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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
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Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Ohran Viper
Snow Creature — Snake
Whenever Ohran Viper deals combat damage to a creature, destroy that creature at end of combat.
Whenever Ohran Viper deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card.
multimedia on Muldrotha Snow: The Frozen Forest
2 years ago
Hey, well done with such a low budget, The Undead Forest is a cool deck name. Interesting deck idea for your first Commander deck with Muldrotha, but why snow? Weathered Runestone completely shuts down Muldrotha.
Marit Lage's Slumber, Jorn, God of Winter Flip, Priest of the Haunted Edge, Blood on the Snow, Ice-Fang Coatl these are some reasons to play snow with Muldrotha. Iceberg Cancrix can repeatable self-mill and that's a good effect with Muldrotha. Pilfering Hawk can be repeatable loot which gets cards into your graveyard. Unfortunately, this isn't many cards.
Draugr Necromancer is a good card with snow, but it doesn't have much interaction with Muldrotha. Dead of Winter is another good card with snow, but Muldrotha is not a snow creature. Narfi, Betrayer King is fine, able to reanimate itself with snow, but he's support for snow not really a reason to play snow.
Some advice to consider is to play nonsnow cards that can put snow-covered permanents (lands) onto the battlefield to meet the snow requirement for snow cards without playing lots of unnecessary snow creatures. The best way to get snow permanents is with snow-covered lands. You really don't need lots of other subpar snow creatures here.
- Frostweb Spider
- Saddled Rimestag
- Zombie Musher
- Frostpeak Yeti
- Grim Draugr
- Rimebound Dead
- Boreal Centaur
- Hailstorm Valkyrie
- Frost Raptor
- Avalanche Caller
- Boreal Outrider
- Frost Augur
All these creatures could be cut to improve your deck.
Instead of playing lots of lesser snow creatures, play just the better snow creatures here?
- Ascendant Spirit
- Iceberg Cancrix
- Ice-Fang Coatl
- Pilfering Hawk
- Priest of the Haunted Edge
- Jorn, God of Winter Flip
- Ohran Viper
- Abominable Treefolk
- Draugr Necromancer
- Icebreaker Kraken
Use other deck slots for cards that can search for and get snow-covered lands onto the battlefield?
- Sakura-Tribe Elder
- Font of Fertility
- Wayfarer's Bauble
- Diligent Farmhand
- Dawntreader Elk
- Springbloom Druid
- Binding the Old Gods
- Khalni Heart Expedition
- Evolving Wilds
- Terramorphic Expanse
Consider adding some spells that are not permanents that can search for and put snow-covered lands onto the battlefield?
- Harrow
- Into the North: can get a snow-covered dual land.
Cards that can get snow-covered lands into your hand as well as get cards into your graveyard can be helpful with Muldrotha.
Could also add some snow mana rocks and mana dorks?
Land ramp for snow-covered lands and mana from mana rocks is more ramp which also helps to cast 6 mana Muldrotha as well as having more mana to cast permanents from your graveyard when you control Muldrotha.
Example of a budget more refined creature base with snow.
- Ascendant Spirit
- Diligent Farmhand
- Dawntreader Elk
- Iceberg Cancrix
- Ice-Fang Coatl
- Lotus Cobra
- Pilfering Hawk
- Priest of the Haunted Edge
- Rime Tender
- Sakura-Tribe Elder
- Satyr Wayfinder
- Sculptor of Winter
- Jorn, God of Winter Flip
- Ohran Viper
- Springbloom Druid
- Abominable Treefolk
- Draugr Necromancer
- Icebreaker Kraken
Good luck with your deck.
CharonSquared on Favorite Cube-Cards
3 years ago
Galepowder Mage, Command the Chaff, Recurring Nightmare, Problematic Volcano, Ohran Viper, Spiritmonger, Chaos Orb ... and lots more =P
nbarry223 on Is there a reason why Armageddon is Good??
3 years ago
I'm actually thinking you need more ramp, and maybe some additional 'control' elements (you have creature control covered) so you can just win with planeswalkers. I'm also thinking a better planeswalker option is Garruk Wildspeaker since his +1 lets you ramp like crazy and his -4 can be a surprise win-con with Natural Affinity. Nissa, Worldwaker would probably be a close second. Maybe something like 2-3 garruk and 1 nissa.
Ohran Viper could be worth considering as a source of card advantage and/or deathtouch creature.
I'm pretty sure there's got to be another way to animate your opponent's lands in an efficient manner with some type of synergy. I'll try to think about the various avenues in
I'd also consider putting Arctic Treeline and/or Woodland Chasm as targets for your fetches. Being hard tapped lands sucks a little, but you can crack a fetch into them when you have nothing to do with that mana anyway. Just something to consider to get the most out of your snow cards. I definitely wouldn't run more than one of each.
Crime / Punishment is also another board clear option, where you could only target lands when you have better board presence. It also has another mode built in that's not completely irrelevant.
Recross the Paths might be a good ramp option, since it gives you psuedo-scry and you have a relatively high mana curve, giving you better odds at winning a clash. I've also always liked Search for Tomorrow for some nice deck thinning and solid early ramp (though slightly delayed).
Strangelove on Carth, Knight of Farron Keep
3 years ago
Above are all great suggestions! (expensive tho)
I would run 38 lands and 10-12 ramp that are all cmc 2 to see turn 3 Carth most of the time.
The enchantments feel odd to me. I'd cut them.
-1 Cunning Rhetoric -1 Pestilence -1 Sandwurm Convergence -1 The Eldest Reborn
-1 Vivien's Grizzly... too mana intensive -1 Vengeful Pharaoh... if you're not milling this, its not worth
Cut some boardwipes. Think about how often you want to cast them in a game. I'd run 4.
For planeswalkers I like to run each one that makes a token or reanimates a creature.
I'm a fan of +1 Elephant Grass.
And more draw! Stuff like Syphon Mind, Read the Bones, Night's Whisper, maybe even Ancient Craving, Harmonize, etc.
Oakhame Adversary and Ohran Viper are decent rattlesnakes.
poulak on Snow Matters
3 years ago
Looks solid overall. Love the card and would play it myself, but isn't Ohran Viper a bit underpowered in Modern?
seshiro_of_the_orochi on Fynn, the Fangbearer: An Introduction to Commander
3 years ago
This is basically a selfmade precon for a friend to start commander? Awesome. I hope your buddy enjoys this deck, as it seems really fun. It actually makes me consider building Fynn myself.
Some great updates to consider once your friend had some matches with it might be Toski, Bearer of Secrets , Ohran Viper , Ohran Frostfang , Mwonvuli Beast Tracker and Bow of Nylea . All of these great value in onevway or the other and keep your deathtouchers hitting the board.
TheVectornaut on Who dat boi - please help
3 years ago
Hey, I saw your comment. Is this an alternate account for twechsler or is this deck just inspired by theirs? Either way, I'll go into greater depth on some possible build paths. libraryjoy is correct in that if you're (mostly) mono-green, your best way to destroy creatures is often to take advantage of the abilities on your own creatures. You already have the deathtouch style shell so I'd just focus on that. But even with deathtouch, there are a fair number of options for guaranteeing that damage gets dealt. There are the bow/staff cards like I use in my artifact commander deck A Pile of Cans with the deathtouch from Sydri, Galvanic Genius . Then there's fight effects which you can see working with Wren's Run Packmaster in my wolfless wolf deck Size of the Fight in the Dog (although this strategy doesn't require DT if your creatures have high enough power). A final approach is forced combat damage. Since it's been mentioned the least, that's what I'll focus on here.
Forced block cards like Lure , Gift of the Deity , Indrik Umbra , Ochran Assassin , Roar of Challenge , Tempting Licid , Provoke , Irresistible Prey , or Tangle Angler are the core of such a deck. Most of these cards are rather costly in terms of CMC, and I'd consequently only recommend such a deck for slower casual play. It should be pretty strong in creature-heavy metas though. If that sounds reasonable, the next thing you have to decide on are the creatures and supporting cards. These choices aren't always obvious because of the many things a deck like this wants. For example, it may be better to play cheap deathtouch creatures like Deathcap Cultivator , Gifted Aetherborn , Narnam Renegade , Wasteland Viper , and Nightshade Peddler so you can start controlling the board sooner. But if all your DT creatures have low power, they'll only be able to kill 1 or 2 things off a big forced block. Thus, it may be better to instead grant deathtouch with other cards like Basilisk Collar , Deadly Allure , Virulent Swipe , Bow of Nylea , Archetype of Finality , or Ohran Frostfang . Then, you could just run creatures with high attack for their cost. Still, I think there's something to be said of looking for other abilities that interact well with deathtouch. First strike and double strike are the most obvious examples because they can let your creatures survive combat to attack all over again on later turns. Viridian Claw , Glissa, the Traitor , and Grappling Hook see play in such decks for this reason. Alternatively, you can learn from the synergy of the Frostfang that abilities triggering on face damage pair well with deathtouch. Only a fool would block your 1/1 DT with their 3/3, but if that 1/1 is drawing you a card, suddenly that trade sounds more appealing. Cold-Eyed Selkie , Dimir Cutpurse , Edric, Spymaster of Trest , Oakhame Adversary , Ohran Viper , Tomebound Lich , Fynn, the Fangbearer , and Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons are some cards that might fill this role.
I know I've just rattled off a lot of cards here. I'll try putting together a casual deck to demonstrate what I'm talking about when I find the time.
As an aside, I see that you've included Novablast Wurm as the only meaningful white spell in this version of the deck. It's too slow to see play in anything but ramp, but it can definitely be built around as a beefy Wrath of God too. Consider using something like Heroic Intervention or a Dauntless Escort sacrifice to break the symmetry on the board wipe. Also, creatures that grant boons on death like Thragtusk or Wurmcoil Engine could find a home in a self-wipe deck, although the Wurm might be outclassed then by something more traditional like Austere Command , Settle the Wreckage , Kindred Dominance , or Phyrexian Rebirth .
Raider9555 on Draw Spells - Modern Legal
4 years ago
Jace's Archivist, Dark Deal, Fascination, Coiling Oracle kinda, Ohran Viper, Seshiro the Anointed