Leonin Vanguard

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Leonin Vanguard

Creature — Cat Soldier

At the beginning of combat on your turn, if you control three or more creatures, this gets +1/+1 until end of turn and you gain 1 life.

IHATENAMES on Life gain cat deck

1 year ago

I think this is a fun and interesting challenge to make lifegain cats good in modern. But first thing you should do is focus to clarify the identity of the deck. Leaning into Cats let's you better utilize a great lord. But you want multiple small cats maube tokens as there are a couple good ones to later pump for a lethal swing or tempo your opponent out makeing spot removal worse. Or lifegain which can play the Soul Warden effects and other noncat lifegain payoffs like your Ajani's Pridemate

Suggestions: I assume you are trying to stay budget most of these are a couple dollars. There might be a few more expensive cards that could be great with some deck building concessions like going green for more cats and Collected Company or focusing 1 2 and 3 drops and play Aether Vial

Kaheera, the Orphanguard pump cats. Can also be used as companion with some deck building restrictions

Leonin Arbiter All hail CAT JESUS. Seriously. It's a great card to slow combo decks otherwise it's a 2/2 body for 2. Worst case it deserves a Sideboard slot

Leonin Vanguard 1 drop. Gains 1 life a turn when you have 3 total creatures great curve starter for a cat deck

Regal Caracal create 2 cats. Then all your cats gain lifelink. Synergies for days

Ajani, Strength of the Pride - make Ajani's Pridemate ultimate is not impossible to clear the way so you can swing for game. +gains life. All great things.

Sideboard tech

Lion Sash graveyard hate on a cat. Or pump another creature

Felidar Retreat stick this vs control and it can take over a game

Seht's Tiger 4 drop neat vs damage based combos. Interesting but not great.

KBK7101 on What is your favorite tribe, …

2 years ago

I think mine would either be cats or gods.

Cats, namely the leonin type ones like Ajani's Pridemate, Leonin Vanguard or Leonin Warleader remind me of just starting to learn the game with the M19 Ajani Planeswalker deck. I still have an upgraded version of it on Arena that I play every now and again.

I also really love god typed creatures. They're few and far between (though a bit more common these days) and because of this, they usually have this... sense of awe around them. It's hard to explain. Like, Kruphix, God of Horizons and Bontu the Glorified just make me feel small and insignificant in comparison and I love it. The Kaldheim ones don't quite have the same effect, but I love the flavor and design of them nontheless.

zapyourtumor on Pussy on F I R E

3 years ago

Always happy to see a cat deck.

Have you considered Brimaz, King of Oreskos? He's a cracked card if not answered immediately. Adorned Pouncer is also great.

For the one drop slot, I prefer Leonin Vanguard over Sacred Cat.

Also, all your creatures are cmc 3 or less. I would definitely consider cutting the 2x Chariots (they don't look that great tbh) and try to fit in 4 Collected Companyfoil.

I'm also not sure why you have 3x Rancor and 2x Madcap skills -- I feel like they would be a lot better in a heroic-type cat tribal with Vanguard of Brimaz and Tethmos High Priest. They don't seem to fit here (maybe I should try to revive my cat tribal deck with these hmm?).

Prismatic Ending is a great removal card for any deck running white and 3+ colors, I'd definitely consider cutting a few paths and adding it here.

When you finally make a sideboard, Prowling Serpopard would be really effective against any deck that runs counterspells.

lagotripha on Nethroi Cat Deck

3 years ago

There are a few notable cats from magic history if you want to dig them up - The one drops in particular are pretty good.

1 Loam Lion , Leonin Vanguard , Steppe Lynx , Wild Nacatl

2 Leonin Arbiter Leonin Relic-Warder (classic DnT pieces) Qasali Pridemage Rakshasa Deathdealer

3 Brimaz, King of Oreskos Qasali Ambusher

There are a few more if you want 1/1s or chunky green/white blockers, but there are enough creatures to make the tribe ok - the only reason they aren't great is that they are a little unfocussed - Pride of the Clouds wants flying creatures, steppe wants landfall, nacatyl particular lands, arbiter tax effects, warder flicker, etc etc.

Best of luck - a nethroi brew feels more likely to work out than anything else I can think of.

Rorolith on mono white

3 years ago

So, take into account what kind of deck you want to play. Aggro? Cut the board wipes. Control? Add more removal, take most of your creatures out. I'm going to work ona n aggro gameplan since that looks like whre your deck is leaning towards.

Cut: Tragic Poet

Prowling Felidar

Lagonna-Band Trailblazer

Knight of New Benalia

Dwarven Priest

Archon of Emeria (You are an aggro deck and want to be able to cast more than one creature in the same turn)

Rustwing Falcon

Djeru, With Eyes Open (you run no planeswalkers, also a bad card)

Adamant Will

Aegis of the Heavens

Blessed Light

Divine Verdict

Squire's Devotion

Slash of Talons

Smite the Monstrous All your sorcerys

Lithoform Engine

Hieromancer's Cage


On Serra's Wings

Novice Knight you run no equipment

4 plains

Now this might seem like a lot, but I will give you some suggestions for cards that will help further your gameplan

Creatures: currently you are running some really good cards as one ofs and bad cards with more copies, such as; Dauntless Bodyguard , Leonin Vanguard , Hunted Witness , Luminarch Aspirant Venerated Loxodon which is a great finisher, and Speaker of the Heavens .

You could run 1 more Ajani's Pridemate and 4x Soul Warden

Legion's Landing  Flip is a very good card, so I would keep it.

Removal: If you want to go with some of the best white removal ever printed that is modern legal, but a little expensive, go with Path to Exile . If not Path to Exile would be much better than Hieromancer's Cage , Conclave Tribunal is pretty good, but I wouldn't run more than 5 removal spells since you want to be going wide with your creatures and a hand ful of removal will just stall the game and you will lose in the end. You want to end the game fast while maintaining a high life score.

Halflingz on

4 years ago

Raining Cats and Dogs Nice work bdodds, I think you have selected a handful of great cards but I'd think you could benefit from an earlier CatDog play and cheaper creatures to really start raining cats and dogs. Even without Aluren, every creature coming in with an extra token produces insane value. Especially considering your general's ability.

Below, I would like to outline 4 core concepts and considerations. Ramp, Creatures, Protection, Draw.

Ramp - Prioritizing cards that help you play Rin & Seri turn 3! Nature's Lore Rampant Growth Three Visits Boros Signet Selesnya Signet Gruul Signet Talisman of Conviction Talisman of Unity Talisman of Impulse Fellwar Stone This should be easy to replace the ramp packaging you already have. Look to cut cards like Explosive Vegetation, Chromatic Lantern, Obelisk of Naya, etc.

Creatures - Prioritizing 3CMC or less and upping your creature count to closer to 30! Think about adding creatures that fullfill multiple roles and allow you to run less other stuff. Qasali Pridemage is a great example cause it can pump a swinger +1/+1 as well as remove a pesky enchant or artifact.

Cheap Utility Kitties- Adorned Pouncer Brimaz, King of Oreskos Bronzehide Lion Initiate's Companion King of the Pride Leonin Relic-Warder Oreskos Explorer Pride Sovereign Qasali Ambusher I like the returners you have for multiple cast triggers too! Can get stupid with Aluren... Whitemane Lion Temur Sabertooth Fleetfoot Panther ? Snow Hound

Cheap Utility Doggos- Abzan Beastmaster Ainok Guide Bolt Hound Resolute Watchdog Selfless Savior

Some real cheap beefers could be nice considering they make a token, but could also see not making the cut- Wild Nacatl Loam Lion Leonin Vanguard Isamaru, Hound of Konda Sacred Cat

Protection/Return - Build a huge board and keep it protected! Unbreakable Formation Rootborn Defenses Heroic Intervention Teferi's Protection Asceticism Marshal's Anthem Kindred Boon Akroma's Will Flawless Maneuver

Draw(ish) - The cheaper the cards in hand the more you gonna empty and wanna draw! Skullclamp Colossal Majesty Elemental Bond Beast Whisperer Fecundity Garruk's Uprising Descendants' Path Realmwalker Hunter's Insight Snake Umbra Lifecrafter's Bestiary Mentor of the Meek Guardian Project Return of the Wildspeaker Shamanic Revelation Slate of Ancestry Collective Unconscious Camaraderie

General good cards for Cat/Dog: Maskwood Nexus Mirror Entity Crib Swap Felidar Retreat Basilisk Collar Thousand-Year Elixir Rings of Brighthearth Seht's Tiger Shields of Velis Vel Naya Charm Kindred Summons Volatile Claws Beastmaster Ascension Titanic Ultimatum Hour of Reckoning Triumph of the Hordes Finale of Devastation Idyllic Tutor Winds of Abandon Lightning Greaves (secret lair dog art!) Coat of Arms Swiftfoot Boots Impact Tremors Rhythm of the Wild Aura Shards Shared Animosity Mirari's Wake Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip Any Cheap Changelings really...

Lands to love: Slayers' Stronghold Kessig Wolf Run Hanweir Garrison Flamekin Village Gavony Township Mosswort Bridge Spinerock Knoll Windbrisk Heights Castle Embereth

kumpirko on No sisters

4 years ago

This deck functions both as a creature aggro deck and as a midrange deck. For this reason Healer's Hawk and Leonin Vanguard fit both roles perfectly as they are early beaters and give you the important gain life trigger and most importantly allow you go get the trigger each turn. While Ajani's Welcome only allows you to get a trigger when you cast a creature, which will happen less often the more the game goes on. And also it does nothing for the aggro element of the deck.

I was skeptical of Fountain of Renewal as well, but it gives you reach in the form of getting the trigger every turn while you wait for your creatures to get big enough to crush your opponent which can be pretty handy on the defense. Also 4X Bloodthirsty Aerialist are already in the deck.

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