel is widely considered one of the best sustain cards in Commander, put it back in there.

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