Talisman of Impulse

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Talisman of Impulse


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: Add or . This deals 1 damage to you.

Crow_Umbra on Totentanz, Kazoo Kid

10 months ago

I agree with lhetrick13, that you could likely focus the majority of your cuts in your creature section. I think another area of focus for potential cuts would lower impact reanimation effects, mostly because this deck wants to make lots of rat tokens. Since you will be making lots of disposable bodies, you don't really need to invest much in single-target reanimation effects.

Also, I think you might want to swap Talisman of Impulse for Talisman of Indulgence. Probably just a mix up in the card selection menu.

Suggestions for potential cuts:

  • Gnat Miser - Reducing opponents' hand size by 1 isn't super impactful in the grand scheme of a game, especially with how commonly (over)played Reliquary Tower & Thought Vessel can be, depending on metas.

  • Persistent Specimen - Basically another Reassembling Skeleton, which it looks like you might've also removed from the list.

  • Burnished Hart - Yes, it can self sac to grab you 2 basics, but that costs 6 mana total to cast & activate. Could maybe even be replaced with another 2 mana rock like Mind Stone, or maybe even Cursed Mirror, which can copy one of your rats for additional utility.

  • Murderous Rider - Doesn't really fit the theme of the deck beyond being a removal spell. Could likely be replaced with another instant like Infernal Grasp or Baleful Mastery if you needed the additional removal.

  • Unearth - Single target reanimation. Doesn't seem like it will do too much, especially since you want to mostly sac rat tokens, and already have a fairly high creature count.

  • Phyrexian Reclamation - Similar line of reasoning as Unearth. It feels like you have more than enough creatures to keep casting, so trying to reanimate doesn't make as much sense here.

  • Grave Pact - Great card, but feels overly redundant with Dictate of Erebos, which has the benefit of surprising opponents with Flash.

  • Diabolic Tutor - I think you can probably replace this with Pact of the Serpent

Those are the most obvious cuts I can suggest at the moment. I think it would be helpful if you take some time to tag the cards in your deck, and what roles they play. Tagging helps me better visualize my categories and helps me decide on cuts and swaps.

If you want to aggro swarm your opponents with Rats, I'd suggest considering Rising of the Day as a haste anthem so your swarms can, well, swarm ASAP. I'd also recommend checking out Cover of Darkness to give all of your little Rats some Evasion, otherwise they will get chump-blocked to death. Ogre Battledriver might also be worth a look, especially since it can buff up your 1/1 rats, and give them haste. Ogre Battledriver has made itself at home in a couple of my aggro token decks for that reason.

My final suggestion is to hone in on if you want this to be an Aggro deck first, with the option to combo out, or if you want this to primarily be a combo deck with Aggro as a "Plan B" to fall back on. Determining that primary focus for yourself will also help guide some of the cuts you make.

Best of luck!

debuf on infinite rats

1 year ago

ok, I just play against my friend with the dragon deck and I think it might need some more mana producers or cheap fear.

His commander is Atarka, World Render, and here are some cards that I now know are in his deck: Foe-Razer Regent, Furnace Whelp, Rapacious Dragon, Atarka Monument, Frontier Siege, Vandalblast, Sweltering Suns, Talisman of Impulse, Akoum Hellkite, Harbinger of the Hunt, Dream Pillager, Sol Ring, Dragonmaster Outcast, Dragonspeaker Shaman, Savage Ventmaw, Dragonlord's Servant, Tyrant's Familiar, Thunderbreak Regent, and Drakuseth, Maw of Flames.

ViscountVonSausageRoll on Punch through

1 year ago

So, I gave this another look since we talked.

I think there's too much theme-consistent stuff vs practical-stuff. For example Mage Slayer is on-theme, but practically speaking it's inferior to Loxodon Warhammer or Blanchwood Armor here. Mage Slayer's primary benefit in a deck is that is deals unblockable damage. Your dudes already are punching through, Mage Slayer is just doubling their power here.

Which could be fine, but Lone Wolf and Pride of Lions have a power of 2 and 4. That's not enough to win the game rapidly anymore.

Blanchwood Armor would fucking destroy here (even more so if you tossed out Talisman of Impulse for even more Forest ramp). Personally I'd cut something out somewhere (Prolly Talisman of Impulse and/or drop down to 2-of Thorn Elemental) to cram in some way of protecting your dudes. Rhox regenerates, but the other dudes are just screaming to get Go for the Throated

HeyImVegan on [Klothys] Pain-chantments

1 year ago

OK, Update Time! :

In addition to the other mentioned cards from the comments that finally got in, i managed to get my hands on some stuff:


Arasta of the Endless Web went in for good Blockers (and it is a Enchantment Creature)

Verduran Enchantress for more Draw with the Enchantment Syergy


Ruination just a little bit too brutal. And put some more NonBasic Lands in

Fire Diamond and Moss Diamond out for Talisman of Impulse

ViscountVonSausageRoll on Punch through

2 years ago

Why Talisman of Impulse over Three Visits? I mean yeah, it's basically the same thing, but with Visits you're thinning the deck out slightly more, and it'll save you the 1 life on occasion.

Lord_Grimm on Xenegod

2 years ago

If this is indeed up to date, here are some thoughts (post Matty games): Since Xenny is 5 CMC, your ramp should be land based 2-3 cost spells only. With that in mind... Gruul Signet < Search for Tomorrow, Thran Dynamo < Rampant Growth, Talisman of Impulse < Harrow, Shadowspear < Hydra Omnivore, Swiftfoot Boots < Dragonborn Champion, Harmonize < Weaver of Harmony. Pretty sure that new red dragon is in the deck, but don't see it in this list... so I won't look at creatures yet. Hopefully these suggestions help.

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