Knotvine Mystic

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Knotvine Mystic

Creature — Elf Druid

{{1}}, Tap: Add {{R,G,W}} to your mana pool.

Lhurgyof on I didn't get no stimmy

3 years ago

lol, love it.

How do you feel about Knotvine Mystic ? He's a cheap mana filter/dork but he might help out the ramp a bit.

DementedChaos01 on Mayaels hydras

4 years ago

I'd recommend taking out Elvish Spirit Guide replacing it with Knotvine Mystic

I would also take out Molten Hydra and replacing it with Walking Ballista

TheVectornaut on ornithology

4 years ago

At the moment, it looks like you basically have two different decks mashed into one. If you cut your 120 cards into two decks of 60, you'll essentially have double the options to play while improving the power level of both. The two main strategies I'm seeing here are Naya ramp/midrange and some sort of bird/flying tribal. I'll give some of my budget suggestions for both archetypes.

For Naya ramp, you definitely want to focus on the mana dorks like Birds of Paradise, Ilysian Caryatid, and Knotvine Mystic before using the extra mana to play your threats like Godsire, Titanic Ultimatum, and Atarka, World Render. Midrange will forego some of the lower and upper ends of the curve to play efficient midgame creatures like Retaliator Griffin, Managorger Hydra, and Llanowar Visionary. Some other ramp options include Voyaging Satyr, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Rampant Growth, Arbor Elf, and Utopia Sprawl. Some other bombs include Hornet Queen, Vigor, Archetype of Endurance, Terastodon, Armada Wurm, Gruul Ragebeast, Rakeclaw Gargantuan, Spearbreaker Behemoth, Woodfall Primus, and Warstorm Surge. Some midrange threats are Wild Nacatl, Woolly Thoctar, Spellbreaker Behemoth, Burning-Tree Emissary, and Bloodbraid Elf.

For birds, I'd definitely recommend swapping red out for blue. This lets you play flying buffs like Empyrean Eagle, Watcher of the Spheres, Skycat Sovereign, Jubilant Skybonder, Favorable Winds, Flurry of Wings, and Stolen by the Fae. Some options that stay in white are Sephara, Sky's Blade, Emeria Angel, Midnight Haunting, and Battle Screech. Some additional bird stuff could be Aven Mimeomancer, Pride of the Clouds, Wingmate Roc, Kangee, Aerie Keeper, Call, and Murmuring Mystic. These types of decks generally go as wide as possible, buff the team with anthem effects, and swing in the air for the win.

Cards I see in this deck that don't fit in either archetype are Ajani's Pridemate, Pyroceratops, End Hostilities, Planar Outburst, Star of Extinction, Giant Growth, Moonhold, Double Vision, Furor of the Bitten, and Darksteel Pendant. At least, those are the first that spring to mind as targets to replace first. Anyway, let me know if you have any questions about my suggestions and I wish you good luck with your build!

RobsJourney on Uril Gonna Get Ya

4 years ago

Hey bud, suggestions for some changes:

Lands (I cut the two basic fetch lands, you will be running nice green ramp so won't need em, prob just slow you down otherwise)


Spell_Slam on Rienne's Crusade

4 years ago

Earnest Fellowship is great in a multicolour-centric deck like yours. It's definitely worth including, but it will be somewhat of a nonbo with some of your targetting spells.

Supply / Demand is either a tutor or an army in a can.

Dragon Arch not only tutors, but will put the creature directly into play for you.

Archon of Valor's Reach can save you from boardwipes or spells you know your opponent might cast. Very useful to have in your deck.

Guildmages' Forum can distribute some free counters occasionally. It's not the most powerful card, but it's free value and filtering on a land.

Pillar of the Paruns is also pretty great in your manabase.

Vivid Revival seems like a great choice for card advantage in your deck, though doesn't necessarily do much when your Commander is out.

You're missing out on some multicoloured ramp creatures: Zhur-Taa Druid is such a good ramp card in multiplayer. It ends up dealing so much damage if played early. Knotvine Mystic seems to fit perfectly. You should definitely pick up a copy of Mirari's Wake.

There are a few boardwipe creatures that could interest you: Novablast Wurm and, if you want to be that guy, Realm Razer.

In terms of cuts, Asmira, Holy Avenger, Bloodshot Cyclops, Gruul Spellbreaker and Conclave Cavalier seem like a good place to start. I would start by adding more ramp since this is what you're missing most.

KidEnkidu on A Better Zirda, Will of the Wild? (w/Marath)

4 years ago

pbandjames Skyshroud Elf is cool, but it can't filter colorless mana into green, nor can it be cast with colorless mana, so Prismite works better with the Basalt Monolith lines.

I was wondering if Knotvine Mystic has a place in this list, it can fill the same role as Bloom Tender and Faeburrow Elder for the Zirda + Umbral Mantle line. It would be the worst of the three, though.

dbpunk on Oops all Angels!

4 years ago

My first thing would be to remove Rakeclaw Guardian, Blood Aspirant, Thornscape Apprentice, Knotvine Mystic, Hellkite Hatchling, Earth Surge, Rally the Righteous and Titanic Ultimatum for other things.

Probably a few field wipes and draw spells would help a lot.

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