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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Gain control of target artifact or creature until end of turn. Untap it. It gains haste until end of turn

OBK 25 / 11
Angrath's Rampage feature for Angrath Discard

Crockosneef on Favorite pulls you've had

2 years ago

Angrath, the Flame-Chained was my first ever planeswalker pull, I remember it fondly. I liked the idea of planeswalkers but couldn't pull any because they were at such high rarity, and the fact that I got one of the really cool-looking nonhumanoid ones was super exciting. My friend and I really liked Angrath's design ever since I saw the Ixalan version of Hijack, and we were kind of gushing over him together, so I was really happy to see him in my pulls. I ended up buying a decent amount of boosters from War of the Spark for this exact reason, I just think planeswalkers are neat.

dnthymamai on Come On Baby Light My Fire

2 years ago

Powerful deck!

I would suggest you would consider Dragon's Claw instead of Staff of the Flame Magus. It may heal you less when fighting a Green or White deck, but it will come out a turn earlier, and you have greater chances of winning a mirrormatch.

Another similar suggestion would be swapping Act of Treason with another spell (since you are in mono-red, you can do it) that does a little bit more. e.g. Harness by Force or Hijack. But the best in your case would definitely be Kari Zev's Expertise ! :-)

Staakman on What to do against Rakdos, …

3 years ago

what do you guys/girls think about adding Act of Treason, Besmirch, Hijack etc to force his commander to fight?

Necrosis24 on What to do against Rakdos, …

3 years ago

I love Zada, Hedron Grinder one of my first few decks I built because it was budget friendly but still packed a punch. The removal that is available to you because of zada is actually pretty fun you can gang up on a single target with all your creatures: Go for Blood, Soul's Fire, Arcbond,Commando Raid, Deadshot, Swift Kick.

Also like Ramble said you can use steal effects and sac your opponents creatures to cards like Goblin Bombardment or Barrage of Expendables or your classic Phyrexian Altar. The good thing about the steal cards are you can use them on your own creatures to untap your board or give haste while they also serve to steal.

A few I'd recommend although I personally don't use them:

  1. Kari Zev's Expertise: Free Cantrips for the price of one!
  2. Hijack: Artifacts why not
  3. Harness by Force: Average but with Battle Hymn it has potential to be a budget Insurrection
  4. Bond of Passion: Pricey but with six goblins on the battlefield its like you're casting six Shocks
  5. Besmirch: Goad is good
  6. Traitorous Greed: Can be used for ramp
  7. Malevolent Whispers: Pump your team or steal

Looking at your decklist we more or less have the same cards which isn't surprising Zada is a pretty linear build if you do goblin tribal, but if you break away there are a couple fun things you can do such as Chaos Warp your entire board. I would cut Dualcaster Mage and Reiterate as they don't do much for Zada because Zada already does what they do but for free. Also Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip is great.

Snap157 on You're a Mean One, Mister Grinch

3 years ago

Cool! I just finished building my own version. Cards like Act of Treason, Hijack, or Mark of Mutiny can untap your commander many times per turn. Careful with infect, since you're taking damage too.

Cards like Witch's Clinic would be great, and I suppose in mono red it cant hurt to run Ruination.

LivingThing on Bippity Boppity Your Deck is My Property - 100$

4 years ago

Nubinger Thanks! Wheel of Misfortune replaced Hijack, however Jeska's Will doesn't make the cut due to it producing both minimal card advantage and not enough shenanigans

Optimator on Giant's Deck

4 years ago

Even though you are primarily Giant-Tribal, you may still want to have a small suite of "Brion" cards.

I have a Feldon of the Third Path and Mimic Vat, both of which are extremely good in Brion decks. I also have a Adarkar Valkyrie, which can be good too.

Gift of Immortality is extremely good with Brion. I don't have one though.

Sigil of the New Dawn isn't the most efficient, but can be good.

I have a Serra Avatar too, which is the best Fling-able creature around. Evra, Halcyon Witness is great too, but I don't have one. It's cheap though. A Stalking Vengeance would double up Brion's damage, but I don't think I have one either. Reya Dawnbringer is way mana-expensive but can be useful with such pricey giants dying left and right.

Flameshadow Conjuring can be good with Brion too. I don't think I have one though.

Phyrexian Processor is one of the craziest pieces of Brion tech around. It's not too expensive--I would totally slide this card in, even if I was doing Giant Tribal. You can get blown out, but the payoff is enormous.

Another piece of Brion tech is Grafted Exoskeleton, if you wanna be dirty.

Since Brion isn't the center of the strategy, protecting him isn't at such a premium. Cards like Swiftfoot Boots and Lightning Greaves are still good for protecting your big giants though. It may be worth sliding some cards like that in, but since it's a casual deck you may get away with none.

That said, I have Whispersilk Cloak and Mask of Avacyn in my collection.

Another option on a budget is Mirror Shield. Darksteel Plate is pricey but fantastic when you want to stick a huge beater and keep it around.

I have a Cradle of Vitality on-hand. Might be really good!

If you have any more Threaten-effects, those are functionally creature removal with your commander out. Perhaps a couple of cards like that deserve a slot. Captivating Crew is fun because it's repeatable. Song-Mad Treachery  Flip is cool because it's a land too!

I own: Hijack - Grab the Reins - Mass Mutiny - Traitorous Blood - Traitorous Instinct - Portent of Betrayal - Word of Seizing - Harness by Force

There are many more.

Illusionist's Bracers is very good with Brion, even with less of a focus on him. Probably worth keeping in.

I think Minion Reflector won't be good--too expensive. Seance is decent but probably won't be reliable often enough to make it worth a slot.

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