Jace, Vryn's Prodigy


Jace, Telepath Unboundfoil  Flip
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy

Legendary Creature — Human Wizard

: Draw a card, then discard a card. If there are five or more cards in your graveyard, exile Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, then return it to the battlefield transformed under its owner's control.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Jace's Sentinel
Leyline Phantom
Jace's Ruse
Hisoka's Defiance
Castaway's Despair
Illusionary Servant

fluffyeel on Bruvac's Millibuster

2 months ago

Mill is fun. Mill was one of my first loves (and still is!) for any sort of MTG deck. However, I see some options to further Traumatize your opponents:

FauxFaux on Card creation challenge

2 months ago

Brenard, Culinary Castellan

Legendary Planeswalker - Brenard

Whenever ~ enters the battlefield, create 3 Food Tokens. As an additional cost to activate ~'s abilities, either create or sacrifice a Food Token for each counter removed or placed onto ~.

+1: Up to one target Food or artifact you control becomes a X/X Golem creature token with "This creature's power and toughness are equal to the number of Foods you control." until the end of your next turn.

-2: You may put a colorless, non-creature artifact from your hand onto the battlefield. It becomes a 3/3 Colorless Food Golem creature.

-7: You get an emblem with "Whenever an artifact, Food, or Golem creature enters the battlefield under your control, you may gain 3 life, or have target opponent lose 3 life."


It's Brenard, Ginger Sculptor! But a walker!

Time for a challenge;

I'd like to see a Garuuk Orign style Flip-walker! See Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip or Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip

wallisface on Tunneling Reclamation

1 year ago

Some notes on your deck description:

  • You want to use two "[" signs on either side of a card to have them show as card link/hovers. for example if you wanted [Jace, Vryn's Prodigy] to show up as Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip you need an extra "["/"]" on either side.

  • Getting a decklist to a 100% competitive rating as determined by this site isn't really at-all a good measure of a decks competency. Many tier-1 decks will only show as ~75%. It is always better to focus on actually make the deck competitively viable, instead of focusing on a number that gives you no indication of a decks actual competency.

Thoughts on the deck itself:

  • Your manabase could pretty easily support 4 colours instead of 3 - and I think white would offer you a LOT more benefits here as a 4th colour. Some of my suggestions below go further into this 4th colour option.

  • Flamekin Harbinger is a good reason to run a few 1-ofs as far as toolbox elementals. At the moment there are only 3 options for your Harbinger to grab, which really limits its ability to answer your opponents gameplan, or further your own. I'd suggest 1-of copies of cards like Flickerwisp, Fulminator Mage, Fury, Thunderkin Awakener etc so that your Harbinger can toolbox up whatever option provides you the best advantage at the time.

  • Going on from the above comment, your elemental count is really, really low. I'd really suggest fitting a lot more creatures into your deck.

  • I'm really not sold on Aether Spellbomb or Repeal being useful in the way you're describing. Bouncing your own Harbinger to your hand is a really slow approach to the game and will put you significantly behind on-board. Stuff like Recommission or Ephemerate could benefit you a lot more here, as they're overall spending a LOT less mana to get a better result.

  • Clutch of Currents feels really weak, and i'm not sure what it's doing here.

zapyourtumor on Goryo's Toys - Modern

1 year ago

Yeah so the best discard outlet, Faithless Looting, was banned a while ago (victim of HOEgaak that disgusting deck).

The best 2 mana discard outlet in red being played in most reanimation decks is Bitter Reunion currently, because after Persisting an Archon of Cruelty you can give it haste and attack for another trigger which is backbreaking. Here, the second ability is probably less relevant since Goryo's gives haste, but I still think it's better than the other options. The main issue with Faithless Salvaging is that its both slow and you're also going down on card advantage, UNLESS: you play it with cards in your hand, and then cast all cards in your hand, so you only draw a card on rebound (breaking even). Or you cast it with no cards in your hand, drawing two cards over two turns (generating card advantage).

Unfortunately many of the other good discard outlets are in blue, examples being: Prismari Command, Faithful Mending, Tainted Indulgence, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip, Ledger Shredder, etc.

As I said the kind of discard outlet you run generally depends on what you want the deck to do: I'd say they are all tradeoffs between speed and power. On the fastest side we have Haggle, which can be used for turn 2 hasty Boar + Emmy although it requires 4 cards in hand. Somewhere in between but still towards the faster side we have all of the 2 mana discard spells in red. And then further toward the power side we have cards like Collective Brutality. And further still we have all the generally good cards like Fable, Spyro, etc. So basically you need to decide what balance between speed and grinding power you want the deck to have. To try and make it easier I rated all of the options in jund colors I think are worth considering along three criteria: speed, power, and flexibility. Given that this deck is a grindy midrange deck at heart (or at least I think that is what you are aiming for), speed can be useful but power and flexibility are more important in my opinion.

Speed 9 Power 1 Flex 1: Merchant of the Vale (1 mana discard spell, fast but that's all there is)

9, 2, 4: Bone Shards (also fast, but generally more relevant mid/late)

7, 5, 1: Cathartic Reunion (powerful but inflexible, seen in dredge)

7, 2, 4: Cathartic Pyre (flexible but weak)

7, 3, 2: Thrill of Possibility (less all in version of Cathartic Reunion)

7, 3, 4: Bitter Reunion (more flexible vers. of Thrill)

7, 5, 8: Collective Brutality (most flexible 2 cmc discard outlet in BRG)

6, 3, 4: Faithless Salvaging (slow, weak, only generates CA in late game)

5, 6, 5: Territorial Kavu (even slower because requires attack trigger)

4, 7, 7: Seasoned Pyromancer (both powerful and flexible, can generate bodies or CA)

3, 7, 8: Liliana of the Veil (powerful and flexible, threat + removal + discard)

2, 8, 8: Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip (slowest 3 cmc option, tons of grind power + flexibility)

Additional notes:

Caerwyn on Interaction between Cadric, Soul Kindler …

1 year ago

For tokens, if the card simply causes the object to transform without changing zones, like Bloodline Keeper  Flip), nothing will happen and the token will remain on its front side.

If the transform ability includes an exile effect, like Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip, then the token will be exiled and cease to exist - it will not return to the battlefield in any manner.

701.28c If a spell or ability instructs a player to transform a permanent that isn’t represented by a transforming double-faced card, nothing happens.

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on Traitor of Men - Sedris Graveyard Combo EDH

1 year ago

Several updates to the list since the last time I've posted, although cannot remember all the cards that got swapped out:

Baby Jace got swapped in as an cheap looter to start getting our graveyard filled up early in the game, fish for card advantage, and transform into a walker to recur a needed spell or two.

Worldgorger Dragon got added as a potential infinite combo with Animate Dead/Dance of the Dead/Necromancy and something like Gary to kill our opponents in the loop, but I found it unreliable as a wincon since a table usually identifies it as a problem in the graveyard pretty quickly, and there isn't really a way in this deck to make use of the loop aside from Gary. Is most likely going to get cut for additional interaction; the new Ertai Resurrected caught my eye.

Got lucky and cracked a Vampiric Tutor from a Commander Legends booster box and immediately got added to the list as a staple black tutor to pull our combo pieces together.

Cephalid Coliseum is a solid filtering effect stapled to a land, seemed a free enough ability to add to the list.

OtiserieChicken on Sultai Murktide Tempo

2 years ago

thanks Chasmolinker! My testing has definitely shown that there's not enough graveyard support to warrant playing 4x Murktide Regent. In an ideal world, Murktide Regent is meant to be a finisher that comes down backed up by Counterspell or Force of Negation. Grim Flayer and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip are meant to be tempo plays that help fill the graveyard in the early to mid game. I think Grim Flayer is very vulnerable to Lightning Bolt and Unholy Heat. I am enjoying this deck, but I feel like I need to pick a direction, either focusing on early game with Delver of Secrets  Flip or mid game tempo with planeswalkers like Liliana of the Veil and Jace, the Mind Sculptor.

Chasmolinker on Sultai Murktide Tempo

2 years ago

Same could be said for Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip. Maybe Search for Azcanta  Flip?

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