Elvish Clancaller

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Elvish Clancaller

Creature — Elf Druid

Other Elves you control get +1/+1.

, : Search your library for a card named Elvish Clancaller, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.

legendofa on Specific card name effects and …

11 months ago

Apologies for the double post, but I'm finding more, similar questions. Spy Kit is a weird card.

What cards can Elvish Clancaller or Howling Wolf search for when equipped with Spy Kit?

What creatures can be discarded by a creature with Grandeur equipped with Spy Kit? Can Korlash, Heir to Blackblade discard a Gutterbones to search for Swamps?

I guess the general question is, when a card refers to other cards with the same name as itself, are all instances of "CardName" replaced by "this card", or only when it specifically refers to itself as a game object?

mobizque on

1 year ago

wallisface, good catch. I meant to add three copies of Elvish Clancaller. There are a fair number of one-ofs, but that's kind of the point in this janky deck. Because of the changeling focus, and get the perks of as many different tribes as are available. Kolvori and The Ringheart Crest are opposite sides of the same card, so there are two fewer one-ofs than there appears. I suppose I don't have enough tutoring to call it a toolbox deck. Thanks for the review!

Nemesis on Elves

1 year ago

other suggestions: Copperhorn Scout - untaps your mana dudes, is an elf

Wirewood Symbiote - not an elf, but protects your elves

Fauna Shaman - another tutor on a body

Elvish Clancaller - another cheap lord

Oakhame Adversary - card draw, typically cheap

and a couple expensive suggestions:

Glimpse of Nature - if your curve gets lower this could be a great option for going off

Concordant Crossroads - haste for everything would be really good for this deck imo

KBK7101 on Elves- Lathril.

1 year ago

Anthems are cards that generally give your creatures a buff a some sort. Glorious Anthem, Intangible Virtue, Sylvan Anthem. Stuff like that.

On a similar note, the term lords generally refers to a creature that gives the same effect. Elvish Clancaller, Lord of Atlantis, Leaf-Crowned Visionary, Death Baron etc.

A really good card for Lathril decks is Chatterfang, Squirrel General. Chatterfang essentially doubles token generation and could essentially be a budget version of Parallel Lives when it comes down to it. Lathril is a really cool commander (who comes from one of my favorite sets/planes!) and has the potential to be built in a lot of different ways and power levels. Definitely a good pick!

Guerric on Marwyn Elf Stampede

2 years ago

Hi ShredderTTN86! Welcome to the world of EDH elves! When I first began playing what is now my Ezuri, Renegade Leader build six years ago, I made a lot of mistakes, learned from that process, and made what is now a pretty strong list. As such, it think I can offer some help!

To begin with, you said your goal is to offer and Elf synergy list. That was also my goal years ago, and I ran Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury as the commander, but what I found was that it was a weird hybrid between and elf deck and a stompy deck, and its not really possible to do both well. You can definitely make a stompy deck that uses elf dorks and such for mana ramp, but most of your other elven synergies (lords and such) would need to be jettisoned for stompy cards. With Marwyn, the Nurturer you can really do either. If you wanted to go this route you would have just enough elf dorks and token spells to build counters, would protect her with Heroic Intervention and Wrap in Vigor effects, and would use her to dump as many big, dumb green creatures onto the battlefield as possible.

If you want to run true elves synergy, however, you want to cut any stompy creature that doesn't enable your elves (ex. Craterhoof Behemoth makes it but Ghalta, Primal Hunger does not, lower your curve, replace as many lands with dorks as possible, and play lots of elf lords. Keep in mind, elf lords also help Marwyn tap for more mana! I notice that you have tons of artifacts here that do nothing for most of your elves excepting Marwyn. I would probably cut a lot of these and add more elf creatures for a strong synergy build. Super powerful ones like The Ozolith and the infinite mana combo enabling Umbral Mantle should remain (you should also add Sword of the Paruns, which can also enable infinite mana with Marwyn), but even other good cards like Gauntlet of Power should be cut because you can do it better with elves. I think what surprises me most here is the lack of dorks. Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, and Fyndhorn Elves are the backbone of any elf build and core to most stompy ones too. You also don't want to neglect Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf, and Springbloom Druid, which can up your elf count while finding and ramping out lands for you. As far as big mana tappers go, Circle of Dreams Druid, Wirewood Channeler, and Elvish Guidance are better than Gauntlet of Power and Karametra's Acolyte (which isn't an elf). Running synergy means you also want to run a lot of lords, such as Elvish Champion, Elvish Clancaller, Imperious Perfect, Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen, Canopy Tactician, Joraga Warcaller, and Cultivator of Blades will buff both Marwyn and all of your elves, while also putting counters on Marwyn (for a double buff in effect) and moving you towards running your opponents over.

If you are interested, the link to my Ezuri Elf deck is here- Elfpocalypse Now! (Under Construction). The primer isn't finished yet, but even the sections that are there on the commander and on breaking down the tribe might help with the synergy piece. If you decide after all you'd rather just do stompy, there are other great experts on tappedout like Kamerot that can help with that! I hope this helps a bit, and please let me know if you want any additional help or have any further questions!

Sylvarion on Valinor

2 years ago

VVriter47 I think these are pretty good suggestions. I went with 3 Elvish Clancaller, and an extra Forest instead of the entire playset, but I'm going to experiment with this.

wallisface on Modern Competitive ELF Deck

2 years ago

Look pretty solid! I don’t think anything needs changing, but personally i’d drop the Elvish Promenade for 2 Realmwalker and a single Elvish Champion. You want really high creature-density for CoCo, but also having Chord of Calling lets you search for these specific cards in the matchups they’d matter for.

On a similar vein of keeping high-creature density, you could swap out the Sylvan Anthem for Elvish Clancaller

Lord_of_Lords on Valinor

2 years ago

I would replace Sylvan Anthem and Imperious Perfect with a playset of Elvish Clancaller. Imperious Perfect is too slow and Sylvan Anthem isn't a creature (can't be grabbed by Collected Company, doesn't help Elvish Archdruid, etc.). Clancaller is also a mana-sink that fetches copies of itself, which is great.

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