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Void Snare
Return target nonland permanent to its owner's hand.
jdogz32 on
Surprise Colossus
1 year ago
wallisface I do like Reprieve over Jace Beleren thank you for the suggestion. I don't think im parting with Void Snare quite yet. I decided with Reprieve over Remand because Reprieve can counter spells that can't be countered.
jdogz32 on
Anew Polymorph Deck
1 year ago
I'm still tweaking mine myself, right now I'm taking out Jace Beleren and possibly Void Snare for remand. It'd fairly consisten as a turn 5 kill. Alot of times people just scoop when you counter their removal for him.
wallisface on
Surprise Colossus
1 year ago
Interesting brew!
As you’re a tempo/combo deck hoping to draw cards and bide time, i’d be ditching stuff like Jace Beleren, Void Snare and Mana Leak in favour of playsets of both Remand and Reprieve - both cards which let you dig deeper while wasting your opponents time.
I’d also think Opt would serve you better here than Serum Visions, mainly as instant-speed lets you present awkwardness on your opponents turn
jdogz32 on
Lesser Masticore = Exodia!?
1 year ago
Deck looks good, you have almost nothing to do on turn one. I'd suggest adding something like Spell Pierce or taking Void Snare out of your sideboard. I'd also recommend adding Ceremonious Rejection to your sideboard if you are worried about karn and pithing needle. This will stop both of those threats. Hope this helps
DeinoStinkus on
2 years ago
Void Snare, Disperse, and Brazen Borrower are great ways to take advantage of Dementia Sliver's effect.
Praetor's Grasp and Inevitable Betrayal are also good. And Thoughtseize
Finally, Damnation can net you a very strong effect on the field with all your reanimation effects, and Murder is not a very good removal spell. I would consider Snuff Out, Doom Blade, Heartless Act, Infernal Grasp, Walk the Plank, Victim of Night, etc.
SufferFromEDHD on
2 years ago
I really like the enchantment package. I'm looking at your 3 creatures and I think you can upgrade 2 into enchantments leaving Academy Rector to grab them all! Children of Korlis becomes Exquisite Blood and Vizkopa Guildmage becomes Sanguine Bond.
Void Snare, Vindicate and/or Vanishing Verse worth a spot?
Also, I like Absorb in Oloro simply because it feeds the trigger. Might be too slow considering how aggressive your counter package is. Maybe An Offer You Can't Refuse?
wallisface on
I heard you like bounces...
2 years ago
Some thoughts:
There's going to be one big issue this kind of deck is going to face - you're constantly putting yourself at a large card-disadvantage, which will mean in the long run, you'll run out of resources, and your opponent will rebuild.
I get that you have Jace's Archivist as a way to get more cards, but with the sheer quantity of 1-mana killspells in modern, it feels like it'll never resolve its ability.
Note also, that because of fetchlands, your opponent can play-around what you're doing (i.e. only fetch when the mana is needed, or if targeted) - meaning that most opponents will be able to cast any spell they want in their deck with relative ease.
As one final point of problem, you have no current way to close out the game. Without a way to quickly win, your opponent is almost guaranteed to stabilize at some-point, and then beat you.
There's no easy answers to these problems, but here are some thoughts:
Bounce cards inherently put the caster at a disadvantage, because they're losing a card, and the opponent by-default isn't losing anything. To provide you some staying power, and a chance at an actual lock, I'd recommend running Isochron Scepter. While this card is fairly risky to play in modern (due to the chance of getting 2-for-1'd), I think its your best bet for being able to set up a continual source of bouncing.
You need a reliable way to actually win the game, before your opponent stabilizes (because, they will). I think a good candidate could be Deep-Sea Kraken, as it's very hard to remove (doesn't die to Prismatic Ending, Fatal Push, or Lightning Bolt. Admittedly Unholy Heat does pose an issue, but it's still pretty resilient)
I think you need a few more 1cmc cards to prevent getting overwhelmed right at the start of the game. Void Snare is decent, so I'd think you'd want a playset of that, alongside something like Unsummon or Vapor Snag. I do get that you want to focus on lands, but there are a LOT of 1-drop creatures that could blow you out of the water if left unchecked.
I think Remand is better than Counterspell here. You don't care that your opponent will get the card back in hand, because you're hoping their hand will be full anyway. And Remand helps you keep cards in your hand, so that you can keep the momentum up.
I don't think you need Radiant Fountain. The extra life is never going to swing the game either way imo (if you can't get the lock, you're screwed whatever your life total). I think a bigger threat is drawing too many lands and so running out of options. I'd suggest just playing 20-21 islands, and no Radiant Fountain. You'll be able to do more with the extra 2-3 spells than some lands that offer the wrong colour.
Virlym on
Yuriko, Shadow of Fate EDH
2 years ago
Just to not clutter up azja's feed, I'll give my input to the questions you asked. I'm no azja, so I can't answer for them, this is just my educated guessing.
Capture of Jingzhou is rather expensive, and it's easier to just run something like Time Warp over it. But for Karn's Temporal Sundering, it domes for 1 more when it's a trigger off Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow, and it has a Void Snare attached to it, which could clear out some other problem like Platinum Angel (niche example, but gets the point across), or put a ninja back into your hand so you can ninjutsu it out on the extra turn.
Tormented Soul being just black is a huge drawback for what azja was going for in competitiveness, it also can't be pitched to Commandeer, Force of Will, nor Force of Negation.
Kaito Shizuki requires further testing. in most cases, it's 3 mana for a single unblockable ninja token and a filter the following turn. You'll hardly ever even want to get the emblem due to trying to win through Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow triggers utilizing small ninjas and not cheating out something big. It's more beneficial to have ninjutsu creatures in your hand so you can get them to hit an opponent utilizing an enabler rather than trying to find some way to deal combat damage with a rather lackluster attacking ninja.
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow enablers want to b as cheap as possible. There's a HUGE fall-off from having a 1 CMC enabler to having a 2 CMC enabler to where that extra mana, and delaying Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow from hitting someone turn 2 better be a big payoff. Faerie Seer and Spectral Sailor are both 1 CMC enablers, and flying is generally scarce enough early game to where it effectively says "unblockable". Wingcrafter is a way to grant Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow flying so she can activate her own ability fairly reliably, it also let's you cycle ninjas out by giving one flying, and using ninjutsu shenanigans to keep more expendable ninjas on the board. Example, you could have it paired with a Skullsnatcher, swing it in, ninjutsu it out for a Fallen Shinobi, then after damage (after the triggers and before combat is over) ninjutsu the Skullsnatcher back in so that the Fallen Shinobi can stay a little safer in your hand. Augury Owl Sage Owl being able to see 3/4 cards into your library helps set up a big Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow play, or can at least give u information to see if you'll get answers to threats or if you need to crack a fetch as you nothing coming up and need to refuel, etc. That extra digging and set-up is basically a Sensei's Divining Top activation, but on an enabler body.
There's no instant-win combo in the deck because azja doesnt like them. "But I don't really enjoy playing combo decks, so I've opted to not include the aforementioned Demonic Consultation & Thassa's Oracle combo.". Having said that, Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow is typically a really fast agro deck. It will have the general agro problems of puttering out if faced with a deck that has enough lifegain and board wipes. But that deck was also designed more in the cEDH realm, so if a game is going longer than 6 turns, the super control deck is probably going to win anyways. As for trying to throw in more alternate win-cons, you usually want to avoid that. If you need multiple cards for an alternate win-con and they cards otherwise could either be dead, or put you behind in your initial game plan, they are just a hinderance in cEDH. Every individual card needs to be doing something to push you further. You can't have dead combo pieces in hand when you have 5-turn games. Thassa's Oracle is more often than not a dead card in decklists like this. You need a deck build around what it wants you to do, otherwise it's just a 1/3 for 2 mana, and Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow really doesn't need that baggage.
Scheming Symmetry isn't really a "play and win" card, it's just another 1 CMC top deck manipulation card. It also works REALLY well if you have something like Fallen Shinobi in hand, waiting to hit the person you just let search their library.
"Also, would avoiding the enters tapped lands be better? E.G. Drowned Catacomb, Mystic Sanctuary, Sunken Hollow be far better as say City of Brass, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, River of Tears, Etc.?" River of Tears is a bad card to try and deal with when you're running on a really low curve. If you play it turn 1, it adds B, so you can't play your 1 CMC enablers aside from Gingerbrute. If you play an island turn 1, and River of Tears turn 2, you now have double blue on turn 3 with no black, and if you play a black mana land, you now have double black and only one blue. If you need the double blue and a black, you would need to tap it before playing a land, but doing something like that makes it so you can't use it for ninjutsu. It's just a hassle of a land and adds too much to keep track up when there's already a lot that's going on in an EDH game. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is basically just a swamp. City of Brass would generally be a good include though, assuming you're ok with the price tag and games aren't typically decided by 4 life. Drowned Catacomb will generally always come in untapped if you play right due to the amount of fetches. Mystic Sanctuary will generally come in untapped in a deck this heavily blue, and the upside of being able to recur an answer or even a big spell that Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow can trigger with makes the chance of it coming in tapped irrelevant. Sunken Hollow is the worst offender of the 3, but it still has the basic land typing, so it can be fetched. And that upside is generally enough to warrant including it.