Titanic Ultimatum

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Titanic Ultimatum


Until end of turn, creatures you control get +5/+5 and gain first strike, lifelink, and trample.

DemonDragonJ on Nature's Bounty

2 months ago

I have just made some major changes to this deck; for the first time ever, I have changed the general of this deck, replacing Uril, the Miststalker with Marath, Will of the Wild, because, while Uril was certainly an excellent general, it did not match the theme of this deck, which contained a mere six auras, whereas Marath does, and, upon making that change, I have decided to further emphasize this deck's theme of +1/+1 counters, specifically, by replacing Armadillo Cloak, Bear Umbra, Runes of the Deus, Scourge of the Nobilis, Shield of the Oversoul, and Snake Umbra with All Will Be One, Cathars' Crusade, Warleader's Call, Fertilid, Kalonian Hydra, and Steelbane Hydra; I had contemplated putting Forgotten Ancient in this deck, but I was not able to find space for it, and I also wish to minimize overlap with or similarities between this deck and my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice EDH deck, and, while this deck does not have quite as great of an emphasis on generating creature tokens as does my Ghired, Conclave Exile EDH deck, I still believe that it has a sufficient focus to justify the inclusion of Warleader's Call, which also has great synergy with Tamanoa. I also replaced Titanic Ultimatum with Pathbreaker Ibex, because the creature can use its ability repeatedly. I had considered putting Cabaretti Ascendancy into this deck, but I feel that this deck does not contain quite a sufficient number of creature cards to justify the inclusion of that card.

Overall, these changes reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 40.6 to 4.05, which is only a minimal change, but doing so also reduced the number of colored mana symbols in this deck, which is also a very good thing.

What does everyone else say about this? Do you believe that I did well with overhauling this deck?

KongMing on Saskia the Viking

1 year ago

At this point, you need more field buffs, in order to make your multiple combats even direr.

Akroma's Will is just awesome. Even without doubling combat, if you have Saskia on the field, you will gain A LOT of life.

Bond of Discipline is great for the lifegain too, but Gruul Charm offers you a similar effect (getting creatures through) for cheaper.

Titanic Ultimatum or Beastmaster Ascension might also help you get damage through.

legendofa on New Social Contract Breach Discussion

2 years ago

Gleeock I haven't gotten in a multiplayer game with randoms for years now, I've never played cEDH, and I don't actually have a regular group at the moment (frustration and sadness), so I'm probably out of touch with actual multiplayer reality.

All the same, though, I have a couple of responses. "[T]he only other valid player threw a tantrum & left the game" is not good play. But I take special exception to the tantrum. If, hypothetically, the other player said "I'm afraid I have no chance at winning, I concede. Good game, and well played," would that still be an issue? I understand that the game flow can be radically changed by who's present and available. However, I see the following: conceding gracefully is respectful and legal. Conceding with a tantrum is disrespectful, but legal. Refusing to vote on Expropriate, then continuing to play, is disrespectful and illegal. And 104.3a very much says a player can dip out of it all: "A player can concede the game at any time. A player who concedes leaves the game immediately. That player loses the game."

But the legality of concession isn't really the issue here. The issue is "when is quitting the game right to do?" Instead of directly answering, I'd like to add some supplemental questions, based on this thread and my own thoughts.

  1. Is it fair play to concede in response to being attacked? If Gahiji, Honored One Beatdown attacks Tobias Andrion with a Titanic Ultimatum and enough creatures to defeat Tobias, can Tobias concede immediately to avoid the lifelink damage? Does the answer change whether Gahiji is dominating the match at 300 life + board vs. barely hanging on at 4 life and built up a Fervored board this turn?

  2. Is it fair play to concede if a player can reasonably expect to be unable to proceed, if an opponent is relying on their presence? If Sen Triplets Stax has stripped all artifact removal from The Lady of the Mountain's deck through Sadistic Sacrament and has taken control of nearly all of The Lady's permanents, can The Lady concede on the grounds that she reasonably believes she can't win, even though it would cost Triplets some key blockers?

  3. Is it fair play to concede a game if it forces another player into a line of action? Marisi, Breaker of the Coil Combat Control goads Jedit Ojanen into attacking. During Jedit's first main phase, before Jedit attacks, Barktooth Warbeard gets a critical removal spell countered and decides this game is unwinnable. Is Barktooth free to gracefully and respectfully concede, forcing Jedit to attack the remaining available player?

I don't claim to have objectively correct answers to these questions, but I think they add some needed nuance to the central question of when someone can concede to another person's detriment.

Obviously, conceding shouldn't be done yelling and tableflipping. But assuming a modicum of decency, I think conceding should be available at any time, within the agreement of the group. It can be difficult to determine whether conceding is done tactically, spitefully, or simply to cut losses, and having a pre-match conversation can settle these issues, so that's a point I strongly agree with. In a more competitive setting, I guess leave it to the judges to explain pre-tournament and adjucate as needed? That's outside of my expertise.

m4rs on Ghired - Precon Primal Genesis - Heavy Upgrade

2 years ago

Hi eliakimras,

I was now able to do some playtests with the current set. I still changed some more cards.


Feedback to new or rarely played cards:

  • Quartzwood Crasher is insane good. Thematically, and also its easy to get like a 10 or 15/15 Token, which you can copy with ghired, after that its gonna be snowball. Surely one of the best cards in this deck. Similar with Elder Gargaroth
  • Selesnya Eulogist: Surprisingly good card, I rarely drew it beside the fact thats it a day 1 card of this deck. But targeting creatures from other graveyards (or the own) to prevent reanimate or similiar, and getting blockers is very good!

Cards I am uncertain:

Still the deck has a lot of protection, and I am not sure if it too much, but as Ghired is quite expensive, I will right now, not cut a indestructible spell.

About your utility Lands. yeah Gavony Township might be a cool manasink. But Right now I dont have it, as I put it in another deck. also i have a lot of utility lands right now. Kessig wolf run I removed, as having Trample seems no problem in my last plays.

Neotrup on How does a combo with …

3 years ago

If you copy Titanic Ultimatum your creatures will get +10/+10, first strike, lifelink, and trample. Multiple instances of first strike, lifelink, and trample are redundant, so whether your copying the spell or casting it with creatures that naturally have those abilities your not getting any added benefit.

Halflingz on

3 years ago

Raining Cats and Dogs Nice work bdodds, I think you have selected a handful of great cards but I'd think you could benefit from an earlier CatDog play and cheaper creatures to really start raining cats and dogs. Even without Aluren, every creature coming in with an extra token produces insane value. Especially considering your general's ability.

Below, I would like to outline 4 core concepts and considerations. Ramp, Creatures, Protection, Draw.

Ramp - Prioritizing cards that help you play Rin & Seri turn 3! Nature's Lore Rampant Growth Three Visits Boros Signet Selesnya Signet Gruul Signet Talisman of Conviction Talisman of Unity Talisman of Impulse Fellwar Stone This should be easy to replace the ramp packaging you already have. Look to cut cards like Explosive Vegetation, Chromatic Lantern, Obelisk of Naya, etc.

Creatures - Prioritizing 3CMC or less and upping your creature count to closer to 30! Think about adding creatures that fullfill multiple roles and allow you to run less other stuff. Qasali Pridemage is a great example cause it can pump a swinger +1/+1 as well as remove a pesky enchant or artifact.

Cheap Utility Kitties- Adorned Pouncer Brimaz, King of Oreskos Bronzehide Lion Initiate's Companion King of the Pride Leonin Relic-Warder Oreskos Explorer Pride Sovereign Qasali Ambusher I like the returners you have for multiple cast triggers too! Can get stupid with Aluren... Whitemane Lion Temur Sabertooth Fleetfoot Panther ? Snow Hound

Cheap Utility Doggos- Abzan Beastmaster Ainok Guide Bolt Hound Resolute Watchdog Selfless Savior

Some real cheap beefers could be nice considering they make a token, but could also see not making the cut- Wild Nacatl Loam Lion Leonin Vanguard Isamaru, Hound of Konda Sacred Cat

Protection/Return - Build a huge board and keep it protected! Unbreakable Formation Rootborn Defenses Heroic Intervention Teferi's Protection Asceticism Marshal's Anthem Kindred Boon Akroma's Will Flawless Maneuver

Draw(ish) - The cheaper the cards in hand the more you gonna empty and wanna draw! Skullclamp Colossal Majesty Elemental Bond Beast Whisperer Fecundity Garruk's Uprising Descendants' Path Realmwalker Hunter's Insight Snake Umbra Lifecrafter's Bestiary Mentor of the Meek Guardian Project Return of the Wildspeaker Shamanic Revelation Slate of Ancestry Collective Unconscious Camaraderie

General good cards for Cat/Dog: Maskwood Nexus Mirror Entity Crib Swap Felidar Retreat Basilisk Collar Thousand-Year Elixir Rings of Brighthearth Seht's Tiger Shields of Velis Vel Naya Charm Kindred Summons Volatile Claws Beastmaster Ascension Titanic Ultimatum Hour of Reckoning Triumph of the Hordes Finale of Devastation Idyllic Tutor Winds of Abandon Lightning Greaves (secret lair dog art!) Coat of Arms Swiftfoot Boots Impact Tremors Rhythm of the Wild Aura Shards Shared Animosity Mirari's Wake Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip Any Cheap Changelings really...

Lands to love: Slayers' Stronghold Kessig Wolf Run Hanweir Garrison Flamekin Village Gavony Township Mosswort Bridge Spinerock Knoll Windbrisk Heights Castle Embereth

TheVectornaut on ornithology

3 years ago

At the moment, it looks like you basically have two different decks mashed into one. If you cut your 120 cards into two decks of 60, you'll essentially have double the options to play while improving the power level of both. The two main strategies I'm seeing here are Naya ramp/midrange and some sort of bird/flying tribal. I'll give some of my budget suggestions for both archetypes.

For Naya ramp, you definitely want to focus on the mana dorks like Birds of Paradise, Ilysian Caryatid, and Knotvine Mystic before using the extra mana to play your threats like Godsire, Titanic Ultimatum, and Atarka, World Render. Midrange will forego some of the lower and upper ends of the curve to play efficient midgame creatures like Retaliator Griffin, Managorger Hydra, and Llanowar Visionary. Some other ramp options include Voyaging Satyr, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Rampant Growth, Arbor Elf, and Utopia Sprawl. Some other bombs include Hornet Queen, Vigor, Archetype of Endurance, Terastodon, Armada Wurm, Gruul Ragebeast, Rakeclaw Gargantuan, Spearbreaker Behemoth, Woodfall Primus, and Warstorm Surge. Some midrange threats are Wild Nacatl, Woolly Thoctar, Spellbreaker Behemoth, Burning-Tree Emissary, and Bloodbraid Elf.

For birds, I'd definitely recommend swapping red out for blue. This lets you play flying buffs like Empyrean Eagle, Watcher of the Spheres, Skycat Sovereign, Jubilant Skybonder, Favorable Winds, Flurry of Wings, and Stolen by the Fae. Some options that stay in white are Sephara, Sky's Blade, Emeria Angel, Midnight Haunting, and Battle Screech. Some additional bird stuff could be Aven Mimeomancer, Pride of the Clouds, Wingmate Roc, Kangee, Aerie Keeper, Call, and Murmuring Mystic. These types of decks generally go as wide as possible, buff the team with anthem effects, and swing in the air for the win.

Cards I see in this deck that don't fit in either archetype are Ajani's Pridemate, Pyroceratops, End Hostilities, Planar Outburst, Star of Extinction, Giant Growth, Moonhold, Double Vision, Furor of the Bitten, and Darksteel Pendant. At least, those are the first that spring to mind as targets to replace first. Anyway, let me know if you have any questions about my suggestions and I wish you good luck with your build!

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